They'll have more access overall. Use of the WELL court when not in use, and the current Nest in addition to the practice Gym in Yosemite Hall will be available for student use.
it might not be an issue. From what I understand, today’s college students are not as likely to play a pickup game of basketball and have a greater expectation of “programmed” activities (they wouldn’t know what to do with an “open gym”). Recreation offerings are tilting toward dance, cycling, aerobics classes, and organized IM leagues as well as non-athletic pursuits like competitive video gaming or live action role play (think a fantasy card game where you dress up and act out the actions on the card you are playing).
yeah man is not the most reliable source.. although Texas state joining or saint Mary’s for basketball wouldn’t suprise me. Dr.mikes comments is more interesting confirming expansion for stadium. Honestly, true or not, all this noise possibly would push announcements out (sooner?)
Yet another question mark for the rumored Sac move to Pac-x or some other FBS conference. Conference athletics are more than one sport. So far in the 2024-25 season, with the completion of fall sports and well into the basketball seasons, only Sac's volleyball team has a winning record. Very litttle likelihood that either of the basketball teams is going to change that.
Granted I was not a math major, but $4.2 million does not equal $100 million very quickly.
The renovation of the stadium seems to be a far cry from the earlier images and more like an expansion of the erector set they have now. This says nothing of the other facilities. My daughter went on the recruiting trips a couple years ago and the deciding factors for her and most others: Off field facilities (weight room, athlete dining halls, athlete lounge/study hall, etc), practice facilities, winning program, stability (Will the coach who recruited me be there in two years?), and education. You are only in the stadium once a week, but the rest of those are every day. Sac has a lot of catching up to do.
So fun fact about these fee increases. CSU has 2 mechanisms for student input on fees. An election or a special committee appointed by the president. He opted for the committee and, wouldn’t you know, they unanimously agreed most of his proposals. They held town hall listening sessions and apparently couldn’t get through his opening remarks before protesters caused his early exit. Not sure if this guy is leading a university or a banana republic. Also, my experience in construction tells me that “phase 3” for the architectural stuff is code for never happening. Of note, one of the things buried in the fee proposal is 1 free ticket to all home athletic events for 3 years after graduation.
I admire his tenacity to improve the “student experience.” Most administrators are pulling away from that. However, he seems to be out over his skis. I maintain that this is a case of grow or die for Sac football.
I agree it is sad that he and his chosen committee ignored the students/protesters concerns to push his agenda to spend their money only so he can be a more famous face and be on tv which he loves to be. He is hoping the PAC buys into their bluffs of big money and the “new” stadium.
for me it’s the lack of transparency. The new fee will raise about $4.2m per year of new money 3 years from now. It’s in a ramp up now. They’re spending $5m on new lights. Great. Where’s the other $95m? Is the plan to issue a $95m bond with $5m in annual payments over 30 years? In which case you don’t really have $5m of new money every year. Like, wouldn’t it be more straightforward to say we want a $200m stadium. We can mortgage half with student fees, we need $50m from Sac Republic for a 30 year lease, $40m from donors and a $10m redevelopment grant from the city. That would be a straightforward deal. Instead you’ve just got another emperor trying on his new clothes in front of all of Twitter/X.
I don't know if this is just circumstantial evidence but I think there are signs that Sac State's baseball team has been feeling a financial squeeze as a result of state budget cuts/other university activities.
One of them is that they curiously play 2 pm (non-conference) and 4 pm (conference) games on Fridays. Now the 4pm game times may be a standard for the WAC (since it crosses time zones), but who exactly is being helped by the 2 pm non-conference Fridays ? UCD did them purely out of necessity in the past. Doesn't help the fans still at work or school. Doesn't help the visiting team getting short-changed on travel/prep time. 2 pm on Saturday is fine. Everybody's already there. Could this be about something as simple as saving on electricity ? Hate to think it's come to that !!
Second, the team isn't travelling out of the state this season for non-conference games, with the exception of Nevada. They don't even go to Southern CA this year. Seems like the furthest south they go for non-conference might be Fresno State.
There also seems to be fewer out-of-state non-conference opponents visiting. There are more what I would call "bus ride" opponents coming in on the weekends. They have weekend games (home and home)each with San Francisco, Pacific, and Saint Mary's, teams they and UCD would typically play on Tuesdays. This may be another cost-cutting move, since neither team has to arrange for accomodations.None of those opponents likely have big baseball budgets eithet and probably appreciate the savings. Not very many mid-week games, some of them are add-ons to their series against these opponents.
It's a lot to assume just from reading a schedule, so I hope I'm wrong.