They'll have more access overall. Use of the WELL court when not in use, and the current Nest in addition to the practice Gym in Yosemite Hall will be available for student use.
it might not be an issue. From what I understand, today’s college students are not as likely to play a pickup game of basketball and have a greater expectation of “programmed” activities (they wouldn’t know what to do with an “open gym”). Recreation offerings are tilting toward dance, cycling, aerobics classes, and organized IM leagues as well as non-athletic pursuits like competitive video gaming or live action role play (think a fantasy card game where you dress up and act out the actions on the card you are playing).
yeah man is not the most reliable source.. although Texas state joining or saint Mary’s for basketball wouldn’t suprise me. Dr.mikes comments is more interesting confirming expansion for stadium. Honestly, true or not, all this noise possibly would push announcements out (sooner?)
Yet another question mark for the rumored Sac move to Pac-x or some other FBS conference. Conference athletics are more than one sport. So far in the 2024-25 season, with the completion of fall sports and well into the basketball seasons, only Sac's volleyball team has a winning record. Very litttle likelihood that either of the basketball teams is going to change that.