• cmt
    More deaths each of the last three days than any day since June 11. I was hoping Tuesday's jump was just due to a delay in reporting from the holiday weekend but it doesn't appear that way. The next few days will be very interesting to see where we're headed considering that deaths generally lag behind cases.
  • NCagalum
    Ich glaube du kennst.

  • movielover
    Are you really worried about asymptomatic 25 years olds, or mortality / deaths? The liberal media is hyping the former.

    Here are graphs with alleged Covid deaths per 100,000 people.



    Another graph I saw added in the #1 geographic area - New York. Take that subset out, they are by far #1, and the remaining US numbers get even smaller.

    BTW, both Iceland & Germany show virtually no transmission from child to child.
  • cmt
    Those charts are from April 15, genius. 100,000 more Americans have died since then.

    Deaths per 100K with over 100 confirmed deaths:

    Belgium: 84.4
    UK: 66
    Spain: 60.8
    Italy: 57.8
    Sweden: 54.8
    France: 46
    US: 41.8

    Of course, our numbers continue to go up while theirs don't. The six countries ahead of us recorded 54 deaths today and 34 deaths on Sunday. We recorded 465 on Monday and 380 on Sunday. We averaged 2.5 deaths per 1M people the last two days. Those countries combined averaged 0.3 deaths per 1M people. So people are currently dying here at 8x the rate that they are in those six countries combined.
  • movielover
    Lotta Millenials out partying, sharing the goods before & after "protesting".
  • CA Forever
    Just so you know you probably mean Gen Z, not Millenials. The youngest Millenials are in the later half of their 20's.
  • agalum

    To be fair, the Lincoln project has one objective, to defeat Trump. Their graph is skewed to reflect this, missing lots of details. And believe me, there are plenty of decisions he’s made that i shimmer over, but the evolution of this virus is forcing many politicians to shift positions frequently.
  • BlueGoldAg
    How is the graph "skewed" since it is simply quoting things that were actually said mostly by Trump but also others and placed them on the graph of the Covid19 infections across time?

    Yes, I do understand the objective of The Lincoln Project is to defeat Trump this fall and Kellyanne Conway's husband, George Conway, is one of the driving forces behind it. What an odd couple! My wife and I would not be together if were that politically divided. Can you imagine some of the conversations that go on in the Conway household? :yikes:
  • fugawe09
    Millennial here. Regrettably we got old and for most of us our partying days are sadly behind (and ahead) of us. While there will always be boys among men, most of us have some combination of careers, kids, spouses, mortgages, and elderly parents to deal with. In the last year I have spent more time on hold with insurance companies than at drinking establishments. For the record, we do not understand Gen Z or what the hell their parents did them either.
  • agalum

    What I’m pointing out is the graph is picking details that they think supports their objective, leaving out other details that may not. That’s why i used the term “skewed.”

    My wife’s late step father was a very conservative aeronautical engineer and worked for a large defense contractor, her mom was very liberal. Back in my younger years, my favorite pass time was to bring up any hot political topic over dinner, then quietly excuse myself. Even though they had very different views on the world, they were happily married for about 40 years before passing.
  • 69aggie
    Just like Mary Matalin and James Carville. How they and Conways do it is incredible. I recall that Mary came to Davis years ago and spoke. Called Carville “my husband the axe-murderer’” because of his looks. Which is quite accurate. But Carville is a very smart political strategist who said yesterday that Trump is so far behind in the polls now that “he probably will pull out of the race’” and added “its all but over for Trump, that he cannot come back from this, and has no chance to win it.” (Or words to that effect) i cant say that I agree with all he said, but interesting that he did say it.
  • Firefan17
    Love your post my man! As a fellow millennial now in my 30's, I think there's a significant part of the population that will forever consider "our generation" as carefree college kids in our early twenties. I wish my life was still that simple and unworried!
  • DrMike
    one thing that most politicians, especially in California, are NOT shifting on is the idea that the demonstrations that occurred during the week just before that upturn had ZERO impact on the surge. If so, I see ZERO reason you couldn’t have several thousand sports fans well spread out at A’s, Giants or Aggie games. Masked, but spread out 6 feet or so.

    That’s my one and only COVID opinion post
  • movielover
    RealClearPolitics: James Carville: Trump Will "Quit" The Race

    Posted By Ian Schwartz
    On Date October 8, 2016

    Mark Cuban agreed.

    Vanity Fair, Sept 1, 2016: The Republican Party Is Committing Suicide

    For the record, I'm not a Republican. Second, Trump isn't an establishment GOP candidate, either.

    It's the establishent "UniParty" members - McConnels (R), Chans (R), Bidens (D) and Clintons (D) - who sold off our country. The USMCA trade deal might be the first deal in decades not written by our crooked Chamber of Commerce / lobbyists / Wall Street.
  • cmt
    Trump's not quitting the race. If he loses, he'll just claim all sorts of election fraud and say the election was rigged. He's already been planting the seeds by ranting about mail in ballots. That's only going to increase as we get closer to the election.
  • 69aggie
    Movie, Biden is up by 5 points in Texas! Totally unprecedented. This is not 2016. Sorry i do not feel your pain.
  • movielover
    :cool: I look forward to the 2-hour debates.
  • 72Aggie
    I'd rather spend a holiday dinner with my in-laws.
  • fugawe09
    Won't the debates more or less LIKE dinner with the in-laws? Old men interrupting each other to argue about things they don't understand or remember, not really seeking to change anyone's mind but hoping to get an entertaining rise out of other people at the table.
  • 72Aggie
    My point exactly. I used to volunteer to eat at the kiddie's table.

    (Some may argue that the debates are better suited for the kiddies' table.)
  • movielover
    They can be fun. Ross Perot livened them up. Sybil Romney cleaned Obama's clock, then took a dive next debate. #Shady. Will Hunter Biden show?

    If Biden wins, who leads the country? AOC, or three angry BLM Marxists?

  • fugawe09
    I think debates are useful when you have candidates with critically nuanced proposals that undecided voters need clarity on. When you have polar opposites it becomes more a spectacle of both sides hoping the other guy makes a disastrous gaffe. I think we should have the debates on the America's Got Talent set and give the moderators a buzzer button every time a candidate won't answer a yes/no question or gives an answer totally unrelated to the question at hand. You are correct that Perot made things interesting and perhaps if ranked choice voting ever caught on, we might see more outside candidates reflective of people's realities become viable. Should Biden win the day, I think he will look a lot like Clinton and Obama in who he appoints to run things, for better or worse. Given the age and health of both candidates, VP picks may be more relevant than most years, and no guarantee Pence gets the nod since he has the charisma of a limp cucumber.
  • CA Forever
    I wasn't gonna say anything, but this is bugging me. What does someone being lesbian have to do with anything? You're starting to cross the line from just having unpopular opinions on this forum to having ones that are downright discriminatory.
  • BlueGoldAg
    If Biden wins, who leads the country? AOC, or three angry Marxist BLM lesbians?movielover

    Generally speaking, your politically reactive comments on this forum are similar to the mind-boggling, defensive spin we have been hearing from Trump's Press Secretaries on a daily basis for the past 3 1/2 years but, with this comment, it appears that your true self has bubbled to the surface and it's tinged with racism. I agree with, CA Forever, you stepped way over the line with this comment.
  • cmt

    It's not tinged with racism. It straight up is racist. And it's homophobic. And it's sexist.
  • BlueGoldAg
    You're absolutely correct. I had the same reaction as you but I was trying to tone down how I worded my comment. Thanks for your honest reply.
  • CA Forever
    Frankly, I hope that the moderators take a look at this one. I've enjoyed talking actual football with movielover over the years, but this is severely inappropriate.
  • 69aggie
    Our nominee for NCAA Woman of the Year is an outstanding and non-binary member of our woman’s soccer team. Does movie think she should be disqualified on the basis of her sexual identification? His comment of late would certainly so. Thankfully, the NCAA does not agree.
  • BlueGoldAg
    Yes, movielover's comment is "severely inappropriate" to say the least but I'm not surprised by it given a lot of what we see him post when he quickly reacts to any comment that he perceives as slanted against his right wing ideology.

    However, it's a tricky position for the moderators when it comes to censuring comments made on the forum. I know there are members who probably feel like it would be best to not even have topics like this discussed on the forum but Covid-19 affects everyone including our Aggie athletes and all the Aggie sports that we support and enjoy. I would hate to see the entire thread shut down because an inappropriate comment of a single member especially since this is the Off Topic category.
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