• 72Aggie
    I don't have much to start this off, but thought it better to have a thread here on the OT Board part of the site than to have comments inserted into sometimes otherwise irrelevant discussions on any of the other areas.

    Just a short note on how it affects UCD. Have a friend/relative/known associate/arch enemy...who works on campus in a dorm related capacity. With the bulk of students not returning to campus for the spring quarter the dorm populations have declined and things like the food service have consolidated resulting in employee layoffs.
  • fugawe09
    I hate to see people lose jobs, but I would venture there are tough times ahead for state agencies as a drop in tax revenue reverberates through the next fiscal year. Perhaps perspectives will change as to what jobs are “critical” moving forward. Also wonder if some students (and staff) might opt to stay online only/work from home permanently and how that might change the university’s structure.
  • movielover
    Big changes.

    So we've gone from a potential 2.2 Million deaths, to 200,000 deaths, now to possibly 61,000 COVID deaths? (Currently at 17,000 deaths.) And many of the victims were / are obese a/o obese chain smokers with additional underlying health issues.

    Legitimate nationwide shutdown or media Hysteria - either way, I believe many agree we need to bring critical industries home, like drugs & PPE equipment. And our national stockpile will soon start receiving roughly 75,000 new ventilators from Phillips & GM.
  • 69aggie
    Quoting Captain Trump of the RMS Titanic:

    There isn’t any iceberg.
    There was an iceberg but its in a totally different ocean.
    The iceberg is in this ocean but it will melt very soon.
    There is an iceberg but we didn’t hit the iceberg.
    The iceberg is a Chinese iceberg.
    We are taking on water but every passenger who wants a lifeboat can get a lifeboat if they want them and they are very beautiful lifeboats.
    But passengers need to ask nicely for the lifeboats if they want them. We don't give lifeboats to nasty people.
    We don't have any lifeboats. We are not in the lifeboat business.
    Passengers should have planned for icebergs and brought their own lifeboats.
    I really don't think we need that many lifeboats.
    If we had any lifeboats they would be our lifeboats, not the passengers lifeboats.
    The lifeboats were left on shore by the last captain of this ship.
    Nobody could have foreseen the iceberg.

    From Reddit.com

    And we lastly have:

    The Narcissist’s Prayer

    That didn’t happen.
    And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
    And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
    And if it is, it is not my fault.
    And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
    And if I did.
    You deserved it!

    Just a few bites to chew on as we hunker down in our bunkers. By the way, the Titanic Captain did go down with his ship.
  • movielover
    You forgot a few gems:

    January 29, President Trump closes travel from China, saving tens of thousands of lives.

    Joe Biden disagrees with the decision, and calls Trump a xenophobe.

    New New York City Health Commissioner Oxiris Barbot, Feb 2 presser: “There is no reason not to take the subway, not to take the bus, not to go out to your favorite restaurant, and certainly not to miss the [Chinatown] parade next Sunday.”

    Barbot, Feb 2: "“I want to be clear, this is about a virus, not a group of people. There is NO excuse for anyone to discriminate or stigmatize people of Asian heritage. We are here today to urge all New Yorkers to continue to live their lives as usual,” she said."

    Barbot, Feb 7: "Barbot argued in a local TV interview on Feb. 7 that the city is “telling New Yorkers, go about your lives, take the subway, go out, enjoy life.” "

    Mayor deBlasio, Feb 10th: " “Since I’m encouraging New Yorkers to go on with your lives + get out on the town despite Coronavirus,” de Blasio told his Twitter followers on March 3, no more than two weeks before likening the outbreak to a type of world war that required nationalizing industries."

    "“I thought I would offer some suggestions. Here’s the first: thru Thurs 3/5 go see ‘The Traitor,’” de Blasio said, referring to a 2019 crime drama about the life and times of a Mafia mob boss."

    February 29th President Trump restricts travel from Iran; and more restrictions on South Korea & Italy.

    [The Hill, Feb 29.] "Fauci and others described the current risk to the American public as low but noted the situation was evolving and that more cases were expected."

    March 2: "The facts are reassuring,” the New York mayor said during a March 2 press conference alongside New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo."

    2015: Governor Cuomo had an expert emergency commission recommended acquiring 16,000 ventilators for a likely future flu pandemic. Cuomo's decision?

    Direct the commission to set up rationing criteria. No new ventilators acquired: but $5M spent on the K Street Bridge, and $800 Million for a Buffalo solar experiment."

    Daily Signal: "New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and his top health official were telling citizens to take the subway and attend parades months after President Donald Trump restricted travel to coronavirus-plagued China."

    Lov Gov Cuomo, March 1: "There is no reason for undue anxiety—the general risk remains low in NY. We are diligently managing this situation &will provide info as it becomes available."


    March 12 President Trump closes off travel from Europe.

    March 19 Northern California lockdown.


    Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger saw national emergencies. His decision? He purchased 23,000 hospital beds, 2,400 ventilators, supplies, and 3 giant, portable emergency hospitals.

    Governor Jerry Brown: during the recession, he depleted the emergency stockpile to allegedly save $2 Million in rent & maintanence. Brown & numerous officials refused comment; some suggest some supplies may have been sold to other countries.

    Source: Los Angeles Times

  • 69aggie
    If you are interested in exactly what the Trump administration was thinking all along from the beginning of this crisis of incompetence and inaction, Google “Red Dawn emails”. Read what Trumps own medical experts were saying. No edits. These are the actual emails they wrote to each other. They are staggeringly scary. Note the email about “Historic understatements” i.e. “Napoleons retreat from Moscow: a stroll that went astray; Pompeii: just a little dust storm; Hiroshima: just a bad sunburn” etc. Again these are Trumps guys own words. No editing or opinion from me here.
  • cmt
    Don't feed the Trump troll.
  • BlueGoldAg
    You only need to look at what the early, smart and aggressive action that Governor Newsom and Mayor London Breed took to see how effective it has been to saving lives in California. The Bay Area was an early hotspot in the nation and the shutdown of 6 counties early on has worked remarkably well. There have only been 12 deaths in San Francisco to date because of the early shutdown order. Lives have been saved by smart people who respected the knowledge and advice of disease experts and medical professionals.

    The following video is nearly a month old and thousands of people have died since then. It shows the arrogance and incompetence with which Trump and his administration have mismanaged this tragic pandemic. Thousands of deaths and massive suffering could have been prevented if they had listened to the experts back in January about the impending risk of the emerging virus and acted quickly But, then again, given what we've seen in the last 3 1/2 years, I'm not surprised...remember he was telling his base at a rally that the Democrats were fear mongering about the virus and it was a hoax...

  • movielover
    It's not so simple. This CV virus is particularly fatal for older, obese men, and specifically African American men with comorbidities. The City has a miniscule black population. California also has approx 6% or less AA, far less than the US average if 12.5 - 13%.

    New York has a density I believe no other US city has. And the city / state let 4 hospitals close in a small, dense community.

    Just a few examples. But yes, glad Cuomo - or the Louisiana Gov - aren't our Governor. BTW, the WHO & China lied to us for a month.

    Edit: it'll probably be a few years before all the data is in, and the serious scientists can break down what happened.
  • 69aggie
    You are right. The Trump troll has an insatiable appetite for repeating the misinformation and outright lies of the Trump administration. He does not even recognize or give any credence to the actual facts. Just a bunch of conspiracy theories, victimization and pointing the finger. Just like his dear leader. So sad.
  • movielover

    John Hopkins study: U.S. was more prepared for pandemic than any other country

    Bill Mitchell@mitchellvii: "I don't understand the criticism of Trump. By Fauci's own modeling, Trump has already saved over 2 million American lives from certain death."

    BTW, Drs. Fauci & Birx aren't infallible, both married to big Hillary supporters, and the Wikileaks dump included emails where Fauci expressed his "love" for HRC. Just sayin.

    P.S. AG William Barr on the John Durham criminal investigation: "“My own view is that the evidence shows that we’re not dealing with just mistakes or sloppiness [Comey alibi], there was something far more troubling here; and we’re going to get to the bottom of it,” Barr stated. "
  • 69aggie
    Just a thought:
    “We all know it is a fool who tries to play it cool.”
    Who knows where that phrase came from? Sorry. You have to be pretty old! Happy Easter to all. Just trying to keep calm. . . .
  • movielover
    Lubacy! New York State Health required nursing homes to ADMIT or RE-ADMIT COVID19 sick patients!

    #2. Then, they couldn't even ask about their CV status.

    NY nursing homes accounted for almost 25% of NY CV deaths.

    Kicker: the USS Comfort & Javits Center sat near empty.

  • cmt
    Just inject the patients with bleach or some other disinfectant. That will the solve the problem.
  • Goags20172
    I'm hoping that some of these COVID- 19 precautions become permanent practices, as they are common sense. Many restaurants have filthy dining rooms. Hopefully this will force them to clean up their acts. Disease transmission aside it's just plain unpleasant to have to endure the nuisance behavior of others up close and personal. If I don't know you, then you should be a minimum of six feet away from me. As far as I'm concerned bars (not bar/restaurants) and clubs can just stay closed. Every day a bar or club is not open I figure at least one poor decision per venue (such as drunk driving or going home with a stranger) is prevented. That's at a bare minimum.

    Realistically though, bars and clubs do provide a significant amount of tax money, so they'll be back. Two thing that should definitely be enforced are drink and time limits. Say the bar cuts you off at two drinks or 30 min ? If the bar serves actual meals you can stay a bit longer if you have dinner there. I don't know how they would effectively enforce limits, but just some ideas people will kick around.
  • fugawe09
    Things I hope stay—

    • +1 on the 6ft rule. We have a lot of NY/NJ transplants in my area and they still don’t get it.
    • work from home - I can do 40% of my job and Mrs Fugawe can do 100% of her job from home. We are much happier without the aggravation of a commute.
    • online order for pickup - I’ve realized I actually prefer not talking to anyone at restaurants sometimes. And some stores like Home Depot and Best Buy are pretty good about telling you online if an item is in stock so you don’t waste a trip. Grocery and houseware retailers need to figure this out because the instacart model doesn’t work.
    • telemedicine - for routine items like renewing a prescription it is much better to have a video chat with the doctor rather than taking time off work to sit in a room full of sick people. Likewise, a video call with the pharmacist feels more private than trying to talk softly in a busy Walgreens.
    • cleaning shopping carts - should have always been a thing.
    • limiting number of people and party size in stores - makes shopping more pleasant for those of us who want to be in and out. Was so tired of families descending on the grocery store with 2 kids in soccer cleats running amok, mom taking on speakerphone, and dad just staring into the dairy case like it’s Narnia. Get out of my way, thanks.
    • booze to-go - my state is allowing bars to serve to hard drinks in to-go cups and liquor stores to do home delivery. And nobody is really checking IDs because everyone has a mask on. Drunk driving is actually way down. Hope this can stay if people can keep their heads about them. It’s not a horrible thing to have a 32oz margarita delivered to my back porch.
  • movielover
    Very, very sad.

    New York Post: This nursing home disaster is on you, Gov. Cuomo: Goodwin

  • 69aggie
    I think Newsome has stated that there will be no Summer.or Fall pro sports in CA. does this mean no college sports as well?
  • cmt

    Can’t really blame him. I mean, Covid-19 is basically just the flu, and probably not even that bad. What are you going to do, shut down all the nursing homes every time someone has the flu?
  • movielover
    Both Cuomo and Newsom seemed to have the same approach - protect the young and healthy, and insert elders infected with CCP19 Virus into nursing homes. Dunno. Seems kinda backwards.
  • 72Aggie
    I'm all for putting my kids in a nursing home now, so that they will have a little better understanding of them when they decide it's time to put me in one.
  • movielover
    The NFL, NBA, & MLB putting out tentative plans for holding contests.
  • 72Aggie
    CSU campuses to remain "on-line only" for fall term.
  • 69aggie
    Think about the pressure Napolitano is getting from Cal and UCLA not to follow the CSUs and to permit football to proceed in 2020? They are desperate as the financial implications for them are huge. Cal is so far in the red already, I don't see them ever recovering from no football in 2020. I also don't see her as particularly subject to pressure as she is retiring very soon,
  • movielover
    The fatality rate for those under 30 is phenomenally low. I don't have it at hand, but I was looking at a graphic for Covid deaths ... primarily over 70 (with comorbidities), and even more pronounced over 80 years of age.

    Contra Costa County currently has only 16 Covid patients in the hospital, and the peak was 47?

    The State budget will take a massive hit, and Garcetti is talking about keeping LA County shut down another 3 months?

    From Patrick Moore, one of the original founders of Greenpeace who left the organization. Food for thought. Great twitter feed.

    Patrick Moore@EcoSenseNow

    "Clear evidence that countries with lockdowns had higher mortality from Coronavirus than countries that did not. Also warm countries tended to have lower mortality even though they had fewer resources. Open the economy - save lives!"

  • cmt
    It's almost as if there are outcomes other than:

    A: Dead
    B: Perfectly healthy

  • fugawe09
    Suppose the season were cancelled at all levels. Makes everyone 0-0, right? With the fickleness of determining an FBS national champion, do you suppose every single school would get to hang 2020 National Champion (tie) banners? Might be San Jose State's best season ever. Of course Bama would make the case that they were slightly more champion than anyone else based on literally no evidence.
  • movielover
    How about half a season length, 100% playoffs, single elimination, playoff structure for a true national champion? FBS & FCS. One warmup match.
  • fugawe09
    A true national champion determined head to head would be great and should be something FBS figures out in general. In what you suggest, the most entertaining part might be the Monday morning excuses where some big names would be out in round 1. Hopefully we learn more in June about what the powers that be are actually considering. It will be a challenge to get 50 states, just as many university systems, and many more localities on the same page. Just in our conference we have 6 states. If travel isn't going to work, maybe every team should be included in a football video game and we can have the computer run the matchups. Presumably we might find Ron Gould on the platform under the username Befuddled1.
  • 69aggie
    Heck, just move all the games to florida says Florida governor ron DeSantis. We will welcome you! I recently posted that Janet napolitano is under pressure to let the UCs play ball. I was wrong. This is a decision that is governor newcome’s alone to make. And if you think he doesn’t have the power to say “no” read this. UFC249 wanted to schedule a ESPN t.v. Only bout in california in may that newsome couldn’t stop. So they were to hold it at an Indian casino/hotel in Lemoore where the calif. sports commission has no jurisdiction. Big problem: ESPN is owned by Disney. Disney and newsome are very tight. Newsome calls Disney and the fight is cancelled. So 2020 calif. sports will be newsome’s call and I don’t think he will want any covid19 blood on his hands that he was empowered to prevent.
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