
  • UC Davis Athletics Joining Mountain West - Football to Follow
    Don't be disappointed if the move to FBS is not announced after this year's FCS championship game. I saw it pointed out somewhere that the move to the MWC is not for two years yet and the Aggies will be hoping to be in the playoffs again next season. If they were to announce the move to FBS now, they would be ineligible to participate in the playoffs next season. Hopefully the announcement will come after next season's playoffs.
  • Quarterfinals Week 16: UC Davis (11-2) @ South Dakota (10-2)
    I apologize for diverting this thread from where it should be focused; South Dakota.
  • Quarterfinals Week 16: UC Davis (11-2) @ South Dakota (10-2)
    That's my point. Even though we existed before UCLA, we started as an extension of Cal, whereas as far as I know none of the other campuses did. The older campuses initially had various names before becoming UC <whatever>. UCLA became UCLA in the 20s. Davis had various names before becoming UC Davis in 1959 when the Regents declared it to be a general campus of the University.
  • Quarterfinals Week 16: UC Davis (11-2) @ South Dakota (10-2)
    I was in the band two different years when we did that skit. My roommate played the part of Cal Davis. However, we needed a first name that made sense. He had to be "Handsome Cal Davis", not "Handsome Uck Davis". Also, back then we still weren't all that far removed from when Davis was an extension of Cal. I'm guessing the intentional move away from using Cal Davis has been to emphasize that we are a separate campus with our own identity, just as you would never say Cal LA or Cal Santa Barbara. We seem to be the only UC campus besides Berkeley where people want to stick a Cal at the front of the name.
  • 2024-25 Men's Basketball Pre-season Discussion
    We no longer have polling places with lines waiting to vote on election day up here in Washington. We already have our ballots and can only vote by mail or dropbox. We can vote any time we want between now and the official election day. So that should not impact attendance. I'm hoping to attend the game and check the early election results during timeouts.

    UW basketball has a new coach and a lot of new players this year. A friend who is a Husky fan said they have low expectations for the team this year. So there may be low attendance, but probably not because of the election.
  • MBB: UC Davis (7-5) at Hawai`i (9-3) Thurs, Dec. 29, 8:59
    I have not seen any official reason for the Hawaii games starting at 8:59, but have always assumed that it was because if the game started at 9:00 PM, it would be Midnight in the Eastern time zone, which would be the following day. By starting at 8:59 PM, the games can be listed as starting on the same day in all US time zones, avoiding possible confusion as to which day the game is scheduled.
  • MBB: UC Davis (4-1) at Milwaukee (2-3) Sat. Nov. 26, 2 pm
    The Milwaukee site has links to YouTube addresses for watching the other two games that are not on ESPN+.
  • Week 5: #9 Eastern Washington @ #11 UC Davis
    Last year Big Sky TV was definitely better. Pluto TV kept freezing. Pluto TV is much improved this year, but still occasionally freezes. I keep both running so that if one freezes I can switch to the other, but tend to just stick with the more reliable Big Sky TV.

    What's odd is that Big Sky TV is just showing the Pluto TV feed.
  • Week 1: UC Davis @ Idaho
    Watching on Big Sky. It comes up with some other game, but you can select UC Davis football on the right.
  • Week 1: UC Davis @ Idaho
    Both Big Sky and Pluto streams are working for me now.
  • Week 1: UC Davis @ Idaho
    Last year I had better luck watching the stream on Big Sky TV instead of Pluto TV. It's the same stream but Pluto TV had a tendency to freeze while on Big Sky TV the stream continued. Here is the link for Big Sky TV, The game will be listed on the right.

    I have a very fast Internet link, so I bring up both streams and watch whichever one is working.
  • Start of season to be delayed
    It looks like I won't be going. The forecast is for heavy snow this weekend over Snoqualmie Pass. I have a good vehicle for snow, but I really don't want to deal with it. Hopefully it won't be long before the Aggies are back up at Eastern Washington, Idaho, or Portland State again. I seem to remember the Aggies have Washington coming up on the schedule in a couple of years. My situation has changed such that I should be able start attending the games up this way again. I can take the new light rail system to go directly from my house to Husky Stadium. So I definitely plan to attend the Washington game.
  • Start of season to be delayed
    It looks like I was mistaken. They are requiring tickets to be bought in sets of four, but the price for four is $32. The site doesn't explain it, but I'm guessing this is their way of selling every fourth seat to enforce social distancing. I had read earlier that they planned to allow a reduced number of fans. So now I'm seriously considering going.
  • Start of season to be delayed
    They will be allowing fans at the Idaho game, so I looked into getting tickets and making the trip over from Seattle. I've had both doses of the Covid-19 vaccination and feel relatively safe attending the game. I haven't physically attended an Aggies game in several years. However, the ticket site said they were only selling tickets in sets of four. At $32 each, that's $128. I'll pass.
  • MBB: CSU Fullerton (6-13, 1-3) at UCD (8-11, 2-1) 7 pm Wednesday, January 22nd
    ESPN doesn't show that the game has started. Their score feed must be dead too.
  • MBB: Aggies (2-1) vs Arkansas State (2-1) 5:30 pm Friday 11/15
    I don't think this one is on ESPN+. Their game on Sunday will be on ESPN+. As far as I know, Facebook was it for this game.
  • MBB: Aggies (2-1) vs Arkansas State (2-1) 5:30 pm Friday 11/15
    and the delay is due to a volleyball game prior to this game. What a way to run a classic.
  • Bad press for the Band-Uh!
    I believe the last time the band was missing was during World War II when the campus was shut down and taken over by the Army Signal Corps. However, as far as I can tell, there were no football games during the same period either. So the last time they were not at a home game was likely in 1930. A pep band was formed that played in the stands in 1929, then no band in 1930 due to a lack of interest, and then reformed and active from 1931 on except during World War II. There was an Aggie Band prior to 1929, but it's history seems to be sketchy.

    Here is an interesting quote from a history of the band:

    The frustration with not having a band of their own can be seen in a 1926 editorial in the California Aggie entitled "Why Can't the Cal Aggies Have a Band?" If the Cal Aggies had a band, then they would be viewed as more than just a "cow college," but a respectable, modern school.

    I guess we're back to just being a "cow college" now.
  • Week 4: UC Davis @ North Dakota State
    Concerning NDSU moving to FBS; I remember reading somewhere on some forum last year, Bison fans responding to this saying that NDSU would love to move up to FBS, but because there is no FBS conference with enough schools close enough to Fargo, no FBS conference would want them. No FBS conference has enough schools that would want to have to make the trip to Fargo. There are also concerns that having games in Fargo does nothing for recruiting for the other schools because it's not a big metropolitan area. I don't remember for sure, but I think they said the Fargo Dome itself was not an issue.
  • Enhanced Game Day Experience
    With no band and no steam engine, what happens after a touchdown?


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