
  • COVID-19
    Movie, its a universal problem that the homeless and the drug abusers are attracted to cities and the more affluent the city the better for them. On a recent trip to Ireland on the first night our Dublin airbnb was broken into and a lot of our stuff including most electronics were stolen. It was all on CCTV and the dummies didn’t even bother to cover their faces. They were picked up the next day in line at the downtown methadone clinic one block from the heart of beautiful downtown Dublin. All the loot already sold. Crossing the River on all the bridges there were countless beggars, mostly Roma people, and most gave a bit, as did we. As we traveled to much poorer Western Ireland there was very little crime and no one asking for a handout. Yes, we need to address the homeless crisis in our country, but an humane way. Why not a trade: a universal basic income payment? OK then you have to stay off the street or be arrested. Basically thats what Germany does- don’t see many beggars there for sure!
  • COVID-19
    This is also a story with some potential legs because it is so unique. Europe has many more small towns the size of Davis who could try to replicate this and which have a national health system to carry it out. None seem interested at this point. I cannot think of another similar city in this country which could do this or even had the will to try it either. Anyone thinking of moving back to Davis? Think again. Nothing available. Still waiting for the vac in Sonoma. . . . . . Davis, such a sorry lib town.
  • COVID-19
    Interesting how the NYT scooped both the DE and the Bee on this rather significant story. Very hard to find an upbeat story in these Covid times. But then the Bee thinks Davis is just a snooty title college town, so why bother? DE: no idea. . . .
  • COVID-19
    Interesting story in the NYT over the weekend about how the university is basically trying to protect the entire city of Davis from the Covid virus. Big project and as the article says: “Big Science.” Davis has over 30% of the Yolo County population, but only 15% of the Covid cases. So, seems to be working. Sorry, cant link the story. Maybe someone else?
  • COVID-19
    Fug, you make a very subtle and powerful point. California is still going too slow. Why? I will say that california has a very decentralized public health system- basically every county is on its own. Why? No answer. Maybe An outdated vision that CA is just big to do to statewide health. I think very wrong now. They could start with regional areas built around the state Covid response program. Maybe around the UC/Stanford/USC/Loma Linda Health Systems which are statewide and built around the right population centers. IMHO
  • WBB Hosting UCSD 3:00 Today
    The comparisons of Sage to Morgan are bound to come up. Too soon to say, but at this point Morgan was a big inside force. Very good speed. Great leader. Her spin move was completely unstoppable. Sage is a better defender. Stronger and better rebounder and blocker. Better outside shot as well. I’d say they are about equal in talent in their junior years. That said, Morgan improved a lot in her senior year and has continued on as a pro. IMHO.
  • Southern Utah to WAC?
    Wow. Already taking about FBS and a bowl game! Why the disrespect for Weber? SUU president wont stop for gas in St. George because he “despises” Dixie so much. Very weird. But thats Utah for you.
  • WAC announces expansion and return of football, but at the FCS level.
    Obviously not in the league of the Big Sky/Big West. Heaven knows why SUU went there.
  • Montana, Montana State opt out of spring FCS championship season
    How does Dixie State fit into this? WAC or BS?
  • Spring Schedule
    Sonoma county just extended its lockdown “indefinitely”. It has very similar stats to Yolo and a similarly minded CHO. I would expect Yolo will follow suit. More likely to affect MBB and WBB than football due to being an inside sport.
  • COVID-19
    Good work cmt, 72; keep it up just to keep the record straight. Sadly, movie has chugged down the Kool Aide. No way he is going to be turned around; the truth be damned.
  • Physical Education eliminated
    I think that square dancing was a PE class back in the day.
  • MBB: William Jessup at UC Davis, Friday, Dec. 4, 4:00 PST
    Unfortunately, the fact that Sac State is so lamentable as noted above has the curious effect of bringing down UC Davis’ media exposure as well, at least with regards to the Bee. Ever notice how the Chronicle covers Cal, Stanford, USF, Santa Clara and even SF State with a mostly very positive approach? Not so the Bee. The Bee established an editorial policy regarding UC Davis way back in the ‘60-70’s time frame. Before that, UC Davis was just a good Ag school- nothing much to write about. But then everything changed when the new law school, new medical school, GSM came on board together with a very much enhanced L&S College together with huge new research efforts that even made headlines in the Bay Area. So the Bee decided it would basically just either not cover UC Davis/Davis stories or to cover them in the worst light possible. Otherwise, the stories out of UC Davis would overwhelm the local Sacramento journalistic landscape. Ever wonder why the Bee covers even Picnic Day by emphasizing all the negatives first: number of arrests, public drinking, any negative fraternity events, number of police officers needed on campus, etc. very little positive at all. This goes on even today. Front page news in the Bee this week: “UC Davis Fraternity hosts spreader event party amid Covid pandemic.” Never mind it never happened as was later proven. No report on that. UC Davis Health will be one of the first hospital systems in the state to get the Covid vaccine for the Sac area. Big prestigious news for the Sac region? Not for the Bee. Zero coverage. I thought mistakenly that with the new Bee ownership this might change. Not so. So you are not alone AggieOutcast, you are right on it!.
  • Physical Education eliminated
    On the subject of generational differences, daughter just texted me this: what the hell dad is wrong with you? going to a PE class to meet up with people is a very good college experience. You are so lame.. well. Maybe I am just that. Or did I get it in that dumb PE class? Great subject to discuss. I would invite the state legislature and Governor to come to the ACR and do some active workouts. You know, work off some of those French Laundry calories you put on. . . .
  • Physical Education eliminated
    Fug, I respectfully disagree. I took some PE at Davis (golf- basically driving balls on the IM field)and archery (best way to meet the girls!). The instructors were for the most part just going thru the motions. Very little gained- except for the gals!. Daughter went to UCD as well and had the same experience. She took bowling to meet the guys. In those days there was no ARC and no real campus recreation program except for IM teams (which I loved). Now it is completely different and if we have to have some budget cuts to endure then let it be here and not with ICA sports or campus recreation. If the state legislature has the time and interest to weigh in on UCD’s PE program we are all in big trouble!
  • Kevin Blue Leaving
    I would not be surprised to see Desiree Reed-Francois of UNLV on the list. She is very highly respected as UNLV’s AD. She is Hispanic and she is doing an excellent job at UNLV. She is also very well known to our new Provost who was just hired out of UNLV. A long shot would be Tiffany Grimes out of Alabama. Probably well known to Chancellor May from his time at Georgia Tech. Tammy Smith
    -Jones out of UC Riverside might be a good choice as well. She is very highly respected AD at Riverside. Last but not least, there is Daryl Gross at Cal State LA. Former Aggie and I believe he was a finalist for the Davis AD spot before Blue was named. Thats just the tip of the iceberg. The Davis AD job is a choice opportunity position for many up and coming young assistant and associate ADs across the land. Also, May is well known and respected as the Davis campus’s first black Chancellor and the only one in the UC system. Yes. Expect diversity in this new hire.
  • Kevin Blue Leaving
    Very sad to see this, but as has been said, it had to come sometime. 5 years is a long spell for an y AD these days. I think that May is probably the most savvy chancellor we have ever had when it comes to athletics. He seems to really grasp its importance. I think the list of applicants to replace him will be impressive and we will find a quality new AD very quickly. Good luck to Kevin and thank you!
  • MBB: UC Davis v. Idaho State, Bronco Inviational at Santa Clara, Saturday, Nov. 28 1:00 pm PST.
    Some of the touted new recruits have seen no action to date. Ran Pehka and Hainsworth have not played. I know its very early. Redshirts for both?
  • WBB: USF (0-0) @ Aggies (0-0) Nov 25, 2020 3pm
    I could watch this game. BWTV said my device does nit support it. Never saw this before. I use a ipad. Any thoughts?
  • 20/21 WBB conference schedule released
    I thought that I read that NCAA had waived the scholarship limits. So just the schools have to come up with the n ew money for the extra year. Just my memory which is subject to some doubt these days.