
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    I predict ORST finishes in 4th place or better next year.
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    I know people get excited about this stuff but first half in the season operer. ..This stuff is supposed to be fun, but is it fun to nearly have a heart attack over a football game no fans will remember in a few months ?
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    I wonder if Crump calls the krump the "me dance" ?
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    Making assumptions about the rest of the season based on one half of a game :(
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    A football game is being played ! Let's go Commercial Lions @
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    No, the field is not named for the Aggie head coach. It bears the name of Ernest Hawkins, a legendary figure in
    Commerce history.

  • Evaluating the athletic department
    I think UC Davis spreads itself too thin financially by having so many sports programs. Fewer programs but do them all well. The problem is (and I'm sure the university has run into this wall before when faced with budget cuts) how you would even begin to scale it back. You can't really cut a women's sport without cutting multiple men'sports, and there are already significantly fewer men's sports. You could cut football but what would the point be in that ?
  • Evaluating the athletic department
    Ah yes, I remember now. I never have to Google directions there so it's just that building you can see from the baseball field which used to be Rec Hall. Thank you for the reminder. That's not a whole lot better, still pretty generic. If I'm not mistaken Saint Mary's College's arena has almost the same name. They opted for Pavilion.
  • Evaluating the athletic department

    I felt the basketball arena had more character and personality when it was Recreation Hall. They gave it a sterilized look to make it D-I worthy. But the name is so stupid and empty that even Recreation Hall would be better (at least it implies that fun is had there) Pavilion is a pretentious nothing word applied to the names of buildings to make them sound special (also fieldhouse). At least name the freaking building after a generous alum or something.
  • Soccer halftime update
    Lol..Holstein Classic. You must have cows on the brain from attending so many athletic events.
  • Volleyball statement win
    Now there's an idea. When UCD is out of town Aggie fans can go to Sac State to root for whoever is playing against them.
  • Sacramento State Illness and Death Stadium
    I know of a way to make it safer and stick it to Sac State at the same time. When the game is held at Sac State don't go. Seriously, if all Aggie fans boycotted the games in Sacramento Sac State fans would have no one to be obnoxious to except each other and the UCD players (whom they would abuse anyway). And Aggie fans wouldn't be pumping money into Sac State. If Sac State fans pulled a return boycott in Davis out of spite they would just be doing UCD a favor.

    Of course there are reasons this doesn't work. For example, here are always family and general fans who would go regardless to support the team. A person can have fun ideas though. I have come to the conclusion that no sporting event is worth putting up with an abundance of unpleasantness and incovenience. I haven't attended a Causeway Claasic in decades.
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    Not your fault. For what it's worth I thought it was a humorous assessment of the times in which we live. Government has and will continue to exert its influence over college athletics, and this was an example of something that actually could happen. People say they don't want to read about politics but the truth is it's in everything and as long as an opinion doesn't dominate the topic or attack any other users it's a potentially interesting take. Others disagree but guess what-this is a discussion forum If everyone were supposed to talk about the same things in the same way this would be an agreement forum.

    Let's face it, all this pre-season chat has about as much practical value as trying to guess your Christmas presents. Why not throw in some humor to break up the monotony of posts based on the tiny leaks of information from so-called sports experts ? This whole topic if you reduce it down to its most basic is just the product of bored people who are impatient for the game to be played. None of this insight is worth a cent once the season starts. But it gets some people by so I guess I'll just go sit in the corner and once again regret daring to express an opinion that veers from the path.
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    I'm sorry, but I don't take orders from other message board users. You could have asked politely and I would have let it go but now I'm going to say something .

    The last time I checked I have freedom of speech and I was not directly disrespectful to any members in my post (unless the Gov is a member of this online community, in which case sorry to hurt your feelings Gruesome).

    So let's recap what happened. Dr Mike made a sarcastic joke and I acknowledged there was some truth to the joke even though I knew it was a joke. I even stated I was done. If I were you I'd ask myself why I feel the need to try to correct a stranger who clearly wanted to vent harmlessly. Priorities. So now this sub-topic has been extended two additional posts because two users decided to police others. I see things everyday I don't want to see. I pass them by. Scroll past the message. Not that hard.
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce

    Both of us know it's not Newton. I even put it in quotes. There's auto-correct and there is also messing up someone's name intentionally because you do not care for them.

    Besides, I have seen you post off-topic multiple times before and I haven't said anything. This is one of those throwing stones in glass houses situations.
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    I think Dr. Mike was just using sarcasm and it provided me an opportunity to talk about the lunacy of CA. I got it out of my system..for awhile LOL.
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    But "Gov. Newton" is alright with spending taxpayer dollars travelling to Central America to "learn about the suffering" and he has no idea how they feel about the LGBTQ community or abortion. What a hypocrite ! I didn't vote for that greasy slimeball either time.

    I could actually see that forfeit happening. CA has collectively lost its mind. I would move but I believe as a longtime Californian I posess the vampiric mark that causes those who move out to try to turn their new state blue even though they swear that's the reason they left.
  • 2023 Week 1: UC Davis @ Texas A&M Commerce
    TAMUC wins by 28 because Texas teams get it their way in Texas, except when they play each other.
  • Quick Reaction or Well Thought Out Plan?
    That's ok. I didn't have a favorite candidate anyway lol.


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