USD Fans Yeah so here’s what I know. The group was two rows in front of us rooting for usd in general and for #7 specifically (he’s from Fairfield so that makes sense). One woman was very loud and bagging a cowbell against the metal benches, which made a terribly sound. Not faulting them at all for rooting for their team. But one Aggie fan asked the loud woman to stop the banging (not the cheering). She did for a while but resumed and actually moved a bit closer to the woman who complained ( this did not feel intentional, just some fluid movement during the game). Aggie fan then started to complain louder. A friend of mine went to intervene, again just asking her to stop the banging. Lots of talking and finally my friend went to get security. Security never showed but a police officer showed up about 10 mins later. He talked nice to the usd fans, who seemed to be a little upset but things cooled down. Aggie fan moved ( or left) and the usd fans left soon thereafter. It could have gotten ugly but fortunately cooler heads prevailed.