• VirginiaAggie12
    Exactly, and do we really want the country thinking Sac State is the premier University in the region? If Sac State makes this move I really do think UCD will have to consider not having football, and without football, yes women's sports will have to be cut to maintain the Title IX balance.
  • ucdavisaggie05
    Regardless of how the university is perceived, it’s the back end of your post that I can see coming to fruition if Slack makes the jump solo.
  • Wookie
    The Tedford years were exciting times for CAL Football. It precipitated the long overdue remodel/earthquake retrofit of Memorial and the building of the performance center. Post-Tedford, it has been a struggle. Subscription seating did not go over as well as expected and debt payment has been supplemented by their general fund. Now that they have jumped to the ACC the stakes are even higher. Is this something UCD wants to do? Granted not on this scale. I value having academically minded athletes. We play in a well respected Big Sky Conference. This realignment will only dilute the quality of play.
  • BlueGoldAg
    If you know this as a fact then please tell us the total cost estimate and the a breakdown of the sources for the funding. I saw a statement that said there would be an increase in student fees but no money would come from the general fund.
  • ucdavisaggie05
    Kadeezy, I’m going to need an introductory paragraph, three supporting paragraph, and a conclusion as well. Kidding.

    Good on Slack for going for it. We may be doing the same if our aspirational AD was still here.
  • BlueGoldAg
    “It’s about time, right,” said Orr, the Sacramento-raised AD who was showing off his Hornets green tie. “It’s about time we build a stadium worthy of its campus and community. It’s time for something new. When President Wood first got here last year, he asked me what we need to be the best of the best in athletics. We need a new football stadium, new facilities, more athletic scholarships. The first step of the plan was to get a football stadium and today, we’re announcing that. That’s a tremendous, tremendous step.”

    The price tag for the grand proposal, which would make Hornet Stadium the largest sports venue in the capital region, was not disclosed though Wood said the funds from a variety of sources including donor funds and future naming rights was “secured.”

    Read more at: https://www.sacbee.com/sports/college/article293047689.html#storylink=cpy
  • BlueGoldAg
    Portland Aggie explained a way to get an X (former twitter) post to show up as a post in our forum a couple of days ago. I just tried it and it works perfectly.

    1. Click on the "up arrow" in the lower right hand portion of the original X post.
    2. Then click on the "copy link" that pops up.
    3. Then to post the X post in a topic here, click on the twitter icon (the bird) in the top row of icons and paste the copied X address into the "insert tweet" box that has opened.
    4. Now edit that address and delete the X.com in it and replace it with twitter.com and hit the GO button.
    5. The X post will now load and show up in your post.

  • SochorField
    These kinds of posts sound like an athletic department insider (employee of a public university) has some hurt feelings.

    Look, this 'ain't your front porch. I am not your guest when I attend games at my alma mater.
  • yolohw
    I stand by entitled as a possible description. I believe when you pay your college tuition you are making an investment in yourself and not so much the university. The university in turn invests in you by allowing you to make use of its limited academic resources. It's more of a transaction. And when you are done with your studies and no longer have any official role with the school you shift to being an external customer. An external customer can participate by spending or donating money.

    But does an external customer have any right to tell a university how to conduct its business ? They can withhold or threaten to withhhold business (to include donations)if they don't like something the school is doing. Or maybe complain about it on social media or go protest. Does a customer have a right to influence how an athletics dept is run beyond voting with their wallets ? A question that has multiple answers. I say no. You can spend or donate money to support the success of the program but beyond that it's none of our busineß

    When we attend athletic events are we going more to support the student-athletes or because we enjoy the experience ? Both can simultaneously be reasons but despite what people might say, probably the 2nd choice. Would you go to UCD football games if you didn't enjoy the experience ?

    I would also disagree that being a top university requires being top-notch in sports. Obviously don't make the football team play at the old Toomey Field, but UCD has a fine football stadium. There isn't this huge untapped market of people who would support UCD athletics except that their opponents are uninteresting.
  • SochorField
    Just a personal opinion, and an unpopular one I'm sure- but I don't think we really have the right to any input on future facilities or the direction of the athletic department.yolohw

    This is Division 1 athletics. Everyone has an opinion, and will continue to. The opinions will get louder with time and perceived inactivity by the athletic department.
  • SochorField
    And when you are done with your studies and no longer have any official role with the school you shift to being an external customer.yolohw

    You may have a hard time understanding the concept of an Alumni Association...whereas, the university reaches out to graduates with the "Aggie For Life" slogan.
    The University wants to cultivate a community of people who care about their alma mater. And so should the Athletic Department.
  • yolohw
    As to my role, swing and a miss, or should I say incomplete pass ? You most certainly are a guest once you are no longer a student or employee (Don't know anything about your background so can't say if that describes you) but please continue to believe the opposite if that way of thinking suits you. I didn't imagine I would change anyone's mind when I posted. I merely shared my opinion because I have the right to do so and I felt like it. If you think I was offensive I welcome you to report me.
  • SochorField
    I don't think you are offensive. I said you sound offended by some frustrated diehard alums.
  • ucdavisaggie05
    Go play intramurals, brother. — Dan Hawkins

    We might as well…..
  • PortlandAggie
    You’re on a fan message board, relax a little and enjoy it.
  • yolohw
    3 responses. That must have really gotten under your skin. Sorry about that. I will make sure to only agree with you going forward. Deal ?

    I'm familiar with the alumni association. You pay dues, and you get to do things like helping to provide scholarships and raise money for university enhancements. Still a front porch (pay to play) thing, although it has better refreshments and more perks not available to the general public. If you go to alumi.ucdavis.edu the landing page has a few offers of member-exclusive trips.

    Have you noticed the location of the Alumni Cent ? On the edge of campus and not really close to the center. Kind of symbolic in a way.

    There is a line between caring and obsession. From reading posts on here it is apparent that some have crossed it.
  • yolohw
    I'm on the side for enjoying what we (they actually since it's not mine) have and making reasonable and sensible improvements. This thread early on had some knee-jerk reactions to Sac State, as if it's an arms race of some kind. I've enjoyed presenting an unpopular opinion. That people have expended energy arguing against it tells me that they stopped and thought about it regardless.

    And I will heed my own post about caring vs. obsession and let it drop for now. Thanks for playing along everyone.
  • movielover
    UCSD is ahead of us in several academic rankings and nobody has even heard of their no-name football team.
  • DrMike
    they don’t have a football team
  • SochorField
    Your opinion that those of us who attend Aggie football games (as alumni or otherwise) have no right to tell a university how to conduct its business is a weird one.

    Your opinion is welcome, of course. (welcome to the boards!)
    But I will repeat, a Division 1 athletics program should be ready, and expect, a lot of pressure from fans/alumni for progress and results. I don't think there is one D1 Athletics Director or Department in the country that expects anything different.
  • agalum

    Remember when we were paid a boat load of money when USC decided not to play us after we had a contract? It was the USC alumni that did not want to play a FCS school. So those external customers so to speak, the USC alumni, were heard by their athletic department which cost them about 1 M. So no, were not external customers. There’s tons of examples of collaborations between UC Davis and your so called external customers (alumni). I’ve sat on a few advisory boards as an alum. These boards provide leadership and advice regarding a variety of topics. I just don’t follow your logic.
  • NCagalum
    regardless of which view is taken, it’s going to take a lot of money, whether it comes from big donors, naming rights bought by corporations, or whatever endowment money is available for a allowable expenditures. I suspect the pushback at USC about playing an FCS school had financial (as in I won’t donate) implications.

    So whomever has money or has connections to money will always have the greater influence.
  • BaseballAtDobbins
    They should play at Sutter Health Park (Raley always). What's one more team with artificial turf and horrible management (sorry I'm still bitter about that).
  • LeFan

    Your response to the Yolo poster kinda sinks your viewpoint. USC’s athletic department is funded by donors, sponsors, the media deal, and people that attend games. UCD’s athletic department is funded by current students and the central campus. There is an obvious difference between those two stakeholder groups. Fox and people that donate north of $1m per year to SC football decided that game would not be played. At Davis, as an alum you are obviously entitled to an opinion but until your opinion is shared by a stakeholder group that moves the needle financially, it really doesn’t matter.
  • LeFan

    Not when you’re insulated financially because your supporters don’t actually support you with money. Plough has talked about this publicly.
  • Aggie Pride Podcast
    opinions matter by all. Money talks. But often times it’s the talking, that leads to the money. And money can come from a variety of places as we all know. And yes, Plough realizes he as a HC needs to be aggressive asking for money. Hawkins did this as well. It’s the power of the ask. If you never ask, you won’t get it. It’s easy to share opinions, that we all also know. Actions speak. By the university and as a result, by the supporters following their lead, whatever that lead is.
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