• BlueGoldAg
    I should have muted it also. I could have saved myself some frustration and choice words I had for the color guy when I just wanted him to shut up!
  • Toke69
    I assume that's Metzger-Johnson grabbing at Andre Kelly's head?
  • DrMike
    UCIs Turner was suspended a game for his post-game antics, so I’m guessing Metzger-Jones might be missing more than one
  • BlueGoldAg
    Post-game quote from Coach Pasternak:

    "Anytime you get 18 assists, you’re really sharing the ball," UCSB head coach Joe Pasternack said. "We shot 61%; basketball is a game of percentages, and the team with the best percentages wins. I thought our second half defense was great as we held them to just 40%. These factors are ultimately why we won the game."

  • Gauchofreg
    Was at the game and can share a perspective from a Gaucho fan.
    One, the initial shove from Andre Kelly is absolutely what started it all and, in looking at just that possession, there did not seem to be anything that would have prompted it. I will say that it was completely out of character for AK, he had not been in any arguments, dust-ups, etc all year. The only other thing I recall was him coming to the aid of Ajay Mitchell after he had been intentionally fouled by a big on the other team. and I can't even remember the opponent now.
    Two, Ty Johnson over-reacted and escalated the situation far more than it needed to be. I imagine there was a great deal of frustration on Davis's part at that stage of the game.
    Three, with no punches thrown, I personally felt that the ejections for that game of both players was appropriate but no further suspensions were warranted. Obviously, the BWC felt different.
    Four, Coach Metzger-Jones is the individual bearing the most guilt in this situation. Grabbing and shoving a players head to the floor when that player is defenseless due to being wrapped up by another player, is very far in the wrong. Plus, he is a coach and should be leading by example. Very disappointing as he is a former Gaucho coach and SB fans have generally been supportive of him. I expect he will receive a multi-game suspension and I wouldn't be shocked if it were for the rest of the season.
    Five, you will get no argument or disagreement from Gaucho fans on the play calling from Jerry Pimm, the 80 yo play-by-play announcer for UCSB. Mixed feelings as he coached UCSB to its greatest moments back in the late 80s/early 90s but he is generally awful in this capacity. Sadly, and to reasons no one really knows, he replaced a fantastic announcer in former Laker (and Gaucho) Don Ford who was knowledgeable, unbiased, and quick on his feet in assessing the action. He is sorely missed.
    Six, on a positive note, the rest of the game and the post-game handshake line were without incident and the players did a nice job of shaking hands & speaking to each other. I hope that nothing carries over to the rematch in Davis.

    Edited to add: Several Gaucho fans who watched on TV have said that Johnson had been pretty grabby all game, including grabbing Kelly's jersey that play and it seems that is what got Kelly frustrated with him. Absolutely doesn't excuse his action and UCSB missing him before the 1st place showdown with UCI on Wednesday will really hurt the team.
  • DrMike
    agree to agree. That’s what it looked like from the limited video. Ty is very emotional. Can’t that sportsman Russ Turner would try to bait him next week.
  • movielover
    Really odd move by the assistant coach.
  • BlueGoldAg
    I think your summary of the whole incident is a very fair assessment and, honestly, I don't think any "bad blood" is going to carry over into the next game in Davis. I'm just hoping we can play as well as we are capable of playing and, if we do, it could be a very good basketball game.

    As Mike noted, TY is an emotional player but not in a bad way. Like many talented, highly competitive athletes he plays hard and with emotion as any coach would want him to and, if anything, he seems to me to be pretty hard on himself. I wasn't surprised by his reaction when Kelly floored him. I think he's got a little bit of "Chicago street ball in him" and he reacted quickly in the heat of the moment even though Kelly towered over him in size.

    It's apparent that TY's not going to "back down" to anyone which could be a liability for him if opponents think they can get under his skin. There's a lot of little, irritating things that can go on between players during the game that, as fans, we really don't see happening and TY will need to learn to play on without getting too caught up in the heat of the moment. He has a ton of potential and is still growing into his role with the Aggies. Jim Les demands discipline and personal responsibly from all of his players and he'll provide sound guidance for TY as he continues to mature and grow as a young man both on and off the court.
  • agalum
    That incident wasn’t the first shove to the floor by Kelly. There was an earlier similar shove to the floor with no reaction by TY. Les went wild that there was a no call on that one. I’ve never watched Kelly before so i have no idea if this is typical for him. But i agree with the fact that TY plays with emotion. I believe he got a technical in an earlier game.
  • Toke69
    Being a Cal fan, I've seen Kelly play a lot and he is sorely missed by the Golden Bears. In all those years, I never saw a hint that would predict the way he acted toward Ty on Saturday. I really appreciated the post from Gauchofreg, whose perspective seems very objective and laudable. I hope Gaucho fans get a new color guy by next year.
  • BlueGoldAg
    I remember seeing another Aggie getting shoved pretty forcefully by an SB player while the two of them were getting up from the floor. There was no call and Les erupted. He was talking to the ref during a TO just afterwards and the ref seemed to acknowledge the shove but thought it was a no-call. I couldn't tell which SB player was involved but the ref obviously felt it was just incidental contact.
  • BlueGoldAg
    The nightly news on KCRA channel 3 in Sacramento did a piece on the "brawl" as Del Rogers, the KCRA sportscaster, called it and he made it look like only the Aggies were at fault.

    While showing the video of the "brawl," Rogers essentially summed things up by saying that TY Johnson and an Aggie coach were given suspensions for their actions. He said nothing about Andre Kelly starting the whole thing by blatantly knocking Johnson to the floor or that Kelly was ejected from the game and given a suspension by the league also.

    Then Rogers went on to say that the "benches cleared and punches were thrown" which did not happen at all. That statement is 100% false. No players from either team left the benches and no punches were thrown.

    This was a very inaccurate piece of reporting that made the Aggies look bad and made the whole incident look worse than it was. So much for truth in broadcasting...
  • DrMike
    I only see Del’s reporting when we’re up in our cabin but I’ve never been impressed by his journalism!

    Maybe cuz he reminds me too much of Perd Hapley from Parks and Recreation TV show
  • Gauchofreg

    About when in the game did you see the first push? I actually re-watched the game last night, specifically looking for stuff that would have precipitated the dust up and thought the game was fairly clean up to that point. I disagree with my Gaucho brethren that Johnson was overly grabby, although he was definitely yanking on Kelly's shorts to which Kelly responded with the hip check in the dust-up. Prior to that he was not being all that more handsy than what you see in typical guard defense at least in my eyes
    I never saw Kelly shove or hip check a player before the one on Johnson
  • Toke69
    It just occurred to me that to be really fair, the league (if it carries out both suspensions) should suspend the two for the rematch on March 2. Any suspensions prior to that penalizes both teams while benefitting any opponents they will play. I wonder if any Big West people have thought of that?
  • Gauchofreg

    That is a terrific idea but it is less straightforward than simply suspending players for the next game. I'd guess that only around 1 in 3 times would a pending rematch be in the cards.
    I also learned that it is an NCAA rule that players are automatically suspended the following game if ejected. This wasn't a BWC decision, it is a requirement.
    But going back to your idea, I think that would be great to implement in the case a future game between the opponents was on the schedule for the season.
  • Toke69
    Maybe the NCAA should change its rules.
  • BlueGoldAg
    I don't remember all the details exactly. I'd have to watch the replay of the game to see if I could catch it again. It occurred during a change of possession and SB was heading up the court so there was just a fleeting moment that you could see it in the upper right of the TV screen since the camera moved quickly to follow the action.

    It looked like an unnecessary push by the SB player and, if I remember correctly, it occurred about midway in the first half. I can't even tell you which Aggie and SB player were involved but agalum seems to think Johnson was the Aggie player involved.

    An Aggie and a SB player were on the floor and, as the SB player was getting up, he pushed the Aggie player away. It wasn't overly flagrant but did look unnecessary and could have easily been called a foul. Les wasn't happy with it but the ref thought it wasn't a foul.
  • Gauchofreg

    That may have been when Wishart fell on Debruhl who had cut under him in chasing for the ball. The ball remained in play going the other way so Wishart popped up quickly to get down court to defend. He happened to push down on the unbalanced Debruhl so he rolled a bit but, in my eyes, it was super minor and in the flow of action. Basketball is a physical sport. Les was complaining to the refs during the next dead ball but it was unclear if it was regarding the over-the-back foul called on Debruhl when he fouled Mitchel or if it was the action with Wishart.
  • BlueGoldAg
    That was probably the play. It's true, basketball is a contact sport.

    My biggest pet peeve regarding the contact is how often the defensive player is called for blocking when the offensive player initiates the contact by jumping into the defensive player. Unless the defensive player is set like a unmovable rock and the offensive player hits him like a ton of bricks, the defensive player usually gets called for blocking foul. I think it puts the defensive player at a distinct disadvantage. It's generally a bang-bang play and a tough call for the officials but it generally favors the offensive player.
  • DrMike
    not surprised. Glad it wasn’t for the whole season
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