• Zander
    Posting in the basketball forum since masks are going to be required for games based on current policy.

    Seems to me this is a clear opportunity for ICA and/or the Bookstore -- sell fans the thing they need to comply and also make it spirited. And yet there's almost nothing. There's a plain white one with the wordmark on the Pride Outlet website. Bookstore had a "CA" one at some point, then apparently it sold out and it's not listed. On the bookstore website a student appears with a blue "Aggies" mask, and yet it's not apparently available anywhere.

    Am I missing something, or is this a huge oversight?
  • 72Aggie
    It's a huge oversight. I agree. I'd buy one.
  • Zander
    Asked the merch store at the game; they weren't selling masks of any type.

    Meanwhile I think I saw like 4-5 variants of UCD-branded masks on campus yesterday. Very strange.
  • Fiat Lux
    I personally think this may be part of a bigger issue surrounding UC Davis gear. I have searched both the online student store and the athletics hosted store and neither one ever seems to have a ton of great gear that I would love to buy. Seems like you have to go on campus to get anything decent and the best stuff I’ve seen seems to only be available on game day. I think the university and athletics is really missing an opportunity to put out well branded products. If anyone knows of a better place to get UC Davis branded clothing, hats, and other items, let me know.
  • agalum
    I bought some from the UCD store on Amazon.
  • DrMike
    We stopped in campus bookstore on Sunday and were underwhelmed. Downtown is often better, but I think online is best option. We were looking for kids shirts for grandkids since they had nothin for them at the game (except $50 jersey or cheerleading outfif!).
  • Gunrock47
    UCD has done a really poor job over the years getting its branding out and plastering the norcal area with ucd symbols. Obviously Davis isn’t Berkeley. But it still makes me go “ugh” when I see more people wearing Cal gear in Davis than folks in Aggie gear. Don’t know if this is a pride thing or if people just get tons of giveaway goodies. What happened to Aggie Pride?!
  • agalum

    Driving through Montana, seems like every store carried Montana State or MT gear. Woodland Costco and Dixon Walmart carries some of our branded shirts, socks, and other items.
  • Gunrock47
    I will say, Costco now carries Aggie gear. Target too. Hopefully that helps spur some gear wearing.
  • 72Aggie
    I live in Sac. Regrettably the local Target carries you-know-who t-shirts....and a couple of years ago the local Raley's was carrying reusable bags for you-know-who. I contemplated driving to Davis. Used to be an annual trip to the bookstore. Maybe time to do it again.

    Saw UCD facemasks on Amazon, but they had the recently retired horse profile logo (RIP). Would like the "lemon CA" and prefer gold. We're a UC, not Penn State, Kentucky, or BYU.
  • zythe
    I have to say that our stores/marketing team do a horrific job of coming up with designs. I may be in the minority here but I absolutely hate the double font logo.

    The only saving grace for me is the CA fishtail logo which I love. I’m not sure if Hawkins brought that back, but whoever did deserves a big thank you.

    Can we please get a decent classically looking license plate frame like the other UCs?
  • 69aggie
    Maybe Bob Dunning is right. We are just not “BIG TIME” enough to be able to sell or design a lot of this stuff. Who cares? We serve a great purpose at the FCS giving a lot of players the ability to play top level football. Our Olympic sports are incredible. We have a very good PR image as a university. People love UC Davis. Just not our STUFF that much. Again: who cares! IMHO.
  • Zander
    The double font logo makes perfect sense to me as a header or on the med school stuff but was rightfully replaced for all the athletics branding.

    I'd be fine with any gear I buy from here on out having the lemon CA or script Davis honestly, both are timeless. I've noticed a cursive "Aggies" making its way into some branding as well and I like that
  • 72Aggie
    A visit to the campus bookstore for Aggie gear used to be an annual event for me. Haven't done it in a couple of years, but just this week I found lemon/comet CA logo facemasks on the bookstore website.

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