• agalum
    OC Aggie This is unbelievable...I can't imagine a major Aggie sporting event without the Band-uh...incredibly sad for Aggie fans...

    Amen. Thats exactly why I said earlier that I felt like I lost a good friend. I’m still hoping some of the banduh show up with instruments :).

    I have no idea why my quotes are posting multicolored.
  • fugawe09
    Rumor is that the University is paying the Mandarins. Can’t verify that, but if true is an outrage. For decades didn’t give the band-uh a cent and now to replace so easily.
  • movielover
    No Band-uh, no students, no Grad, no Aggie Hosts ... who are we, Cal State East Bay?
  • Oldbanduhalum
    And for most of the games this year, no Pint the wonder dog. His owner is on sabbatical.
  • OC Aggie
    According to the Facebook page for Cal Poly's band, they've been told that UC Davis can no longer host them for the game against Poly.

    It's bad enough that the university kept its own band from going to away games... :roll:
  • smarterray
    I’ve started commenting on all Facebook posts by the Athletics Department telling them to bring back Band-uh because it negatively impacts the team and the alumni who pay to go to the games. If you see me, pile it on!
  • smarterray
    (I'll try to keep it civil though).
  • NCagalum
    who are we, Cal State East Bay? Shared this with my wife. She is a Hayward State CSUH CS East Bay grad. She replied Hey, we don’t have a football team.
  • NCagalum
    thanks old band alum! I can tell you the trombones we’re out of tune on Hail to California fanfare.
  • smarterray
    Just got an alert on my phone that says the Band-uh Facebook page has been renamed from "Cal Aggie Marching Band-uh" to the "UC Davis Marching Band." And so begins the cleansing process...
  • Bige70
    Nothing to see here. Just UCD's version of Chairman Mao's cultural revolution. Move along...
  • BlueGoldAg
    So the purge begins...
  • OC Aggie
    Yeah, the name's been changed but it don't mean $hit until the band is ACTUALLY ALLOWED TO PLAY AS PROMISED. Depending on whenever the university hires a new director, we might not even see this band for months, possibly after football season is over.
  • movielover
    Let me guess, Campus Rec will ask for more staff / larger budget to "manage" the Band.

    Will away travel increase?
  • NCagalum
    time for the band to break out the Shostakovich (under Soviet times) - “we will rejoice-we will rejoice!”
  • movielover
    When was the last time the Band was absent?
  • Russ Bowlus
    For a home game? The second half of the Sac State Lightning game, maybe?
  • movielover
    I've seen pictures going back to WWII!
  • BaseballAtDobbins
    They came back for that lightning game. They were the only ones in the stadium at the end of the game.
  • OldAggieAlum
    I believe the last time the band was missing was during World War II when the campus was shut down and taken over by the Army Signal Corps. However, as far as I can tell, there were no football games during the same period either. So the last time they were not at a home game was likely in 1930. A pep band was formed that played in the stands in 1929, then no band in 1930 due to a lack of interest, and then reformed and active from 1931 on except during World War II. There was an Aggie Band prior to 1929, but it's history seems to be sketchy.

    Here is an interesting quote from a history of the band:

    The frustration with not having a band of their own can be seen in a 1926 editorial in the California Aggie entitled "Why Can't the Cal Aggies Have a Band?" If the Cal Aggies had a band, then they would be viewed as more than just a "cow college," but a respectable, modern school.


    I guess we're back to just being a "cow college" now.
  • fugawe09
    Latest news is that the administration has caved to some pressure and will allow the Band to have a “coordinated presence” at the next home game, specifically they may stand together and lead coordinated cheers but no instruments allowed “for the safety of the students.” Write your letters folks because this is looney. 1. The alleged misconduct was at private parties, not any band performance. 2. If we have decided it is “safe enough” for the band to now congregate in a very public setting, why isn’t it safe enough for them to play? The drum major has confirmed a whole season’s worth of shows are written and ready to go.
  • movielover
    Can this go on Facebook, out to the Grid Club, TeamAggie?
  • BlueGoldAg
    This whole thing is becoming absurd!
  • agalum
    no instruments allowed “for the safety of the students.”

    These so called administrators are delusional. Ive encountered dysfunctional admins on campus. From what I've seen, they have a tendency to rule based on what their boss wants. My guess is that May is calling the shots from behind the scenes. Maybe Hexter supported the banduh?
  • movielover
    Because of alleged events a year or more ago, in private lives, launched by some people who have publicly stated an agenda (and the alleged perps can't reply or question the accusers), the major change is the Administration takes control of the Band. That's the takeaway. Do I have this right?

    And now that the Band shows class and supports the football team as instrument-less students, and the team supports the Band, Administrators are trying to micro manage that?

    Can they bar Band members in limbo from attending football games?
  • fugawe09
    You’ve got it on point. Here’s where it gets interesting and the real motives are coming out. The Band-uh has a $1M endowment fund that has specific language saying it can only be spent on a student run band and if the Band-uh is ever shut down, basically the alumni band board decides what happens. Kicking the alumni band off campus in the same swipe, the university is now attempting to steal the money and is saying the chancellor can override donors wishes anytime. Donors are screaming and the university has basically told them to pound sand. Don’t know where Gary May stands on this but Vice Chancellor Emily Gallindo is buddies with all the retired admins from the 90s that hated the band so she may be in his ear. It appears more and more this action had nothing to do with assault victims, that this was just a politically convenient reason.
  • NCagalum
    Debated about bringing my “hell yes” shirt to Fargo and looking for UCD administrators/lawyers and strutting by them. Left it home. This endowment thing is an extra point I did not know about.
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