And before it was the Grad it was ???
(Jekyll & Hyde's)
Also recall many meals at Nation's Giant Hamburgers, particularly when the dorm food wasn't going to do it. Back when I was there, and men were men and...well, hamburgers were $.65 and cheeseburgers were $.85.
I'm also a regular reader of this website but I never post anything. I'm a current student and am pretty thrilled about this game. I am trying to get a lot of my friends to go, but most of them are in the Band-uh! so they'll already be there. Hopefully at least a few other of my friends will go. If they don't, they'll miss out.
I plan on it. I'm at every home football game and just about every men's and women's basketball game. A couple years ago I had no interest in sports, and reading these posts actually helped me get really into it.
Welcome to the boards and keep spreading the word and to help get those students out to game. It's time for the current students to get a historical taste of what it's like to have Aggie Pride and support this team and have a blast at the same time!
It looks like we could get a few brief showers now and then this afternoon but a downpour is unlikely unless a strong cell pops up and settles over Davis.
Looks like I won't be able to leave Sacramento to head for the game with my friends until 2 pm..dang it...I wanted to get there earlier. How's the crowd looking in the tailgate area?
I have seen a lot about the game, but I'm also in Band-uh! so I hear about the games all the time and I might be more likely to notice football stuff than the average student. They had a table inside the coho where students could pick up tickets, right inside the west entrance where there's a lot of foot traffic. That struck me as a great place to have something like that. I've been seeing a lot of stuff on Facebook, but I like a lot of pages that put that stuff out so I'm not sure how much the average student sees.
As a Band-uh! alum myself I would sure as hell hope that they could send at least a skeleton band... just something to show some effort in making it there for the team.