• CA Forever
    This is mostly a non-story but something I found interesting at the same time. Apparently the Hawk started blocking a whole bunch of Colorado fans on Twitter today. This news made it around some CU social media platforms and as a result he now has a huge influx of CU fans following him. Seems kinda of weird that CU fans still have this unusual obsession with him. Like, I get he was bad when he was there and that program has a much larger following than Davis but I have a hard time believing that in 7-10 years I will find myself going out of my way to trash Gould on Twitter just because he did poorly while he was here. Pretty child like in my honest opinion and also telling as to why Hawk was blocking them.
  • BlueGoldAg
    Shortly after Hawk was hired I took a look at their football forum just to see what Colorado fans were saying. There was a thread about his hire at Davis and, I'll just say this, there are some members there that were saying some pretty ugly things about him. Most of them were still riled up about a loss to Kansas, I think, in which they believe Hawk left his son in the game just so he could set some records and, in doing so, squandered a huge lead and lost the game.

    It was hard for me to believe that their forum was allowing their members to post such inflammatory and rude stuff. I'm certainly glad we have a forum where the members are generally very respectful in their posts even when they are not happy with the way things are going.
  • movielover
    Odd. I thought they even reached 4 wins his last year, a high point. I think when they blew a 28 point lead to Kansas, the biggest implosion in program history, it was a huge turning point. He continued to have his son throw the ball, some believing in order to break some school records.

    The few articles I've read go back to his son as QB. This article has some interesting, player, off the record comments. Players here also complaint about not having their names on the jerseys, and not getting a voice.


    Cody Hawkins was also kind of flippant with the press after one loss, the only article were I read numerous comments from him.
  • CA Forever
    I was honestly pretty surprised about some of the stuff I read today. I just can't imagine being that upset about a football game pushing a decade later. Some of the folks were I think honestly confused about why they were being blocked... maybe you shouldn't harass a guy for several years after he has left the program. Not that I had a real opinion of CU before today, but it sure went down.

    There were several problems there during Hawk's tenure. I've even read some stuff from CU fans, looking back on the situation, that Cody wasn't a main problem. In fact, he was probably one of the better players on a bad team. The QB isn't entirely responsible for giving up a 28 point lead. Gotta blame the defense too. People always look for a scapegoat after a big loss and QBs are easy targets no matter how well or poorly they played.
  • movielover
    I agree, I wish our former coaches nothing but the best.

    I agree failure has many fathers, but it sounds like that game gave certain fans an easy to explain hook to hang their emotions and anger on. The old axiom is to run the ball, and burn the clock, when you're up that big... so with little information, continuing to throw (if that is what they did) does seem odd, esp. as the lead was reduced.

    I'm sure Coach Hawk has learned from that, and it sure looks like he has brought in a stellar cast of assistants. I an very impressed with what I have read about Tucker and Speckman.
  • aggie6thman
    Maybe that's why he started a second Twitter account?
  • CA Forever
    Hadn't thought about it, but that very likely could be the case. If that is the case, CU fans should be ashamed.
  • aggie6thman
    How can you tell that he started blocking people?
  • 72Aggie
    Check out the USC fansites. Trojans feel about Paul Hackett like CU fans feel about Hawk. Hackett is referred to as "He Who Shall Not Be Named."

    Fight on for dear old Gryffindor!
  • CA Forever
    CU fans were posting screenshots of themselves having their accounts blocked from him. There were several pictures and others responding saying that they had been blocked as well.
  • movielover
    Have they ever heard the phrase "Get a Life"? They seem obsessed by him... let him go, they had a good season, move on.
  • CA Forever
    That was definitely what I was thinking. I mean, we would post memes and stuff on the board about Gould, but I don't think anyone in this community had actual malicious or hateful feelings about him. Even during the thick of his train wreck tenure I don't think I could ever had taken to twitter to personally insult or cut the the guy down. These are adults and it's really sad to see them act this way.
  • CA Forever
    Here's an article one of the CU websites put out on the situation. I still find it entirely too strange that they seem to care this much. I don't get it. You can also go to tweets on Hawk's twitter account where people have left comments telling him what a failure he is, ect...

  • movielover
    Marijuana is legal and heavily used in Colorado, right? ... that, and maybe a lack of sunlight? Cabin Fever?
  • movielover
    It looked like I couldn't even comment on their "blog"... ironic? ... I thought about emailing the obsessive writer, asking why he can't chill out... any thoughts?
  • agalum
    Not worth it.

  • ucdavisaggie05
    Pass. I'd be pissed if the CFP rankings screwed me out of a trip to Pasadena, too.
  • BlueGoldAg
    Not worth it. +2

    You know the old saying, "You can't win a pissing contest with a skunk."
  • movielover
    Is that why they have their knickers pulled tight?
  • SochorField
    The entire thing is childish.......
  • 69aggie
    maybe somewhat of a minor relevent point, but (if true) according to my brother-in-law who lives in boise and who absolutely loves hawkins, his entire family never moved to boulder when he took the cu job, but stayed in boise because they loved the town so much. apparently, they still live there now. again, if true, this may not have sat well with the true believers of cu. recall that tumey never moved to davis during his tenure and that was not at all condoned by the aggie community. now, BIL admits this is mainly based on grocery store sightings of the wife and family and hearsay, but may have some truth to it. hawkings was and still is revered in boise, so why move? hope he moves to davis! BIL is a UCD grad. . . . .but adds: "boulder is a lot more like davis that boise!" is that trouble? I don't think so as hawkins knows davis and is a cali guy.
  • movielover
    His wife and oldest son Cody were there.
  • OldAggie
    This is old news. Who cares about what may or may not have happened with Cody years ago. I want results here. As I always said with Gould, give the man 3 years, if it's not getting better, then we have to look a different direction. If he had a problem this summer, this fall, or next year, we can talk about it all day.
  • 69aggie
    M- brother-in-law does not dispute. Believes they just kept their home in boise and were there from time to time. Boulder not that far from boise. I have no doubt his family will move to davis.
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