• SoCalAggie
    Can we talk about our Uniforms for a second! These are the best jerseys we've had since like... EVER! We finally look like we didn't place our order at Goodwill. Sweet designs, fitted. I think something as simple as uniforms goes a long way for a program. Helps with recruiting, gets players pumped etc. these feel Oregon-esque and I hope we continue in this directions. Loving these!
  • CA Forever
    I like that we have some different options and we're getting a mix of retro and modern design. The grey uniforms we debuted at Stanford were clean. It will definitely help with recruiting, but I just hope we don't get out of hand with it. I still want to have an identity with our uniforms. Oregon wears a different uniform for basically every game of the season and I think you start to lose your identity when it gets that excessive.
  • smarterray
    I like the respect for the classic lemon CA & block CA, as well as the old Davis script. Ditch the Arena Football logo. Not as collegiate; no history. I agree with CA Forever about identity. That said, keep winning and you can do whatever you want with your uniforms.
  • SoCalAggie
    When I mentioned Oregon, I didn’t mean a new jersey every game, I mostly meant the designs. I don’t feel like the uniforms are straying away from our identity at all. It’s a great mix of retro and modern looks. A lot has to do with more vibrant shades of gold and blue.

    I think it’s another example our sports programs taking steps in the right direction. It’s a small detail
    In the grand scheme of things but I think it’s positive.
  • CA Forever
    Oh I agree with your sentiment. I like what we currently have. I was adding on my own thoughts about the current trends of uniforms in college football and how there is a such thing as too much in my mind at least.
  • Zander
    We have a nice blend of retro and modern unifiorms right now; I'm not sure what we could even add to go for a fourth option.

    Also, we're fortunate that the colors tend to go well together. There a lot of combinations of existing equipment the team hasn't explored yet, like gold-blue-gray, white-blue-white, blue-gray-blue, etc.

    I hope they keep the gold-blue-gold for Homecoming and Causeway -- and maybe keep at least hte gold helmets and blue shirts for one or two more games -- but it's cool to see them try new things otherwise
  • movielover
    Hard to keep up ...

    Blue gold traditional
    New all white w / classic CA
    New grey unis - ehh?

    Shiny helmets
    Gunrock helmet

    I probably missed some.
  • Zander

    My understanding is that pretty much all the logos on helmets are stickers. I can't recall the last time we saw the gunrock helments so I think they're either retired or restickered. So to my knowledge the equipment on hand is:

    White Helmet (SJSU game)
    Blue Helmet (currently the practice helmets based on practice photos I've seen)
    Standard Gold Helmet (USD game)
    Shiny Gold Helmet (Stanford game)

    Blue Shirt
    White Shirt
    Grey Shirt

    Blue Pants
    White Pants
    Gold Pants
    Grey Pants
  • movielover
    Is the standard gold helmet w the Davis script?
  • Zander
    That's what it looked like at the USD game, at least from TV.

    The shiny helmets have script too, but just the outline. Last year I remember the shiny helmets had solid blue script so that's what leads me to believe the text is a sticker
  • ucdavisaggie05
    If we can make requests, I’d like to see a throwback to the classic Yale blue jerseys with white numbers, gold pants, and script Davis helmets, either for Homecoming or Poly/Slack (depending on the year). It may be difficult given the Adidas branding and fit, but it would be a nice change.

    I liked the storm trooper setup for @SJSU and think the white helmets with blue jerseys and white pants would look good, too.
  • SochorField
    All the gold helmets are shiny. At Stanford they put a gold sticker with blue outline on the gold helmet.

    I think a blue Cal Aggie logo would look sweet on the gold helmet.
  • Zander
    I think that's what they wore for USD, so it's in the arsenal.

    Oh, did I double-count the gold helmets? The helmets looked flatter during the USD game but that might have been the product of the stream quality
  • smarterray
    For those who wanted to buy a replica Jersey:

    adidas NCAA UC Davis Aggies Adult Men NCAA Replica Football Jersey, X-Large, Collegiate Navy https://www.amazon.com/dp/B072VBJKCY/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_9SaWBbDZJCRT4
  • Zander
    The gray and gold I think is my favorite non-classic Aggie uniform combo yet. Don't think it was a good idea on homecoming, but man does it look good.

    Also, I believe we have yet to repeat a uniform combo this year. It'll be interesting to see what we do for the rivalry games -- For example, gold-white-gold and gold-blue-white are still on the table.
  • SochorField
    I'm still waiting for a throwback - Blue tops w/ white numbers, gold pants and gold Davis helmets
  • Zander
    They used those for the USD game. Interesting choice to take the home opener over homecoming

  • SochorField
    I'm talking about thesetsmdmtt8vcarzjqu.jpg
  • BlueGoldAg
    My favorite unis ever! Just make sure to pair them up with the new, sparkling gold helmets. I have never liked the old style, yale gold color that looked more like milquetoast tan.
  • Zander
    oh, I see. Those hold up very well
  • Zander
    Seems like the team has gone all-in on not repeating uniform combos. There are enough options left on the table that they can easily extend it for the whole season.

    We haven't seen any combination of gold helmets and white shirts yet so I'm expecting to see that either this Saturday or @ EWU
  • Gunrock47
    I really liked the all white throwback look from the SJSU opener. The classic Cal Aggies “CA” logo looked slick. I’m actually not a fan of the greys
  • movielover
    I'm leaning your way. Love the whites.

    But like Hawk says, its football.
  • Zander
    To each their own. I like the grays when they're used sparingly; 1 game apiece for home and away sounds about right. I wouldn't want it to regularly replace the blue. But the important thing is that recruits supposedly love this kind of thing.

    The white CA helmet is a very cool touch. Still looking for them to incorporate it into a home uniform somehow (whiteout game?)
  • 69aggie
    I like the grays best!
  • SochorField
    I want to see the Blue CA on the gold helmet.....just to see what it looks like.
  • BlueGoldAg
    I hope not...I hate those neon colors you see teams wearing like the neon orange/red of Louisville and the neon yellows that Oregon and Michigan wear every now and then. Way too gaudy for my tastes. I don't like chrome helmets either or that messy collage of colors and scribbles that Maryland has on their helmets. Good grief...!
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