• Zander
    There's a good post on the UCD Reddit purportedly from a professor showing how the number of simultaneous cases can be spread out to stay under the hard limit of how many patients our system has room for. Would link if I can find it on mobile.

    It's true that for many people this isn't worse than the flu and currently it's not as big, it does have a higher death rate and is apparently more contagious. So the precautions make sense from a logistical / lack of research perspective even though individual danger is small
  • Toke69
    As bad as I feel for any fans who spent a lot of money to get to Anaheim, I feel worse for the Hawaii fans and band whose expenses were a lot more. The band consists of students who had to pay their own way to get there. On the other hand, it does take away the slight advantage that Hawaii has against the Ags. What most people do not understand is that the Hawaii sports teams are the "major league" team for the entire state of Hawaii, since there are no pro teams out here, which is why they will go all the way to the mainland to root for the Rainbow Warriors.
  • BlueGoldAg
    Dr Fauci, the Head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases at the National Institute of Health, testified yesterday that he expects 150 million people or approximately 45% of the population will eventually get Covid 19. That's a staggering number and it could go higher.

    All of these measures seem drastic but they are trying desperately to slow the inevitable spread so that our medical facilities and caregivers do not become overwhelmed and then people who need care are not able to get it. Remember that the health care workers are at high risk themselves because of their high levels of exposure. The spread of a disease in a pandemic looks like a bell curve and, once it gets going, it really takes off.

    We don't know if the virus is seasonal. It's possible it could go on for long time infecting more and more people. There is no current vaccine like there is for the normal, seasonal flu. We don't know how this virus may adapt and evolve even further with time. There are concerns about how it may spread rampantly among the homeless and people without health care insurance who generally don't get medical attention until they are very sick and have infected many others. The virus also has a high death rate among the elderly (60+) and people with underlying medical conditions.

    We're already seeing the disastrous effect on commerce, the stock market, the airlines, the travel industry and, particularly. small businesses and more. The adverse trickle down effect on the local and world economies will likely get worse as more and more people heed the advice to "stay home." More products will become more difficult to obtain as people become more fearful and panic buying spreads and people hoard foods and personal hygiene essentials. Look what has already happened with the M95 masks, hand sanitizer and even toilet paper now.

    Hopefully, we'll see things taper off sooner rather than later, but disease experts from around the world are all telling us that these drastic measures to slow the spread of the virus are necessary because there is so much we don't know yet about this virus except that it is spreading very rapidly.
  • movielover
    OK, have been reading up on flattening out the curve. And thank goodness President Trump took decisive action in late January (while Democrats were trying to impeach him), and again in February to restrict travel from China & other hot spots.

    Here's an idea. Why not put March Madness on hold ... not cancel it. If we see the Corona virus tailing off ...

    May Madness? June Madness?

    Arena's may need shifting, that's OK. Thoughts?
  • cmt
    Ah, a Trumper. That puts the stupidity of your previous post in perspective. Regurgitating BS straight from the idiot-in-chief's twitter feed. Maybe get your news from somewhere other than Fox News or Breitbart and you'll have a better grasp on the situation.
  • CA Forever
    I work in the health industry. There's a lot to be concerned about. We still don't know a lot about this virus in general and if we don't stay on top of it will get bad.
  • 72Aggie
    This is a good time to remember the old adage, "don't discuss politics or religion."
  • GoAggies
    General rule of thumb: don't panic, but also don't be ignorant.
  • 69aggie
    I generally agree with 72 on this kind of stuff, but, honestly, considering the amount of misinformation and downright lies coming from the White House over this absolutely unprecedented health crisis (“we have all the test kits we need,” “the virus is no worse than the flu” “the numbers are going to go down fast” etc. are we all just going to pretend that Trump’s lies are OK? People are dying for Gods sake!
  • BlueGoldAg
    March Madness has been cancelled. UCD has canceled all winter and spring sports. SF is closing all public schools.
  • Toke69
    If this country had its act together, we would have mobile testing as they do in South Korea and perhaps even testing to get into events so that we would be able to retain some sense of normalcy. My grave concern is that the mass cancellation of all things we like to do will give people more reason to panic and more time to dwell on it. Not just talking about sporting events, but arts performances, concerts, movies, church services, not to mention schools.
  • movielover
    I just watched an excellent piece from 60 Minutes Australia. Some top scientists, and the highly controversial, possible vector - Chinese wet markets. Warning: graphic.


    cmt, please save your name calling for someone else. (One statement of fact sends you off the deep end?)

    wrote: "...White House over this absolutely unprecedented health crisis"

    The Swine Flu (Obama Administration) infected 60 Million Americans, 300,000 were hospitalized, and we had no media frenzy. Unprecedented?

    Deaths in the US:
    Corona virus - 40
    Swine flu - 12,500
    Flu - 20,000 - 60,000 per year?

    Bringing our prescription drug manufacturing home may also be wise.

    Toke69 makes a great point. Besides, if we cancel school & kids hang out at the mall, how does that help?
  • DrMike
    article said suspended indefinitely, correct?
  • 69aggie
    You are politicizing this post to an unprecedented level. May I kindly ask you: when in the past 100 years have all these athletic events been cancelled? NBA. MLB. NHY. All NCAA events. Not to mention all the concerts and all events world wide? Not the flu, not SARS, not ZIKA. The US has no test kits to handle the present situation unlike most of the EU countries and Korea. The Corona virus is a very serious and rare health problem and you are taking great pains to minimize it apparently like your beloved president. Trump is a very poor president. He needs to go! IMHO.. Please respond if you can. . . .
  • BlueGoldAg
    Yes, Mike, my mistake. They said "suspended indefinitely" not cancelled.
  • Toke69
    I did not mean to minimize the impact of this pandemic on all of us. It is more that too many decision makers are simply closing things down as a spurious "preventative" measure thinking neither of alternative means nor unintended consequences. I certainly do not want to politicize this post from which I have gleaned a great wealth of camaraderie, advice, tips and insights into Aggie sports. This will be my last post to signal a form of grieving over the actual consequences to hundreds of dedicated athletes who now will never have a chance to compete in the sports for which they have so much passion.
  • cmt
    I think people are going to panic regardless. People might panic a bit more because of the cancellations, but i don’t think that’s the main reason. Look at the stock markets. Things didn’t start the be cancelled until this week but the market started plummeting on Feb 24. It’s in the interest of safety. Like BlueGoldAg said, the main point of this is to slow the spread. We don’t have a vaccine yet and won’t for a while so that’s not an option. A lot of people are going to get it. The slower it spreads, the better our hospitals can help a higher percentage of people. The quicker it spreads, the higher the likelihood that hospitals will become overwhelmed. If that happens, people won’t just die from the virus but from other stuff also where they can’t get the necessary treatment quick enough.
  • movielover
    I made one comment complimenting one decision, and you lost it, as did cmt.

    Education & information are good.

    But why the 180 degree different approach by the media, which seems intent on driving a near hysteria? Look at the infections & deaths above from the Swine Flu! And why are people hoarding toilet paper?

    [Edit.] And now this from China. A state-run media article in China, claimed that China could impose pharmaceutical export controls which would plunge America into "the mighty sea of coronavirus." More proof we need to bring home manufacturing of key pharmaceuticals.

    Yes, hopefully Spring sports are suspended, not cancelled. And why not a - delayed - May Madness?
  • DrMike
    the header I saw on the article said ‘cancelled’ but article spelled it out. My wife thought the same as you when she saw it. Let’s hope it doesn’t head toward cancellation
  • movielover
    COVID Update:

    Allegedly 0 new deaths in the US the past 24 hours.

    Average age of COVID deaths in Italy - 82.

    Sharyl Attkisson ️‍♂️✔@SharylAttkisson

    "So far:
    Total: 40 US Coronavirus Deaths
    ♨️31: Washington State nursing homes (most, 22, from one facility)
    ♨️4: California elderly
    ♨️2: Florida elderly
    ♨️1: Elderly man in each of SD, NJ and Georgia

  • 69aggie
    Movie, Trump has now declared the Coronavirus situation to be a national emergency. Not the flu. Not the common cold. Yes, the Corona virus is now a national emergency. And we have no idea how bad it will get in the future because we have not enough test kits. This virus sits on table tops for days and can still spread the disease! Do you know of ant other pathogen that can do that? So sugar coat your president’s decisions all you want, but try keep in mind, at least for your family and friends, that this is serious and do not minimize it to you and yours peril.
  • cmt
    There's no point in responding to him. Trumpers don't care about anything other than what Trump or his Fox News buddies say no matter how big of a lie it is.

    There are over 2000 confirmed cases in the US and 48 deaths. Two weeks ago, there were just over 1000 cases in Italy and 29 deaths. As of today, there are over 17000 cases in Italy and over 1200 deaths. Oh, and their health care system is overwhelmed. This is going to get worse because we're not doing enough to stop it.

    He's been saying we have it under control for over a month. Feb 26 he said we have 15 cases and within a couple days it will be down close to zero. Oops.


    These charts sure look promising!
  • movielover
    Why didn't we lose our minds over the Swine Flu, which had killed over 1,000 when President Obama declared it a national emergency?

    Yes, some heads should roll at CDC. We're not Italy.

    Does the Orange Man live in your head rent free? One positive statement of fact about our POTUS set you off. And our Pravda MSM has pushed numerous hoaxes on us while ignoring the SpyGate soft coup.

    Will the world finally push China to actually shut down their filthy 'wet' markets? Or do we have to go through this every 5 years?

    Pandemics Originating from China?

    Wuhan Flu / COVID-19 (2019)
    SARS (2003)
    Hong Kong Flu (1968)
    Asian Flu (1957)
    Spanish Flu (1918)
    Bubonic Plague
  • BlueGoldAg
    France is closing all restaurants, cafes, cinemas and bars, and the US is considering domestic travel bans to certain of the country which have been hard hit by Covid 19. It's only going to worse before it gets better.
  • DrMike
    In the San Jose Mercury, they are running a simulated March madness. #15 Irvine upset San Diego State in OT. Wonder if Russell Turner offended anyone with sexist comments this time?
  • abridge
    DrMike: in a simulated post-win interview Russel Turner turned over a table and throttled a reporter with a mic cable for asking about sexist comments and anger management issues. Four referees appeared, from out of nowhere, and dealt with Turner in ways to bring joy to officials throughout the western region. Film uh, animation, at 11:00
  • Zander
    just when I thought the season couldn't turn into any more of a letdown as an sdsu fan...
  • cmt
    Two weeks on, over 100000 confirmed cases in the US and 1700 deaths (6 straight days with more deaths than the previous day). If you thought this week was bad, it's only going to get worse. We've only been doing the lockdowns for a week (and even then, not everywhere) and it seems to take about two weeks for that to really start to matter. Italy locked down on March 9 and daily new cases and deaths didn't start to level off until March 22/23. So places that did do a lockdown should start seeing results in a week. And even then, we've probably got another week of the numbers steadily going up (deaths are doubling every 2 to 3 days).

    It's going to be a while before things start opening up again, let alone going back to normal.
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