• Big West Basketball Coaching News
    Totally agree with you 69 Aggie. It doesn't help the students and skews the mission of the UC's.
  • Athletics - Molson Coors Exclusive Beer provider
    Coors was a big sponsor of volleyballl in the 80's. If I remember right they sponsored Coors light Volleyball league plus a tourney or two at the rec hall. I hope the money is good for the department.
  • D-1 school drops entire athletic program
    Very sad. Non elite colleges might be in serious trouble in the near future. Hoping that the athletes stay on their feet and move forward.
  • Big West Tournament
    Let us do campus sites for the student athletes and the students. How fun is it to win a tourney game at home with friends and family? Every tourney game is chance to have that excitement on campus. Everyone in California can get to each other. As for Hawaii they can rent a site or use another schools neutral site.

    The money from BB comes from the TV tourney and the gambling of March Madness.

    Grow the love of college hoop by having campus sites for the Big West tourney.

    I believe the biggest factor to overcome is the athletic departments do NOT want to do the work of hosting. A lot easier to be at Vegas and have that work done for them rather than hosting on campus.
  • MBB: UC Davis (14-9, 7-4) at UC Riverside (15-9, 8-4) Thurs., Feb. 9 at 6:00 pm
    Compete--compete-compete. In a basketball game the environment is chaotic, dynamic, physically challenging, and when diving for 50-50 balls can be painful. As an athlete it is a privilege to wear your team's uniform and rep on the floor. Leaving players on the floor who are not competing can dig a hole that will lead to a loss. That is why a coaching staff exists to guide the athletes.

    Here is an interesting video about basketball and body language from the U-Conn coach


    Sports are different than school, home and work. College players have been playing for usually a decade and need to handle their arena.

    Les is a very good coach and does a great job here at UCD. He has been here for a long time and his players typically get better and his team compete.
  • Causeway Cup (?) 2022-23
    Hi AggieFinn2,

    Do you think that the Causeway Cup lacks interest because it doesn't touch enough students. What are your thoughts about expanding it? I know in the past UCD and Sac's ROTC had all kinds of competitions. What do you think about expanding it to club sports and even Intramural championship teams? Campus rec or such departments at both schools would oversee these competitions. These club and intramural teams would have fun and could easily post on Instagram, Twitter and other social platforms.
  • Causeway Cup (?) 2022-23
    Any thoughts on making the Causeway cup more meaningful? Or is this concept outdated?
  • Equestrian web-site headlines--Aggies MOP the Floor Against Minnesota Crookston
    Wow nice pull. Met Fred many years ago, was very nice in our interaction.
  • MBB: UC Davis (7-4) at #16 UCLA (10-2) Wed. Dec. 21, 2 pm
    Toke 69 I agree that it is a great story. Being a big fan of CA schools, always like to see CA schools play each other. Very disappointed that the regents allowed UCLA to walk to the Big 10. Do not see UCLA playing many mid-major CA schools n the future. GO AGS!
  • Men's water polo defeats No. 3 UOP.
    Aggies face UOP in the quarterfinals of the NCAA championship today. I will not be able to watch the game but I have seen the team play this year in person and through streaming.
    This team has an excellent chance to make the semi-finals this year.

    The Aggies in my opinion are greater than the sum of their parts. Coach Leyson has taken the typical formula of having California players with a sprinkling of international players. He has had Spaniard, Canadian, New Zealanders to round out his squad. The Aggies have had stronger individual players in the past and some super stars in the recent and far past, but this year's squad has shown toughness and grit playing at their highest level when facing the best teams in the county. I was very impressed by their 1 goal loss to #1` ranked UCLA at Westwood. The Bruins led by 1 at the end of the 1st quarter, half time and 3rd quarter. The Aggies never went away but fought and scraped every possession of the game This is very impressive because of the physical demands of the game.

    As for today;s game I believe the Aggies will win in a close one. The Tigers whined about the officiating last time, but the game was called true . It seems to me that they were hoping for a handful of bail-out calls which they did not get. The Tigers have reached the finals and have a history of talented international players who are used to playing under pressure and in important games. I call the Aggies to win. The edge being that for most of the UCD players this tournament will be the pinnacle of their polo career.
  • 2022 FCS Playoffs
    My take after the last 5 days. Life is not fair; sports are not fair. UC Davis had a solid football team. At the end of the season the 6-5 record was the team’s resume, and the selection team for better or worse, fair or unfair did NOT like our resume enough to include us in the play-offs. IF UCD wins conference or 9-2 then this is a moot point.

    Sac state won the conference and may win all of their playoff games. Sac State has just raised the bar for us and allows us to focus on becoming the best version of UCD football in pursuit of beating them. Let’s tip our cap to Sac State this time and kick the sh*t out of them next year.
  • Men's water polo defeats No. 3 UOP.
    Watched the game on live stream. Aggies showed competitive greatness; they were their best when their best was called for. Great last possession to tie the game. Took control with better conditioning to control the game in over-time. The Age can play with any this year! They will do a great job at the dance.
  • Men's water polo defeats No. 3 UOP.
    I like our chances. The Aggies are the defending champions and have a great team concept. I believe in Coach Leyson to have them ready!
  • Men's water polo defeats No. 3 UOP.
    Just checked the picture on the Aggie ICA web-site is NOT of the UC Davis team, but of youth water-polo players.
  • Men's water polo defeats No. 3 UOP.
    Thanks 72 Aggie--Went to the Aggie web-site--Then WTF! This is NOT the UCD team; BUT age group water-polo players. This is NOT OK. How did this happen? You just do NOT post children on the web without their parents permission. Second, how thick is our sports info team in not knowing the difference in caps size and pool venue.
  • Dan Whelan Selected By The DC Defenders (XFL)
    Yes--Proud to be part of the UC system and CAL-Davis implies that we are not!
  • College Game Day to Bozeman
    Good for them. Having spent some time in Big Sky and Bozeman; I remember in 2009 when the papers and the state government were talking about Montana football. A group wanted the state to have one of the schools look into jumping up into the FBS and becoming part of the Mountain West. This was a small but vocal group. A majority of folks loved the idea of having 2 FCS schools to cheer for and have a yearly rival game. The only time attendance at either takes a hit is the opening week-end of hunting season, so I believe the game will be a sell-out even with the temps in the 20's or lower.
  • Week 12: UC Davis (6-4) at Sac State (10-0)
    Just find this on SI--https://www.si.com/college/cal/news/troy-taylor-cal . Another distraction for the Hornets.
  • Week 12: UC Davis (6-4) at Sac State (10-0)
    My families experience at local schools
    Sac State-3
    Went to the UCD Fresno game my pre-teen daughters and myself were called out. It WAS very ugly!


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