
  • MBB 2 pm Saturday: Holy Names (6-8) @ the Aggies (8-5)
    True story. I went to a SAC State women's bball game in 2001.and the scoreboards went out completely. They brought in a temporary scoreboard, and that went out too. I remember it because SAC State was actually winning when it happened. They went 0- 28 that year, 0- 29 if you count a 20+ PT exhibition loss to...wait for it.....Holy Names.

    I don't care for the cash- only snack bar + how it becomes very difficult to enjoy the game if even 1 person anywhere is standing. Also, the music needs to change. I know the local rap + hip hop station is a sponsor, but moderation. please ! I say it again, Sac State..your fans are mostly older white people. Play some rock occasionally at least. The age of intimidating your opponents with loud rap went out with 1990's high school bball. I'm thinking not even Holy Names is intimidated by that. They sure weren't in 2001 !

    So far the Band has played 1 Offspring song and a surprise...1 Mighty Mighty Bosstones. They didn't even play that when the Bosstones were at their most popular. No Green Day yet...give it time. It's a testament to the band's skill that these songs are easily recognizable when they play them.
  • Would Tougher Non-Conference Schedules Be Better for MBB & WBB?
    I think gradual improvement of the schedule is the way to go. Sooner or later you have to win. Otherwise all the bodybag games are nearly pointless. Then there's the fans to consider as well. Are they going to want to come see a team that wins less, even if the tougher games are on the road ?

    Realistically there's kind of an invisible ceiling for the men's program just based on the level of talent of their opponents. I think at best they become a program like St. Mary's and occasionally make a little surprise postseason noise. The real question is how long Les plans to stick around.

    The women's team I could reasonably see challenging for a national title, not with the players they have now or even with the ones they'll have next year, but as a natural evolution of the program with the players they'll recruit maybe a couple years from now.. Year to year they have a deep enough roster you don't have to ever worry that they'll have problems winning. Also Coach Gross' coaching style will evolve with experience. The women's team is better equipped I think to handle a more difficult schedule. Both teams still need a couple patsies to play their reserves against.
  • MBB 2 pm Saturday: Holy Names (6-8) @ the Aggies (8-5)
    I keep meaning to catch a SAC State game. They are playing at 7. Maybe if I get back home early enough from this game I can see PSU win. Don't know if I'm up for being packed in like a sardine though. It's interesting who you'll run into there. I saw Susan Savage, owner of the River Cats there once. She was sitting with the common people.
  • MBB 2 pm Saturday: Holy Names (6-8) @ the Aggies (8-5)
    Strangely the last men's bball game I saw was also against Holy Names. Haven't seen Moneke play before. Believe he was a Red shirt at the time. Looking forward to hearing how his name is pronounced. Nobody spoil it for me !
  • WBB 12:30 pm Thursday: Aggies (9-2) vs Yale (7-4)
    Davis has always been behind the times when it comes to the athletics website design. We didn't even have an all- sports website until about 1999 or 2000 if memory serves. We did have some sort of rogue sites for individual sports that I miss.

    The men's bball website was maintained by former assistant coach Duane Kouba, also a math professor (which explains why the URL began with The design was kind of primitive, looked like something I might've made with a free Geocities account, but it was the best source of news about Davismen's bball + it had links to every box score from the D2 national championship season. It was also the only place online to learn about new recruits. I believe Kouba maintained that website until Gary Stewart was hired, and he stopped coaching for Davis.

    The baseball site was a bigger loss. It had a lot of neat black + white photos of game action + links to old game recaps + box scores. It was interesting to see how the players I was familiar with from my freshman year did when I was still in HS. I had no idea Justin Reid was the team's best pitcher. I thought it was Ryan Conners- Copeland because he seemed to pitch every game I attended. I sure would like to have access to those again. I know they still have them. Otherwise they couldn't come up with the historical facts and figures they do for articles. I sent an email to a baseball information person about 5 years ago asking if they could send some to me, that I'd make a donation to the program in exchange. Never got a response. As Stephanie on "Full House" (and now "Fuller House") would say, "How rude !"

    I think the newest incarnation of the Aggie website is too busy. The articles take too long to load when I first access the site. Some simpler menus would be nice, and less junk to click on by accident.. I'm sitting there looking at a picture of some athlete doing something having no clue what the article's about because I have to wait on the scrolling menu to load..

    Personally I don't care for the random tweets section, but then again I'm not on Twitter and don't care about stuff not pertaining to the games. I think Twitter is stupid, it enables people to too easily share stupid random comments and pictures with other bored people. Honestly I'm not that interested in the student- athlete's personal lives and random comments about things, which is the way I think it should be. Let the kids have their privacy. As an alumnus with no kids in school there I think my role is simple:

    1. Show up for some, but not all games (because that would be creepy or sad)
    2. Spend money on apparel
    3. Support the team during the game
    4. Donate money
    5. Go home and leave us alone
    6. Repeat.

    I'm not about to make any suggestions about the website to the developers though. Clearly it was built for a younger audience, not a relic like me from a bygone era.

    Speaking of old stuff, anyone else remember calling the Aggie Sports Hotline for scores each evening ? That was the only way to get them before 1999 unless you waited for the Aggie to come out.
  • MBB 2:30 pm Saturday: Aggies (8-4) vs Radford (6-6)
    It's been more recent than that. They played on 12/29/04 @St. Mary's. Aggies won 67- 63 per the UC Davis bball archives. I remember listening to the game on the radio.

    I didn't do much digging to find that. I just remember Radford was one of the off teams the Aggies beat in their 1st yr. Playing a d1 schedule.
  • MBB 7 pm Tuesday: Aggies (7-3) @ Nevada (9-2)
    He also could've killed someone. I will never forgive him for that.
  • Week 3: UC Davis @ Portland State
    looks like they want to block out free viewing of Timbers games by the people in the building adjacent to Providence Park or stop the building's tenants from selling tickets similar to the building's near Wrigley Field.
  • Week 3: UC Davis @ Portland State
    I don't think there's any room on the PSU campus. If memory serves there's no room for a soccer field, and that's the most important thing to Oregonians after pickling and putting birds on stuff :D
  • MBB 7 pm Tuesday: Aggies (7-3) @ Nevada (9-2)
    I lost respect for Musselman when he was busted for drunk driving :(
  • 2018 Recruiting List
    That's as funny as the time the Borat national anthem was played at the medal ceremony for a shooting competition in Kuwait (2012). Itt's probably pungent due to inferior potassium.
  • Week 3: UC Davis @ Portland State
    Maybe PSU should hold their games at the practice field on campus if it gets too expensive to lease. Put up a couple sets of bleachers. That should do it.

    One thing I thought was interesting when I visited San Diego State was that their football practice has an electronic scoreboard. I guess that's for the women's lacrosse team I saw practicing. Otherwise it serves no purpose. Who needs to know the score at a football practice ?
  • WBB 4 pm Sunday: Central Florida (6-4) @ the Aggies (9-0)
    Being that this was my first time seeing this group of student- athletes play basketball I'd say Bertsch reminds me of Aggie great Janae (sp ?) Henning, albeit possibly a bit more athletic. I think they're about the same height too. That 1998-99 team had so much basketball talent that Henning was only getting garbage minutes at the ends of blowout wins as a freshman. Luckily that was almost every home game, so she was able to step right in and start in 99- 00.

    That's what I'm talking about for baseball. The team has to find more opportunities for younger players, especially pitchers. It's not like they're in the playoff hunt and can't afford mistakes. It should be mandatory in blow- out games (either way.) that a freshman pitches the last 1- 2 innings. The basketball teams have this sort of continuity planning down. Let me just say there should never be seasons when you end with more questions than you started. How many basketball seasons do we have when we have absolutely no idea who might start (even allowing for newcomers)at a given position the next year ? Just about none, right ? You always have some idea. Football ?

    I see what people are saying about lack of leadership in the Aggie Pack. The emcee for timeout promotions was some random female student. Didn't have a sign or a costume. I don't even think she even introduced herself. It was like, "I have a microphone. That means you have to do what I say...or not". What was her character ? Random Woman in Drab- Colored Outfit ?

    I have to say I don't care for that playground on the upper level. I'm just walking along slowly and * Pow* this kid sprints from the playground at my far right directly into my path. I checked to see if he was ok, but he's lucky he ran into me, as he could've fallen down the stairs as fast as he was going It took his old man over a minute to get there. That's terrible parent response time. A millennial, no surprise. Was probably watching YouTube videos instead of his kid. A child that small cannot be allowed to just wander around.

    Coach Gross must have given orders to to hit the locker room immediately. following the game. I have rarely seen players on the second level, and when I have it's a couple of the men heading to their locker room in preparation for the second game of a dh. I gave Cierra Hall a "Good game !" as I passed. She was gracious enough to say thank you.
  • WBB 4 pm Sunday: Central Florida (6-4) @ the Aggies (9-0)
    Bonus: the downtown store finally had a t- shirt in my size ! Almost got the cow- tipping one but I'm not country enough to make that work. Not quite Billy Bob from Varsity Blues. But it's funny. Some guy in front of me asked if they had other sizes in the back and was informed that no, they did not. There was no option to order provided.
  • WBB 4 pm Sunday: Central Florida (6-4) @ the Aggies (9-0)
    Wow, that's pretty neat. Instead of helping to produce some somewhat misogynistic music he's helping women survive cancer. As someone who's survived cancer twice (so far anyway) to this point before the age of 40 I'm glad we have people like him fighting against it
  • WBB 4 pm Sunday: Central Florida (6-4) @ the Aggies (9-0)
    Zander you were right on the # of songs. Welcome to Paradise was the 2nd. In other years I've heard "When I come around", "She", that one that's "Enemy" or Nemesis" or something. They like to stick to the "Dookie" album, don't they ? Although once I swear I heard "Brain Stew". That was a shocker.

    I'm proud of the way the team fought back, turning a laugher into a close game.
  • WBB 4 pm Sunday: Central Florida (6-4) @ the Aggies (9-0)
    Oh, there it is. In the end. I think it's called.
  • WBB 4 pm Sunday: Central Florida (6-4) @ the Aggies (9-0)
    2 songs by the Offspring so far, including the ever so politically correct "She's got Issues". No Green Day. Gotta love the Band- uh though. Always make you feel like it's 1997 again :D


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