UC Davis joining MW for all sports except for football paves a clear path to FBS membership
“ As a student it was pretty challenging to attend the Illinois State game because I didn’t know it was free until a few days before and many STEM courses (including PHY 7A, which is a nightmare) had their finals scheduled for Monday. The weekend was full of review sessions hosted by professors and TAs. This made it hard for me to attend and also for my friends. I’m glad I was able to go but it completely depended on the fact that I had been studying that morning.”
Lordy does that bring back memories. I’m in my late 60s, and still have that nightmare of walking into 194chem and they were handing out finals that i forgot to study for. I hate that dream.
It bothers me that you guys (and gals) never knew that there were free tickets. Many of us bought student tickets which athletics was distributing. We’ve got to do better on that front as well as encouraging students to attend games. When i was a student there were pep rallies on the quad on the Friday before a game, the band-uh and cheer leaders were usually there, and i even remember Coach Sochor showing up. The Aggie would list games and have articles regarding who we were playing. Do they ever have pep rallies anymore?