
  • Observations at J Street
    Well, a coyote can really do a job on a hornet. Even the new murder hornets. Which asks the question: will sac change it name to the vastly more intimidating species: “The Murder Hornets?” Maybe not a good move in the current climate. Better name though. . . .
  • COVID-19

    Yo no entiendo. Quien es Ella?
  • COVID-19
    Header: Under COVID-19
    This just in. . .
    CNN reports this breaking news:

    Dr. Anthony Fauci, Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infections Diseases, told the President: “This morning 3 Brazilian citizens were killed by the Covid-19 virus so-far this week.
    Trumps face went egg-shell white with shock. The blood drained from his face and to everyone’s amazement he collapsed to the floor. Minutes passed and to everyone’s relief President Trump got up shakily and then sat back on his chair.
    His staff, who was nothing less than stunned at this amazing display of emotion and empathy from a President who is not well known for such behavior,, nervously watched as he sat, head in hands, waiting to see if he would faint again.
    Finally, the President looked up and with a shaky quivering voice asked Dr. Fauci:
    *”How many people is a Brazilian?”*

    Hey everyone. Stay safe and hope we get thru this disaster soon.
  • COVID-19
    Heck, just move all the games to florida says Florida governor ron DeSantis. We will welcome you! I recently posted that Janet napolitano is under pressure to let the UCs play ball. I was wrong. This is a decision that is governor newcome’s alone to make. And if you think he doesn’t have the power to say “no” read this. UFC249 wanted to schedule a ESPN t.v. Only bout in california in may that newsome couldn’t stop. So they were to hold it at an Indian casino/hotel in Lemoore where the calif. sports commission has no jurisdiction. Big problem: ESPN is owned by Disney. Disney and newsome are very tight. Newsome calls Disney and the fight is cancelled. So 2020 calif. sports will be newsome’s call and I don’t think he will want any covid19 blood on his hands that he was empowered to prevent.
  • COVID-19
    Think about the pressure Napolitano is getting from Cal and UCLA not to follow the CSUs and to permit football to proceed in 2020? They are desperate as the financial implications for them are huge. Cal is so far in the red already, I don't see them ever recovering from no football in 2020. I also don't see her as particularly subject to pressure as she is retiring very soon,
  • Scary News if Real
    Who hired Les? Tumey or Wareska? Hey, one of them did something right. Tumey is just a candle that will not go out. Got to hand it to him. We are a bottomless pit of talent. Blue sticks for 4-5 years IMHO.
  • COVID-19
    I think Newsome has stated that there will be no Summer.or Fall pro sports in CA. does this mean no college sports as well?
  • San Jose game out?
    You are not alone cmt. Other posters simply slide in a comment or two about politics (usually a pro-Trumper comment) and think we do not get the (political) implication. It’s ridiculous to even suggest that the CV19 virus and related political issues are not relevant in the sports world and in these discussions. If the president or his supporters can’t stand the heat it their problem not ours.
  • Uncommon Engineering - interviews hosted by Hawkins
    Yes. And what is not emphasized here is that Hawk actually brings these great people to speak to his players. The experience of being persecuted and/or rejected is a very real fact of life to many students and athletes. To see these examples of people who have overcome these odds is just inspirational. Great job Hawk.
  • Uncommon Engineering - interviews hosted by Hawkins
    Quite simply GREAT! Who has a coach like this anywhere? Keep them coming!
  • Uncommon Engineering - interviews hosted by Hawkins
    Absolutely outstanding! Alex Groth and Dan Hawkins. We are so lucky to have these guys. Keep this coming!
  • Lawsuit filed agains UC, CSU, over response to pandemic
    This is potentially much more significant than it might look. Not having read the complaint, I can’t be certain, but if it asks for an injunction (very probable) to stop the universities from taking student fees immediately and the judge agrees, then thats the end of Fall/Winter sports for these schools. UCD students fees provided 57% of all the ICA or $23.5 million last year. AND, if that happens, I don’t see how ICA comes back in California. The entire system will be damaged beyond repair. Just pray there is a vaccine by Fall.
  • San Jose game out?
    Wait a minute. Glorious Stable Genius Leader has just come up with an easy solution to this problem and it doesn’t need any testing. All players will simply be injected with disinfectant (Clorox, Lysol, etc., your choice) and generously exposed to bright light. Problem solved. Let the games begin!
  • San Jose game out?
    Self made legend. Maybe he’ll go down with early onset dementia before his eligibility finally runs out? My guess is that NCAA lets him play.
  • San Jose game out?
    And have every player sign a waiver of all a liability? Great college experience!
  • San Jose game out?
    Ditto San Jose State as of 12:10 pm today. Sac Bee.
  • San Jose game out?
    I hope you are correct SLO. I just got my info from LA Times and NPR who quoted the Fullerton Provost,Pamala Oliver, as saying that they are going to have “virtual” classrooms this Fall. But she did add that if things changed for the better with the virus situation, they would revert to in class teaching. So I guess its how you parse it. They did a lot of work on this before they announced, like seeing how many students could be in a class 6 feet apart, how students would leave the class at that distance, etc., (nothing worked) but that the faculty needed to know right away to prepare for “virtual classes this Fall.” My niece starts nursing school at Columbia this year and their first semester will be on-line. Frankly, I do not expect college sports to return until there is a proven vaccine available. Can you imagine the legal liability a college would face if it knowingly exposed it’s students to this virus?
  • San Jose game out?
    Ask Bundesliga.
  • San Jose game out?
    Got an eye opening look at the economics of trying tp play sports during this corona virus pandemic from the German Bundesliga. It is planning to play all of its soccer games in empty stadiums this season and the games will be played with the following conditions: all players will have to be tested and cleared before each game. There are 24 players on each squad so 48 tests there. The Bundesliga estimates that each team will have 234 support staff present for each game. They will be tested as well. So now you have 516 tests for each game. I will say its impossible to find out what these tests actually cost sine the government is paying for most of them now. But if you do it on your own thru your insurance it will be charged at the market rate. Insurance charges have ranged from $3000+/- to $1000+/- at this time. So- at the lowest cost: $516,000 in testing will be required before each match in the German Bundesliga games this season. With no fans in the stands. Can college football handle that scenario?
  • San Jose game out?
    Fullerton first to announce only online classes for fall semester. Some eastern schools are cancelling fall semester all together. So, yes likely no fall or winter sports this year. What a bummer.