
  • MBB 2020 Commits
    We all know Les loves the flashy perimeter game. It’s a great crowd pleaser when you make the three. But when you don't and we miss the open three- its very bad indeed. It’s like oxygen leaving the room when it happens again and again. That happened to us last year. So, yes I agree with the above. We need to get something going down low because we have lost our outside game for the most part to graduation. Maybe Les has some new perimeter help coming. We definitely need it. But get stronger down low now!
  • WBB 2020 Commits
    To answer my own question: No. as long as she is in academic good standing at Oregon. But, under the new rules, she had to get Oregon to release her. Evidently, this was not a problem.
  • WBB 2020 Commits
    Great job Russ. I think Holly Winterburn a great get for us. She obviously has very good talent. I wonder why she transferred. Sabrina graduating is obviously not the reason as oregon is still going to be a power next season. But so may we! We will have a huge line up for BW for sure, but now we are lining up on the bigger schools much better. Like very much the reuniting with Megan Jones story. They can now hang out in Davis together and be flying mates back home to England/Scotland on the Holidays. Maybe also with our two English MBB guys. BTW are the transfers not now automatic?
  • COVID-19
    Just a thought:
    “We all know it is a fool who tries to play it cool.”
    Who knows where that phrase came from? Sorry. You have to be pretty old! Happy Easter to all. Just trying to keep calm. . . .
  • COVID-19
    You are right. The Trump troll has an insatiable appetite for repeating the misinformation and outright lies of the Trump administration. He does not even recognize or give any credence to the actual facts. Just a bunch of conspiracy theories, victimization and pointing the finger. Just like his dear leader. So sad.
  • COVID-19
    If you are interested in exactly what the Trump administration was thinking all along from the beginning of this crisis of incompetence and inaction, Google “Red Dawn emails”. Read what Trumps own medical experts were saying. No edits. These are the actual emails they wrote to each other. They are staggeringly scary. Note the email about “Historic understatements” i.e. “Napoleons retreat from Moscow: a stroll that went astray; Pompeii: just a little dust storm; Hiroshima: just a bad sunburn” etc. Again these are Trumps guys own words. No editing or opinion from me here.
  • COVID-19
    Quoting Captain Trump of the RMS Titanic:

    There isn’t any iceberg.
    There was an iceberg but its in a totally different ocean.
    The iceberg is in this ocean but it will melt very soon.
    There is an iceberg but we didn’t hit the iceberg.
    The iceberg is a Chinese iceberg.
    We are taking on water but every passenger who wants a lifeboat can get a lifeboat if they want them and they are very beautiful lifeboats.
    But passengers need to ask nicely for the lifeboats if they want them. We don't give lifeboats to nasty people.
    We don't have any lifeboats. We are not in the lifeboat business.
    Passengers should have planned for icebergs and brought their own lifeboats.
    I really don't think we need that many lifeboats.
    If we had any lifeboats they would be our lifeboats, not the passengers lifeboats.
    The lifeboats were left on shore by the last captain of this ship.
    Nobody could have foreseen the iceberg.


    And we lastly have:

    The Narcissist’s Prayer

    That didn’t happen.
    And if it did, it wasn’t that bad.
    And if it was, that’s not a big deal.
    And if it is, it is not my fault.
    And if it was, I didn’t mean it.
    And if I did.
    You deserved it!

    Just a few bites to chew on as we hunker down in our bunkers. By the way, the Titanic Captain did go down with his ship.
  • 2021 Football Recruiting
    Tom Williams?
  • Update today from Dr. Blue

    Back in my Army days, 100 years or so ago, there was an Army tale often told about “The Black Syphilis.” Now, syphilis in ancient times was called the “French Disease” because nobody liked the French much back then, so why not name a horrible disease after them, right?. Well, the tale went that the French army (who had been where we were years before) had infected some of the local population with something called the “Black Syphilis.” It was an extremely contagious, deadly, and incurable disease that could be spread by mere touching, that the enemy wanted to use against our soldiers by exposing them to local women who carried the disease. There was no test for it and If you got it, the tale went, there was no cure and you could not be sent home because you would infect the civilian population; so, you would be quarantined until you died or could be put on a ship and sent to special military hospital prison camps in the Philippines where you would stay until a cure was found or you died. What a ridiculous tale! Could never happen.

    Fast forward to the year 2020. We are faced with a deadly and highly contagious disease that some of our dear leaders have called “The Chinese Virus” (again, because they don’t like the Chinese much now) for which there is no cure and no vaccine and for those of us who are unlucky enough to get it may well wind up in special military built hospitals or navy hospital ships anchored off shore. The rest of us are quarantined in our homes indefinitely because, in part, there are not enough tests to determine who has the disease and who doesn’t. Another ridiculous tale right? Could never happen. . . .
  • 2021 Football Recruiting
    DrMike everyone feels your pain. I don't mean this at all as disrespectful, but Move this to another site if you want. But, we are all witnessing the never to be seen before effects of a pandemic on international sports. We have seen the Olympics move with college spring sports as well. So to deny or ignore this because you are “overloaded” is not really helpful. Much better to be prepared for a new time in college sports. Like: football games in empty stadiums on HBO. Not all that bad given the times we are now living in. Also, The new recruits must be terrified with what is happenIng to their athletic careers, so much sympathies there as well. But, not the time for sugarcoating.
  • 2021 Football Recruiting
    Dark clouds on the horizon. Gov. Newsom strongly hints that Fall college sports may have to be cancelled as well. Cites “boomerang” effect in Asia when restrictions were relaxed. Dittto NFL. Whoever said we were in “uncharted territory” here was understating the problem. Sports may never be the same again.
  • Update today from Dr. Blue
    Great story in the NYT today about Sabrina Ionescu. A Graduate of Miramonte HS in Orinda, she is the daughter of Romanian immigrants, She is perhaps the greatest collegiate woman’s basketball player ever playing at Oregon. All time leader in double doubles. 2000, 1000, and 1000 points, rebounds and assists in her career. She was very close to Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna. She spoke at their memorial in LA. Story talks about how hard it was for her dealing with their tragic deaths, and then the cancellation of the National Tournament due to the virus. Her Oregon team was a favorite to win it all this year. A very classy lady indeed!
  • Update today from Dr. Blue
    I expect NCAA will be very, very considerate of all of its athletes. I don't see a March madness in July because I don't see the virus gone by them. Another year of eligibility is a very possible and fair solution.
  • Update today from Dr. Blue
    According to the NYTs this a.m., the NCAA plans to vote on Monday on what to do with the Spring sports athletes, i.e. 1) the costs of additional scholarships; 2) roster limits; and 3) whether to just address Senior athletes. An interesting question is “what are the Spring sports”? Are they sports that start in the Spring or end in the Spring? Obviously, the March basketball tournaments are the major events in D1 basketball and this was denied to all the involved players. Should they get another year of eligibility? This is really complex as if a given basketball team has say 5 graduating seniors and they all get another year and the team has 5 incoming recruits you could wind up with 18-20 eligible players on some squads vs. no change in number of players on another squad in the same league. Interesting to see what happens.
  • Spring sports
    This situation is so unprecedented that it is hard to get your head around it. Just in terms of eligibility, are all the spring sports athletes going to get a medical redshirt? It would seem only fair. NCAA needs to get on top of this issue fast so the kids can plan for their futures. Also hard to imagine how the big conferences that so depend on the March Madness money will do to replace this lost revenue.
  • 2020 Men's Basketball Big West Tournament
    Movie, Trump has now declared the Coronavirus situation to be a national emergency. Not the flu. Not the common cold. Yes, the Corona virus is now a national emergency. And we have no idea how bad it will get in the future because we have not enough test kits. This virus sits on table tops for days and can still spread the disease! Do you know of ant other pathogen that can do that? So sugar coat your president’s decisions all you want, but try keep in mind, at least for your family and friends, that this is serious and do not minimize it to you and yours peril.
  • 2020 Men's Basketball Big West Tournament
    You are politicizing this post to an unprecedented level. May I kindly ask you: when in the past 100 years have all these athletic events been cancelled? NBA. MLB. NHY. All NCAA events. Not to mention all the concerts and all events world wide? Not the flu, not SARS, not ZIKA. The US has no test kits to handle the present situation unlike most of the EU countries and Korea. The Corona virus is a very serious and rare health problem and you are taking great pains to minimize it apparently like your beloved president. Trump is a very poor president. He needs to go! IMHO.. Please respond if you can. . . .
  • Spring sports
  • 2020 Men's Basketball Big West Tournament
    I generally agree with 72 on this kind of stuff, but, honestly, considering the amount of misinformation and downright lies coming from the White House over this absolutely unprecedented health crisis (“we have all the test kits we need,” “the virus is no worse than the flu” “the numbers are going to go down fast” etc. are we all just going to pretend that Trump’s lies are OK? People are dying for Gods sake!
  • Picnic Day
    A litttle off topic, but Dunning just reported that ESPN is saying the transfer rules ARE going to change soon. The NCAA working group will propose a new rule that will allow for a one time transfer for ALL sports. I agree this is probably only fair. I just hope the BWC doesn’t become a PAC 12 feeder conference.