
  • 2022 Football Recruiting
    I think TT is the type of guy who will work hard over the year and develop and be able to deliver next year. Maybe at QB! He is a better runner than the sac guy and bigger. Just needs some work in the passing area, although it must be said that he is not a bad passer. Maybe also at slot.
  • 2021 FCS Football Playoffs
    Wow. Is sac actually ahead of us on technical stuff?
  • 2021 FCS Football Playoffs
    Watched rerun. Noticed that sac OL never goes into the three point set. Just a standing crouch position. I have never seen that, but I am no expert. What’s the advantage?
  • WBB: Aggies (3-2) at #18/16 Oregon (3-2) Wed 12/1 at 3:30 PM PT
    I’m at three. So this will be good for me. Maybe sleeping in.
  • WBB: Aggies (3-2) at #18/16 Oregon (3-2) Wed 12/1 at 3:30 PM PT
    Missed it. Can I see a replay. Hey, this is history!
  • MBB: Academy of Art (3-3) at UCD (2-2) at 2 PM Sunday 11.28
    I respect BGA’s decision, but the issue has been drawn by no fault of his or anyone else’s it’s just there for people to try and deal with now. It cannot be ignored. Maybe movie could clear the air here, but maybe we can just address the issue more or less academically or hypothetically without regard to Les. By the way I don’t think we have inferred anything regarding the effects religiously toned pregame speeches might have on recruiting or actual playing. The question is: are religiously oriented speeches or sports activity pregame appropriate at a nondenominational public university. I will let the law professors deal with the legal issue here, but that is not what we really are interested in. My opinion is NO. My prior post commented that most modern religions would not continence violent behaviors in sport. Football and basketball are at their worst very violent spectacles, thankfully not often. But I was actually wrong. The Shinto religion in Japan actively encouraged violent behavior towards adversaries and suicidal conduct if necessary. Recall the kamikazi? We almost had a Japanese player this year. What if he were Shinto? What guy could Les bring in to include him in the otherwise Christian “sermon”? But then again, we would probably praise him every time he got a tough rebound, right? Even if he hurt someone. Sports and religious belief= bad things. IMHO.
  • MBB: Academy of Art (3-3) at UCD (2-2) at 2 PM Sunday 11.28
    BGA- I could not agree more and it should stop immediately. I doubt Rocko had any idea of what he was getting into with his new job. Christian and most religious doctrines are antithetical to sports plain and simple. “Dear Lord, please help us defeat:. . . . . . . . ., as they are not worthy of winning and, by the way, if I hurt them, please forgive me as I was only trying to block him.” Give me a break! Wait til the faculty hear about this one. No rest for Rocko.
  • Stanford woes
    Well thank you Kevin blue. You were the golden boy for your time here and You left just in time. And You did not pick up the trash as you left. Now Rocko has to clean this old house up. Can he do it?
  • MBB: Academy of Art (3-3) at UCD (2-2) at 2 PM Sunday 11.28
    And his wife makes more than he does: very successful granite bay real estate agent/broker. So maybe this is just his hobby now. Long drive though. Very hard. He needs a new gig.
  • Round 1: UC Davis @ South Dakota State
    Sorry, but the scholarships disparity is simply not fair. Don’t get me wrong, no excuse at all for the loss. I thought the whole FBS/FBS decision by the NCAA was to try and lower costs but at the same time give parity to each subdivision within itself. Maybe COVID just screwed it all up.
  • Round 1: UC Davis @ South Dakota State
    River, was there a reason given for the scholarship decision? Did any BS team do the same?
  • Round 1: UC Davis @ South Dakota State
    But our biggest need is at quarterback. I wonder if HR will even return given the severity of his injury. Maybe TT will develop as a passer. I wonder if we don’t need to go out on the market for a transfer QB? Our other holes will be filled out OK IMHO.
  • 2021 FCS Football Playoffs
    I will let this rest for awhile. Maybe not as bad as it might seem for the future. Who the hell knows?
  • Pick your Playoff QB
    Above all, it is just a game. Do not let our kids get hurt or damaged in the great game of football. I Will gladly accept a loss to avoid that. I know all of you agree. Hawkins knows this as well. And I love him for this.
  • Pick your Playoff QB
    I really just hope that HRs concussion has healed. The view of his dad holding him after the hit just touched my heart. We all have kids and we can all relate to that picture. Could be ours???
  • Pick your Playoff QB
    Hunter Rodrigues. As to HR’s performance post concussion injury, I think it has been somewhat ignored or devalued because we will never actually know the severity of the injury. Concussions are a big deal in sports as we all know, but very different for a quarterback who has to basically run the team and make split second decisions on the field unlike most of the other positions. My opinion is that they brought him back too soon and that was the cause of the sudden onset of interceptions not his loss of athletic ability that lessened his performance on the field. With a total and complete recovery I think he is still our go to quarterback IMHO.
  • Comparing Dan Hawkins and Troy Taylor
    But with a med school sports department in house?
  • Comparing Dan Hawkins and Troy Taylor
    I agree, but the ever optimistic me says the Edwards Athletic Performance center will lead to significantly better recruiting. There is simply nothing else like it in all the FCS.
  • Week 12: Sac State @ UC Davis Causeway Classic 2021
    I hope Hawk and Cody have a friendly Thanksgiving. Family businesses, which Hawk has chosen to do with the Aggies, are never easy in bad times and especially in the holidays. Trust me I know all too well. Feel bad for Mrs. Hawk as she tries to cook the turkey. Hats of to Sac. Better team, no question. We will come back from this better.