Sac State to get a New Stadium I don't know if it's so much student disinterest in FCS football or university athletics in general. We can frame ideas about the athletic program in terms of what we think students will like, but we're thinking with our own ancient brains and favorite experiences. That has limited effectiveness.
Athletics in general may be fighting a losing battle with student apathy more as time goes on.. Why go to a sporting event when you can watch people doing crazy things on TikTok or hook up with random people on dating apps ? Smartphones and their popular apps are helping to disconnect people from the people and events immediately around them at the same time they connect them to more interesting people and events far away. Look at any modern dinner where everyone (or at least the kids) are on their phones.
As an old grandpa might say, if you want to bring people back to the old things we liked as young people we need to somehow get them disconnected from their electronic devices first. How do we do that- pressure Congress to make them illegal on the basis that the Chinese and Russians are spying on us ? Good luck with that !
Even the students who disconnect and enjoy one game are no sure bet for future ones.
It's harsh but I think a bigger and more modern stadium and FBS games to attract otherwise apathetic students would basically be pearls before swine. The school has to acquire and tens of millions of dollars just to get some lazybones to maybe get off the couch ? To hell with him. He can watch FCS football and like it or not. Or is it more about what WE (well I don't but you get the point) want to see ?
I don't agree with the idea that top-notch sports are needed for university name recognition. What makes the news are the advancements in whatever that impact people's lives, not mediocre FBS football. UCD seems to be pretty good at the former.