Hello! Hi Greg and welcome.
I have always felt that sports other than basketball and football have been under-represented at UC Davis for a long time. Clearly the feeling is that they need to spend the most time and energy on the sports that bring in the most fans, and I get that. However, under-representing other sports because the university feels that fewer people care represents something of a self-fulfilling prophecy. If UCD doesn't market or just get the information out about these sports because it thinks people mostly don't care then they definitely won't.
I have always felt UCD has done a woefully inadequate job of getting marketing and program information out about baseball and softball. Then there are the much smaller programs you hear almost nothing about, like lacrosse and field hockey. People might like them if they went to a match, but they have to do all the research themselves to find out the where, when, and why they should go.
I probably don't need to tell you that baseball is a much bigger deal at Oklahoma State than it is in Davis. That's to be expected in a smaller community, but in Davis it is a very minor sport. Most of the fans seem to be family of the players. Most of the student attendees seem to either be friends of the student-athletes or student-wthletes from other sports blowing off steam by watching other people work. There just isn't much community support in terms of attendance. UCD would probably do well to look at how CAL markets baseball-they've had a very good crowd at Sunday games I've attended in the past.
Specific to baseball the university does a poor job of getting information out. You pretty much hear nothing about the team between June and early February unless you regularly view the team Twitter account.. Articles about what's going on and why we should be excited are definitely missing. Pretty much the only articles we get about baseball are game recaps.
I also in very limited contact with the athletic dept have generally gotten the impression that they see baseball inquiries as nuisances. I get very short and uninformative responses where it's obvious no research was done. The answers generally range from no, I don't know, to it's the coach's fault I don't know.