“ im curious if anyone here knows the history of season tickets/ how ticket prices looked at toomey? missed that whole era”
I was a season ticket holder on the east side of the field starting around the mid 80s. I don’t remember the price, but it was very reasonable. There was no team aggie fee for the better seats. What i do remember, and miss, is that after each home game there was a reception at the faculty club for alumni. They served bbq hot dogs and had a no host bar. Sochor would join us and stand on a chair to address the crowd and analyze the game. To this day my son, now in his 40s, remembers the hot dogs, lol.
I think Chancellor Ted Hullar, who advocated a DI move, needed seats, but the best and very limited wooden seats during Sochor's run were taken on the west side. There were a few small gaps between seat sections. So the campus connected a few rows to add in a handful of needed, prime seats. This actually bent a few people.
The community held a large pregame BBQ / picnic downtown, and I guess many then walked the few blocks to Toomey. No garage.
I think it’s alluding to the saying “keep Tahoe blue” / the fact that we too like blue? He could have tagged Kevin Blue for a triple meaning but that would have been two cryptic tweets too many in the last several months