• BaseballAtDobbins

    Cal's re-brand just smacks of the Katehi era at Davis where they would create task forces to solve issues that were like 10th in priority compared to the actual problems. Or the UC Board of Regents trying to do the toilet re-brand 10 years ago.

    As a sports fan who cheers for them, it's stupid they would abandon the Cal brand. They were the first UC so that's a valuable property they are throwing away. I can see why they don't want to go by UC Berkeley - the academics probably won't like it and the overall sports brand is lessened.

    I'm from the East Bay and everyone there universally calls it "Cal."

    As a Davis alum, I thought Cal-Davis was fine before I went here but man it's bad. Cal Berkeley is equally bad.

    As far as the Ags are concerned, do you like the Davis branding or UC Davis (full name)? I prefer the full name.
  • Russ Bowlus
    As someone whose high school math teacher constantly and smugly and irritatingly called them "THE University of California," I think they should be UC Berkeley, like the other nine campuses.

    And I prefer UC Davis, as well.
  • 72Aggie
    To me Cal - anything always sounds like a car dealer.

    I'm fine with calling the mother campus Cal, or "U.C."

    As for the others, "U.C.L.A.," "U.C.S.F.," and U.C.- [Insert name here] for the other seven.
  • BlueGoldAg
    To me Cal - anything always sounds like a car dealer.72Aggie

    :rofl: So true! Who can ever forget those Cal Worthington Ford commercials?!!
  • 72Aggie
    And particularly with UCD since Davis sounds more like a surname than other UC locations. Speaking of which I don't recall anyone ever referring to other campuses except for Davis or Berkeley as "Cal [INSERT NAME HERE.]" Cal Los Angeles? Cal Santa Cruz?

    A friend who graduated from the mother campus referred to this story as a "solution in search of a problem." Is anyone really having trouble identifying the school without having to tack Berkeley onto the name? Sounds like a committee in a bureacracy trying to justify its existence with busy work.

    "Go see Cal! Go see Cal! Go see Cal!"
    "Cal Worthington and his dog, Spot!" Whatever Spot was, it was never a dog.
  • AggieFinn2
    Davis College of California. Yolo County University.

    I would think it would be better to distance from Berkeley as much as possible. University of California-Bay Area. Cal State Hayward moved to the more ambiguous Cal State East Bay. .
  • 72Aggie
    Some CSU schools have adopted regional designations rather than specific cities...."East Bay," "Monterey Bay," "Channel Islands," "Dominguez Hills," "Stanislaus."
  • AggieFinn2
    Ambiguity for the purpose of marketing. Would Cal State Turlock be that appealing ? I think Hayward operated on the same idea. Hayward rhymes with wayward and that gives the idea of a nowhere in particular campus.

    It also gets me nostalgic about the Band-uh, although I'm sure the new band also can play the tune from "Carry on Wayward Son".
  • AggieFinn2
    I was trying to think of a snappy new name for Sac State but the surrounding area doesn't inspire much. Maybe Cal State-Newton.
  • Russ Bowlus
    And particularly with UCD since Davis sounds more like a surname than other UC locations.

    Was randomly reading about the Irvine Company the other day and learned that the UC is named for the Irvine famliy not the city--the campus actually predates the city by a half dozen years.

    The more you know...
  • 72Aggie
    Silly me, I forgot that I actually knew someone way back when whose last name was Irvine. Cute, too.
  • movielover
    I knew a DuPont from the fabled family, but they had a nondescript (new) last name.
  • SochorField
    A little late on this......
    I'm pretty sure sports fans (and non-sports fans) across the country know "Cal" is Berkeley. IMO the rebranding is little ridiculous.

    As far as UCD, I really like the CA logo..and I love the script "Davis" on the football helmets and across the front of a sweatshirt. Its unique. There is no other "Davis" out there. It works well as an academic logo and athletics logo.
  • Jackbacker2
    SochorField, I agree the Davis script is super and unique. One word programs are common and the UC clutters the vision and the mind. Davis is some script that should be the school's logo for both academics and athletics.
  • zythe
    I just wish we could move away from the double font logo.
  • movielover
    Is that the odd blocky font?
  • zythe
    Yes. I wish we could stop using it. I wish we could just use the font on the sign at the entrance near Dutton Hall. The one that is on the brick.

    Our license plate frames suck because of that weird double font UC Davis font.
  • movielover

    1. Are you talking about this newer fonts?


    2. I've never been wild about this one, blackish.


    3. Original campus entrance, clean, one font. (though why is the spacing off between UC and Davis?)

  • movielover
    How about the GIANT new signage at Howard Way? Ugh.

  • NCagalum
    ….. or San Francisco Bay Oakland International……
  • zythe
    seriously, why don’t they open the selection up to Alumni?
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