• movielover
    EDIT: 100,000 health care workers refused the vaccine in New York state, who may lose their jobs. They have real concerns.

    Officials like Newsom (CTA) want to force it on children.
  • cmt
    You’re right. We should just say screw it and have no masks and no vaccines for kids. It will go great. Just ask Texas.
  • movielover
    Draymond Green a third logical defender of American values. What a trend. (2 minutes)


    Senator Ron Johnson@SenRonJohnson

    Sep 30

    "@POTUS says this is a pandemic of the unvaxxed. Data from England show 63% of Delta deaths in last 7.5 months were fully vaxxed. Why won’t @CDCgov
    share US data with the American people?

    "What is the justification of mandates and refusal to recognize natural immunity?" (2.5 min video)

  • Russ Bowlus
    You can't only look at rate numbers, you have to look at the totals to which they apply.

    Example using round numbers:
    100 unvaccinated people catch COVID and 8 of them die: 8% death rate.
    20 vaccinated people catch COVID and 5 of them die: 25% death rate.

    Would you rather have fewer infections and fewer deaths, or a lower death rate?
  • movielover
    Let me get this straight.

    Young students with robust immune systems and an infinitesimal death rate have to get vaccinated, but the teachers (many who still want to stay at home) and staff don't.

    They're exempt, just like Congress. And the US Postal Service. Etc.

    BTW, do folks here see the lockdown madness unfolding in Australia for weeks?
  • Russ Bowlus
    Yes, young students that are already required to get about a dozen vaccinations to be in school will be required to get this one.

    Australia has kept their deaths to low four figures--fewer deaths in all of Australia than in just Sacramento County. Seems like they are doing pretty ok.
  • agalum
    This is an interesting read on the vaccinated vs unvaccinated controversy. And by the way, one variable that is not being discussed with break through delta variant infections is “which” vaccine is seeing the break throughs. There is a difference from what i am being told by some emergency docs.

  • movielover
    Australian police are acting like thugs, arresting people who grab a take away or walk their dog. They've also started randomly confiscating citizens phones to randomly search them (apparently without any kind of warrant). (2 min clip)


    Countries worldwide have been holding giant rallies every weekend, and the MSM hides it.

    The Canadians have a clever response, people eating outside restaurants and bars requiring a vaxx pass.


    Recent Medicare database Whistleblower alleges 48,000 deaths after vaccine (within 14 days).


    So why no vaxx for Congress and California teachers and staff?
  • BlueGoldAg
    My wife and I just got our Pfizer boosters 2 days ago and we're very happy that we now have even increased protection. If we need to get an annual booster each year or even more frequently, we'll gladly do it because we believe in science and trust the professional, medical community. We believe, that by getting vaccinated, we are not only protecting ourselves but others as well who may come in contact with us, and, yes, we do believe we have a it is a moral responsibility to help prevent the spread of this deadly disease.
  • cmt
    Lol. Going to need to see more evidence than random Twitter dude on the nearly 50K deaths thing.

    Congress doesn’t have a mandate because Biden doesn’t have the power to force them to.

    Teachers in California are already required to be vaccinated or undergo weekly testing.


    And when the mandate for students goes into affect, teachers will be required to take it also.

  • Russ Bowlus
    movielover, I can allege anything I want--the trick is providing proof, which Renz and his ilk have yet to do. Filing a lawsuit isn't proof, as Lin Wood, Sidney Powell, et al discovered 60+ times.

    "Why no vaxx for Congress" 1) Congress is exempted from Executive Branch orders--separation of powers. Even with that, all the Democrats in the House and Senate are vaccinated, 46/50 Senate Republicans are vaccinated, and about half of the House Republicans.

    Similar legal issues with teachers and their unions (and not just teachers unions)--vaccine requirements are viewed as a change to their contract/working conditions and can't be unilaterally applied. And again, despite that, CTA reported in August that 90% of their members are vaccinated.
  • BaseballAtDobbins
    Spouse and I have very different ideas about the vaccine. Hers sadly are closer to Rollovich.

    Also for those who refuse to get the vaccination they can still use medical/religious exemptions if they are found to be valid and schools already have vaccine requirements.
  • BlueGoldAg
    My wife and I were at a Giants game a couple of weeks ago and a woman behind us was talking about getting a religious exemption. She worked in some kind of health care. She went on to say she wasn't really religious but, since there were so many people filing for exemptions, she figured it would take a long time before they processed her so she could stay unvaccinated at least until then. So there are people, even in health care, who are willing lie to avoid getting vaccinated. Makes you wonder why they chose to be in a healthcare profession in the first place.
  • BaseballAtDobbins
    While I do agree with having religious exemptions, some professions such as medical should have the right to mandate the vaccine given the nature of the business.
    In other cases, I don't think a private company should force telecommuters who never go into an office to get the vaccine (in order to keep a government contract as an example).

    I had J&J shot and had a minor cold (just enough to not work) and it was over in 24 hours after I caught Covid-19. My spouse had Covid-19 and was moderately ill for 7-10 days. Not bad enough to even go to the hospital after being tested but could not do anything other than eat, sleep, hurl, and shower.
    Oddly enough we think a nurse from our rural clinic passed it on at super spreader event that had multiple ladies test positive. We don't know if she's been vaccinated or not (she's nice) but there's evidence for either.
  • movielover
    So you and your wife are both vaxxed, and both still caught Covid afterwards? (I hope you're well.)
  • BaseballAtDobbins
    My spouse is anti vax (and very much so) and I am pro-vax but not huge fan of vax passports.
    My symptoms were short lived and mild and I had the J&J vaccine in July. I never got tested but we had to q-tine about a month ago. Hers was confirmed. She never had the shot and was quite sick for 7-10 days and not able to keep much down (though never needed medical care).
  • movielover
    Did they give your wife or yourself any treatment?

    I hope you're both well. A family friend just passed partly due to it, it likely pushed him over the edge... diabetic, obese, several other conditions, likely also depression, confined, and never sought treatment.

    “Virus surge hits New England despite high vaccination rates”
    – Associated Press, October 3, 2021
  • BaseballAtDobbins
    Thanks ML!

    She had the test and that was about it. She recovered at home and mine was nothing. I can't imagine what your friend's family is going through right now. That's really difficult for them to process.
  • movielover
    What's tougher is he has an autistic son he was taking care of (or taking care of each other). An immediate relative was also given the diagnosis, zero at-home treatment.

    Unfathomable that the #1 industrialized nation in the world sends people home w a Covid diagnosis - and no treatment! Do they want people to die? Another failure. ... the number 1 indicator of death... hospital admission.

    Like our State - we had 8, 10 months to prepare administering the vaccine - and then we had only administered 30 - 35% of vaccine on hand?! Fancy degrees, fancy computers... but beyond poor leadership.
  • BlueGoldAg
    Here is a scary example of how deadly Covid can be:

    Marc Pilcher, the award-winning hair stylist and makeup designer who won an Emmy for his work on the hit Netflix show "Bridgerton," has died of Covid-19 at the age of 53, weeks after winning the award.

    Pilcher's agency Curtis Brown confirmed the news to CNN on Tuesday, referring to a statement the agency gave to Variety, by friends and family.

    According to the statement, Pilcher was "double vaccinated" and had no underlying health conditions. He took multiple Covid-19 tests and tested negative to make the trip to the US for the Emmy's ceremony and back to the UK.

    Nearly all of the current Covid hospitalizations are unvaccinated people and Covid breakthrough cases like this one are rare but they do happen. I have had 2 Pfizer vaccinations plus the booster but when I go to places of higher risk exposure like indoor shopping, for example, I will still be wearing a mask.

    It's just so easy to provide yourself with an extra layer of protection while potentially not spreading the disease to others also if you just happen to be infected . Even though I'm fully vaccinated there's simply no guarantee that I couldn't get Covid and end up very sick, dead or disabled with long-term Covid.

    Protect yourselves folks! Having a cavalier attitude towards this disease is like playing Russian roulette.

  • agalum

    Yep, wife and i are fully vaccinated, and ive had the booster, but we always mask up when around strangers of unknown status. While I’m not crazy about government mandates surrounding masks and vaccinations, there’s just too many people who blow this all off and put everyone around them at risk. It was refreshing to be at the team aggie pre-game party surrounded by vaccinated, or covid test negative, fans.
    Though retired, i still occasionally need to go on campus. They now require vaccinated people to test every 2 weeks. The line going into the ARC wrapped around the building this morning, but they are very efficient at getting people processed. Nice to see all the coeds back on campus.
  • movielover
    Substack: "No (mRNA/DNA) vaccines, no epidemic

    India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Indonesia collectively have 2 billion people... and essentially no access to advanced Covid vaccines."

    By Alex Berenson

    "They are among the world’s most densely populated and poorest countries - fertile ground for Sars-Cov-2.

    "So the epidemic must be out of control from Karachi to Jakata, right?

    "Let’s take a look....

    All of the above had a spike, and then a big drop... but the vaccinated UK case loads growing.

  • movielover
    PJ Media: Despite Mandates Aplenty, California's COVID Rate Now Doubles Florida's

    "California is averaging 16 new cases per 100,000 residents the last week compared to just seven in Florida...."

    "The Golden State has seen a surge of more than 60% in new cases in the last two weeks, compared to a 20% drop in the Sunshine State. Clearly, their progressive edicts failed to quell recent outbreaks."

  • dlmusgrove
    So many people already got it (and died) in Florida that there is widespread immunity.
  • 72Aggie
    In ths day and age there are LOTS of statistics, and it is possible to find statistics to support many views, including seemingly contrary ones....but the following items would suggest that if you have to contact COVID, you're more likely to die in Florida than in California:

    States ranked by COVID-19 death rates: Nov. 12
    Mackenzie Bean - Updated Friday, November 12th, 2021
    As of November 12, more than 759,000 people in the U.S. had died after contracting COVID-19, according to The New York Times.
    The Times used data from reports of coronavirus cases and deaths by U.S. states and counties. The database includes cases and deaths that have been identified by public health officials as probable coronavirus patients, which means they did not have confirmed tests for coronavirus infection but were evaluated using criteria developed by national and local governments. Read more about the data here. 
    Here is a breakdown of average daily COVID-19 deaths and COVID-19 deaths per 100,000 people over the last seven days in all 50 U.S. states and Washington, D.C. The data was last updated Nov. 12.
    Note: States are ranked by deaths per 100,000. The list includes ties. 
    (#14) Florida 

    Deaths per 100,000: 0.5

    Daily average deaths: 106.9
    (# 40) California
Deaths per 100,000: 0.21

    Daily average deaths: 81.7

    Or this chart:
    Death rates from coronavirus (COVID-19) in the United States as of November 11, 2021, by state
    (per 100,000 people)
    (#9) Death rate for Florida: 282 per 100,000
    (# 36) Death rate for California: 181 per 100,000https://www.statista.com/statistics/1109011/coronavirus-covid19-death-rates-us-by-state/

    As someone named Andrew Lang once said, “He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts... for support rather than illumination.”
  • movielover
    I believe Florida has a much older population.
  • agalum
    “Cases” is such a broad term. I assume it includes people who tested positive but had no symptoms. The delta virus replicates faster than your vaccine immunity can respond. So you can be positive for a few days, then your immune system kicks in, and you are protected. Several studies suggest vaccine immunity is stronger than natural immunity. Ive seen others that suggest the opposite. Like 72 said, you can use stats and various studies to prove your point, regardless of what side of the fence you are on. I personally find the precautions taken to go into an Aggie football game as reasonable, and I feel safer there than at Walmart :).
  • fugawe09
    Florida here. Pick a different state to compare to. Desantis has been doctoring the numbers to suit his political ambitions and sending armed thugs to rough up dissenters. As such, testing is virtually nonexistent. The mass sites are long gone and pharmacies and health departments are “sold out” of tests. Naturally the less you test the less you find.
  • movielover

    "HUGE. CDC Withdraws Use of PCR Test for COVID and Finally Admits the Test Can Not Differentiate Between the Flu and COVID Virus..."
  • movielover
    For those who are open minded, here is an alleged whopper. There are alleged legal implications for why the vaxx is being pushed on children.

    JFK Jr. (D) covers the big pharma legal immunity and purposeful mis-reporting of a severe reaction a child in the test group had to the vax.


    Lee Smith@LeeSmithDC

    Very important @JordanSchachtel piece — Pharma is using children as shields to protect them from legal liability for failed COVID treatments. Must read

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