• 72Aggie
    The Wall Street Journal just published their Best Colleges article for 2022. UCD is ranked No. 40 (of 796,) the third UC behind UCLA at 27 and Cal at 36.

    (Subscription required.)
  • zythe
    I wish I could see the entire list…
  • 72Aggie
    The list is in a table format; ten rows, and about ten columns, per page. Not sure how that would cut and paste and at ten colleges per page that would be 80 pages. Don’t think I would live that long. One of the few times I’d prefer to have the physical edition rather than digital. Sorry.
  • MTBAggie
    I blew a friend's mind yesterday when I told him all UC schools were blue and gold (he thought the UCD colors looked a lot like Notre Dame). Then I found this, which made me chuckle.
  • 72Aggie
    Great article. I would only add a footnote that whatever fine lines we might draw between Davis, Cal and the other campuses, that school in Los Angeles has to come in tenth in the poll, at least until the regents add another campus in which case it will drop to eleventh. And that includes UCSF which may have a handful of club sports but does not field true intercollegiate sports teams. Not only is the LA campus' blue a far cry from the dark or navy blue of the other schools, but they continue to search for some elusive shade...baby blue? Aquamarine? Topaz? Robin's egg blue? Sort-of-royal blue? San Diego, er, Los Angeles Chargers' blue? Known to their cross town rivals as the Baby Blue Bruins.

    (The Aggie arts department, such as it is or was, gets one point deducted for reversing the UCI logo.)
  • 72Aggie
    If you're from the Midwest you either love Notre Dame or hate it. My Midwestern born and raised father clearly did not love them. His first comment on seeing a UCD football game on TV was, "Their uniforms look like Notre Dame's." It was not meant as a compliment.
  • MTBAggie
    Growing up in the Bay Area, my knowledge of Notre Dame consists of Rudy and Joe Montana. Nice colors though ;-)
  • BlueGoldAg
    I still pull for the Irish and have for decades. I grew up in a small town in the middle of Indiana and I idolized ND football. I would love to attend a game between Notre Dame and Michigan but my wife wouldn't appreciate me rooting for the Irish since she's a Michigan grad!
  • 69aggie
    72 are college rankings kinda like sports polling? Look long enough and you’ll find one you like. USNews has UCSB ranked number 5 and we at 10. Then WSJ comes out and we are at 3 just behind UCB and UCLA. How can this be so? Far different criteria for sure. USNews is very big on alumni giving, endowments size, faculty reputation, all the flashy stuff that few public’s can compete with. I guess UCSB can. But, as I see it the WSJ is much more based on outcomes for the students, not how many Nobels on a campus. How many undergrads did Oppenheimer or Lawrence teach while they were discovering new elements at Berkeley? I would say none, yet Berkeley still benefits from all this stuff. In no way do I mean to demean Berkeley (wife) for this, but still the USNews model does not sufficiently reflect student outcomes which I feel are much more important.
  • BaseballAtDobbins
    Cal would probably differ with USNWR because of how their rankings are biased towards private schools and I would agree.
  • zythe
    I get that UCLA is a great school, but it’s better than Cal?
  • BaseballAtDobbins
    Yeah I saw that story on City Data and I was surprised that so many there think UCLA is more desirable than Cal. I don't get it either.
  • Zander
    Absolutely, USNWR favors things like selectivity and faculty ratio that actively go against a public school's mission to educate as many qualified students as possible. Not to mention measuring alumni donations but not state budgeted funding -- i.e. giving private schools "credit" for an ordinary part of their business model but not public schools.
  • Riveraggie
    it’s clearly better than Cal. (Disclaimer my daughter went to school at UCLA for eight years)
    Would you rather be in Westwood or Berkeley? Would you rather go to Santa Monica or Emeryville? Oakland or Los Angeles?
    Not to mention if you’re interested in health care, the best hospital is on campus. Its better the UCSF because UCSF is split between several campuses.
  • zythe
    I have to respectfully disagree. I’m a native to Los Angeles and have done direct work with both USC, UCLA, Occidental College, CalTech, and to an extent the “Pomona” schools. While both USC and UCLA are top tier schools…they are not better than Berkeley. Westwood is beautiful, but not Bay Area beautiful. Berkeley has so much charm and it’s not “plastic” looking. But yes, I also don’t want to get mugged in Berkeley.
  • Riveraggie
    when my daughter was at UCLA you could get a scoop of ice cream between two cookies for a buck in Westwood. QED
    PS. Don’t put USC in there.
  • movielover
    Never comprehended going to college in the middle of the hood. An ex GF went to school there and would hire local kids for $10 or $20 to watch their cars while they unloaded groceries, clothes shopping, etc. Another small business owner hired herself out to "Dad" to help his daughter get into a top sorority and buy clothes for rush... $10,000 in 1990... and that was just the first installment.
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