• Goags20172
    In my discussion titled "Baseball 7-19" I talked about how Nick Johnson and Nolan Meredith hadn't pitched in awhile. In the case of Johnson his only appearance had come in the first March series against Cal Baptist.


    Coincidence ? I think not. I have therefore reached the ridiculous conclusion that one of us here on the site is a spy from the baseball team, probably the head coach himself. I have thrown together this list of hastily-gathered possibilities with no research whatsoever. Each of them is either Matt Vaughn, or they are somebody else:

    Goags20172- I am the prime suspect because I talk the most about baseball. Perhaps I threw some shade at my coaching decisions to deceive you. However, would a person who graduated in the early 1990's really use the phrase "threw some shade "? This may be yet another misdirection.

    BlueGoldAg-the user who comments on or likes on baseball posts the most (which isn't to say a lot, it doesn't take much activity to win this distinction)

    FullertonBaseballFan- the whole Fullerton bit could be a deception...and there's no law that says a coach can't like competitors' teams better than their own.

    DrMike- The discussions on football from a time when Vaughn was likely not a student or coach at UCD are a perfect ruse if you want people to think you're not a baseball coach. DrMike is either the baseball coach or not the coach

    One of the many lurkers who read our posts but never post anything. Are our postsnot comment-worthy, folks, or has our awesomeness left you speechless ?
  • BlueGoldAg
    I'll never tell! :rofl:
  • AggieFinn
    This is from 3 days ago:

  • DrMike
    I have witnesses from past Brewfests that can attest Vaughn and I aren’t the same person. He’s been a semi-regular pourer of some non small brewery beer (like Bud) and I’ll hit him up when the other lines are too long.

    That’s my story and I’m sticking to it
  • 69aggie
    One of the main problems with baseball at any level is that many people find it downright boring. It is a slow game with long periods of nothing much happening, and then, BLAM someone finally hits the ball and wakes you up. So to try and fix this the minor league Atlantic Coast League has come up with a possible solution or improvement: move the pitching mound 12” further from the plate. This will improve “contact” and liven up the game. Also, DH allowed only as long as the starting pitcher is in the game. This will reduce the use of the very unpopular “openers” and the also increasing unpopular trend of taking out starting pitchers after 4 or 5 innings. MLB starters now average less than 5 innings and are often removed for seemingly no reason. HEY- someone has do do something to fix this game!
  • Goags20172
    69Aggie got something much different from AggieFinn's video share than I did lol.

    I would say Aggie baseball is anything but dull. Lots of yelling from the dugouts you can clearly distinguish. Lots of excitement, usually for the other team, hence the 9-21 record.

    What's really keeping the fans away is that they don't know there's a team and they don't know about it because it hasn't been that geat since 2009. Very talented players but the whole is less than the sum of the parts.
  • 69aggie
    Just to clarify. I was addressing the entire sport of baseball from an article in the Washington Post yesterday. Seems that the sport is less popular now than in years past. Will 12” added to the pitchers throw really help? Time will tell.
  • Goags20172
    I know you were- I was just having some fun with you lol.

    I can tell you that I enjoy major league baseball a lot less than I used to.

    One reason is it has become a toxic mixture of virtue-signalling, performative activism, self-promotion, cancel culture, and social media obsession. How many major league clubs actively and publicly protested police brutality against African-Americans to this extent before George Floyd was killed ? Not evem the leftist douchebag San Francisco Giants. They all knew it was happening and didn't do a darned thing until it became popular to do so.. Nobody wants to be force-fed the performative activist garbage that MLB is regurgitating in order to promote itself. Rich MLB owners have probably caused their share of police violence themselves by sicking them on the "riff-raff" they can't bear to look at.
    The players aren't much better. Were they also born yesterday ? I'm sick of these elitist douchebags calling for the police to be de-funded when they often have the resources to hire private security while they sit in their expensive homes and tweet about how outraged they are.

    And social media-someone please cancel Trevor Bauer. The fact that the 2009(terrible season for them) UCD Aggies gave that clown his first collegiate loss brings me quite a bit of enjoyment. He has such a huge ego that he asked Twitter followers to send him videos of why he should sign with their team. He also allegedly harrassed and stalked online a female Astros fan over a benign comment when he was with Cleveland. And he probably gets his jollies from reading online how much people hate him. And now they're investigating him for cheating. Hope they find something . He'll probably be so outraged by this post in this liitle corner of cyberspace that he'll join the site and offer a counter-argument.

    There are a few other reasons but I think the first one was pretty compelling. No amount of tinkering with the game structure is going to make the owners and players collectively look any less despicable.

    I have a ticket to today's A's game (bought the smaller flex pack a couple months ago thinking it would be fun...stupid, stupid !) but I'm skipping it. And when I skip a game I don't give the ticket to someone else. If a sports team pisses you off you don't reward them by sending a replacement fan who will spend the same amount or more on food and souvenirs and probably share photos on social media, giving them free advertising. They could care less who attends as long as they make money. You punish them by leaving the seat open and taking the extra revenue away from them and then raining hellfire when you get a fan survey asking you about the game you didn't attend. Their punishment for the garbage fan experience that was the last game I attended was the fofeiture of that extra revenue for one game.

    MLB isn't prepared to deal with someone like me who is prepared to just walk away. Ask the River Cats. I've taken away at least a thousand dollars of my own business over the years just because of their lazy stoner hippie attitude about people sitting in the wrong seats and then being nuisances. These teams think we need them and use it as an excuse to treat fans like cattle, and the pandemic has given them even more of an excuse to do so. MLB will face its reckoning soon enough.

    I have a ticket to see the minor league Modesto Nuts in a few weeks. Hopefully the experience greatly simplified will restore some of my interest in professional baseball.

    As for Aggie baseball it's often difficult to watch if you care about the outcome. I honestly had more fun watching Chico State and Fresno Pacific beat on each other two years ago. No horse in that race, so it was just nice being outside and watching a game somewhere different. I've said this before but UCD baseball is a labor of love. The players and coaches care, but the university doesn't, with the way they leave it under-funded and under-competitive and under-promoted The liberals in the university administration would just as soon replace it with co-ed ultimate frisbee and turn the school into PCU. That movie was supposed to be a goofy satire, but it's coming true, much like Isaac Asimov's science fiction writing is coming true. Seriously, read the Caves of Steel series written decades ago. Eerie
  • 69aggie
    GoAgs I feel your pain. Taking the politics out of it (Giant owner is a die hard right winger-Trump supporter- who cares?) the problem is the game experience. I guess its OK if you are up in the celebrity boxes or what ever they are call now. So, I went to a Giants game maybe 2016-17 at AT&T. Did all the green things and took the Smart Train to San Raphael then to Larkspur Ferry, then to AT&T. Had a Bloody on the way. Very cool. Then the game: starting pitcher: Matt Cain in probably his last ever start. He threw 20+ balls and a few strikes i n the first inning. Walked 5. Then we have this lady next to us speaker phoning her husband on the game progress: “Cain has thrown no f***king strikes and Bochy won take the F**ker out. I miss you dear! Cain is a f**cking loser. Oh, finally, he comes out and were down 2 runs! What an a**shole!” So, thats a nice feature to a game you paid $40 dollars to go to . . . Then two rows down we have a young lady who had a little too much beer throw up on the person in front of her. Much confusion. Security takes her out. Hey! Not going back. Trip back to San Raphael the best. Right under San Quintin prison and all the inmates look down at you from their exercise cage as we go by. What the hell do they think about us? Two bloodies in the way back. Not enough. Bad!
  • fugawe09
    it’s interesting that Raley Field doesn’t enforce seating because some years ago Aggie football hired the Raley Field redcoats to run Toomey Field and they were 4-alarm jerkoffs who tried to run the joint like the DMZ.

    One thing that strikes me about MLB players is many seek to play as little as possible and don’t value the fans. I get that pitchers shoulders have a finite lifetime, but my experience with the Grapefruit League is that the players that everyone came to see are dressed for the golf course and headed to the parking lot by the second inning and dodge any fan interaction. My experience with NBA and NFL players is more of a “put me in, coach” mentality and in exhibition games most of the a-listers do stick around to do a little showboating fan service and then head to the children’s hospital before the links.
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