• movielover
    A 13 hour bus ride?? Are they gonna leave Friday at 9 or 10 PM?

    My naive idea is rent a charter, minimum flight attendants, no frills, and sell extra seats to alums and fans. ... a 737 holds about 135 seats, the band could take half, and sell the rest??

    BTW, did they get the football equipment truck out of the mud?
  • fugawe09
    my experience with brass instruments is its harder to play high notes and playing fast is more difficult (frozen fingers). For sure temperature affects tuning the instrument so it’s all about keeping the horn warmed up by blowing air through it and constantly adjusting tuning slides. Keeping mouthpiece inside jacket chest pocket helps too. Valve oil is basically kerosene, so I didn’t have a problem gumming up too bad. The Band used to play up at Tahoe ski resorts (skiing down the mountain while playing). If it’s a wet game, brass instruments are ok but you need to keep woodwinds dry-ish
  • Russ Bowlus
    13-hour bus trips is how we rolled back in the day, movielover. :cool:

    Record was probably the 37-hour (one way) trip to Grand Forks for the Women's Elite 8 in '97. Epic, epic trip.
  • agalum
    Awesome on the fund raiser. Band-uh deserves it! Go Ags!
  • ucdavisaggie05
    Go Band-uh! Go Ags!
  • BlueGoldAg
    Thanks for your reply. I would think that the saliva build up in the horns would freeze also and you wouldn't be able to blow it out the spit vent. Does the band also have cold weather clothing for temps as frigid as it's going to be in Cheney?
  • Russ Bowlus
    Long underwear under the uniform, in my experience.
  • OC Aggie

    If I'm correctly interpreting the Facebook post I referenced earlier, "navy uniforms" means that the band will wear its formal full-dress uniforms, the same as what they would wear at any home game. Those things are made of wool, so that ought to help with temperatures (though long underwear would certainly help also in this case).
  • fugawe09
    I wore the old uniforms, which were also wool. When it was hot you were hot, when it was cold, you were cold. Long underwear a good call for sure.

    Longest bus trip I did was to Conway, AR straight through. Wouldn’t have traded it for anything.

    In 2005, the football team’s charter plane to Fargo fell through the week of the game, so the Band handed over their commercial flight tickets, sent the manager to rent whatever cars they could get at the south davis Enterprise and put a note on the band table in the coffee house that basically said get to the band room we’re driving. Nobody told the bureacrats and risk management had a coronary when they found out.
  • OC Aggie
    I was on that trip to Arkansas too. 50 hours one-way on a bus. Unexpected break-down in Oklahoma, spending the night sleeping in the parking lot of a Circle-K. Still made it to the game on time. Absolutely insane trip, but what great memories. Wouldn't have traded it for anything either.

    By the way, here's another Facebook post from the Alumni Band-uh:

    What's that?
    Did the STRETCH GOAL of $10,000 just get completely BLOWN OUT OF THE WATER with a closing total of ***$11,945*** in under 36 hours??
    You bet your spats that it did!

    To all who donated, shared, or egged on their friends to donate/share: THANK YOU. Everyone involved has been absolutely astounded at the generosity and support that's manifested over the course of this campaign. This is the first post-season football game that Aggie football has had in a while .....and thanks to this incredible network, the Band-uh will be there, too.

    The Band-uh will be discussing the excess funds and uses thereof after the trip. Extra thanks to Student Affairs and UC Davis Athletics for pitching in the money to let the students get some ~real rest~ instead of hopping off the bus, playing, and then packing in for the drive back!
  • movielover
    50 hours?! What does THAT do to class and study time?!

    Aggie Pride!
  • OC Aggie

    Fortunately, this game happened before classes started for the fall. :smile:
  • agalum
    This has been a really challenging quarter academically for the students. With the campus closure, many students are just now having their last midterms and finals start Monday. Hats off to the band-uh and team for their dedication. I would guess the band-uh would have time to study on the bus. I hope they have a great trip. And having the band-uh there is good for at least 7. Go Ags!
  • movielover
    Studying on a bus seems near impossible to me.

    EWU notes.

    1. Their students are out on break.
    2. They are calling out to community members of any skill level to fill out their " mega pep band" numbers, potentially to 200.

    "Musicians wanted to play in EWU pep band for weekend playoff game"
  • fugawe09
    IIRC, one of my trips to EWU their band was a no-show and we had to play the national anthem on their behalf. They hadn’t asked ahead of time, we found out as the announcer was saying it. Good thing we know that one!
  • Zander
    do they vet volunteers? Imagine if the Band-uh infiltrated theEWU band!
  • Oldbanduhalum
    So EWU is trying to piece together a pep band and the CAMB-uh is driving 13 hours to support the team (with funds donated by Aggies everywhere). +1 for the Ags. Gotta believe the team will be psyched to hear Aggie Fight as they run out on the red turf.

    Go Ags!
  • SochorField
    Gotta believe the team will be psyched to hear Aggie Fight as they run out on the red turf.Oldbanduhalum

    This is a bigger deal than we may think. Great stuff.
  • Bige70
    @Oldbanduhalum I can attest from personal experience that having the Band-uh in our corner on the road in a hostile environment means A LOT to the team. I remember being entering the field in Missoula to a chorus of boos, feeling a bit intimidated when we heard, in the distance, softly at first, the band-uh's cadence getting louder and louder, and then they turned the corner, marched down the tunnel and joined us on the field. We were ecstatic. This is a really terrific development.
  • Oldbanduhalum
    That's a great story. Thanks for sharing! Let's hope that the boys this Saturday get that same emotional lift.
  • Oldbanduhalum
    A video posted about the bands trip. Thanks to everyone who helped!
  • AggieFinn
    Hot link direct:

  • dlmusgrove
    On behalf of the band, I'd like to thank you all for your support. I had one of the best weekends of my life, and it wouldn't have been possible without the passion that everyone put in to getting us there. Go Ags!
  • OC Aggie
    That makes this Band-uh alum so glad to hear. I hope you, everyone else, and future members will get to have even more amazing trips.
  • ucdavisaggie05
    North Dakota State is the last weekend before class begins.

    I think a road trip to FARGO is in order. It’s been a while since they’ve seen the Ags.
  • movielover
    Driving? What scenic stops... ???
  • OC Aggie
    Yellowstone, Mount Rushmore, and dozens of Middle America towns that have never seen a spontaneous band gig before...? I think the last time the Band-uh was there (2007?) they flew to the Twin Cities then drove the rest of the way to Fargo. That seems like it would be more likely than a road trip. A strong Aggie reppin' at the Fargodome would be awesome for the program.

    Of course, it'd be nicer to see the band at closer away opponents next year too, like San Diego, Southern Utah, and Portland State (I know quite a few fellow alumni who have settled there, and a Band-uh appearance would be a great way to get them to Providence Park).
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