• movielover
    For Whom the Cowbell Tolls. Even some Will Ferrell and ???

  • 69aggie
    We have to get the “Steam Engine” to the game. No if and or what’s. Get it there. It looks like A very solid steam engine. Get the kids on and were good to go.
  • movielover
    What's next?

    Bonfire at PS?
  • ucdavisaggie05
    Heck, I'm already packing the headphones for the 4-year old. Bring the noise.
  • Aggiescribe
    A big thanks to AggieHex08 for finding a photo. While it is not absolutely clear from the image, it appears the steam engine is just that--an engine, not a tractor. (If it was a tractor there would be a seat, a steering wheel, and a steering linkage from the control station to the front wheels. I do not see any of these features in this photo.) In other words, a farmer would haul the engine into the field, fire it up, and use the rotating wheel on the side of the engine to power a piece of auxiliary equipment, using wide leather belts to transfer motion from the rotating wheel to the operating equipment.

    To further comment on 69Aggie's observations, even though the steam engine appears to be made of cast iron (a pretty weak material), the fact that the boiler is riveted and that there are pressure reliefs on the system suggests that the engine would leak and depressurize before burst. So the hazards are getting too close to the rotating wheel or the flyball governor used to smooth out the engine in response to varying load, not a boiler explosion. (See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Centrifugal_governor)

    If the administration thinks the steam engine is a safety hazard, they could ask the School of Engineering to evaluate the engine and determine if the engine is safe to use, or not. I suspect there is sufficient expertise in Bainer Hall to provide a definitive answer.
  • fugawe09
    The steam engine was on display (not running) a couple years ago at a game. I would bet there are some steam experts at the CA State Railroad Museum shop who could opine on how close it is to operational state and the safety factor. If it is not reasonably operational within a week, you could probably run the whistle on compressed air at least. Interestingly, Jay Leno has a steam tractor he has modified to run on propane. He said it makes it much faster and more practical to start up and shut down than a coal or wood fire and less smoky. Maybe a good future project?
  • Gunrock47
    I’ve seen ucd folks sitting in the scoreboard side end zone tooting this really loud horn after some UCD scores the past couple years. They definitely did it at a few games this year. It’s more of a compressed air whistle looking type of thing though. Anyone else know what I’m talking about?
  • fugawe09
    yeah, that air horn has been around for a couple of years. I appreciate someone’s effort, but it’s not the same as a 100 year old vintage steam whistle that rings out for miles.
  • SochorField
    Anything we can get into Aggie Stadium legally and make noise!

    Student section needs a quick "college football tutorial" pre-game. Some of us old guys might have to go over and take the mic from the MC for like 45 seconds. Basically open your mouth and yell "O" when the other team has the ball. Its that easy.
  • BlueGoldAg
    Anything we can get into Aggie Stadium legally and make noise!

    Spot on. I'm not optimistic that we will sell out the game. As we all know, lots of Aggie fans are "fair weather fans" who will stay at home if there's the slightest chance of precipitation or if the game presents the slightest inconvenience such as feeling like the leaves need to be raked. Well, it's leaf season and the forecast is for showers...

    As for the students, look at the NAU game. We were 8-1 at the time and had "sold out" the ISU game previously but only about 200 students showed up for the game. Heck, the overall attendance was only 7000+.

    We don't have a big, dedicated fan base yet and I'm not sure what it will take to change that especially with the students.

    I'm not trying to dampen the excitement. Just "callin' it like I see it."
  • SochorField
    Honestly, I think the more Davis residents here Hawk talk abut life and football, the more will show up.
    Davis might not have rabid football fans, but there are people who can get behind a positive message and a good time.
    And winning helps.
  • AggieFinn

    Winning really does matter, and how you win of course. It's a combination of the two.
  • ucdavisaggie05
    There are a couple of former MCs who frequent this board who I’m sure would be interested in providing some guidance to the “student section” come game day.
  • AggieFinn

    Defense, Wild Pack of Screaming Banshees and Stallions

    Offense, Controlled Excitement...bordering on Shields study mode Quiet.
  • BlueGoldAg
    It's not a student section until there are actually students in the stands though...
  • Riveraggie

    Does the steam engine have a firebox... Is it wood/coal powered or oil fired?
  • Aggiescribe
    You have to heat water to make steam so yes, the engine has a firebox. I have strong recollections of the operators having a woodpile next to the engine.

    As for safety and operation issues, I asked Bob Dunning of the Davis Enterprise about the steam engine. He in turn contacted Lorry Dunning (no relation), the founder of the Antique Mechanics Club.

    Salient Points:

    The "when was the steam engine banned?" question was not answered. (It would be interesting to know, but we can all live without knowing exactly when it left Toomey.)

    Physically, the engine is a stand-alone device.

    "It is known as a Simple Portable meaning in the old days it was pulled by a Horse Team. It can be loaded on a truck and hauled or pulled by a tractor ( rubber tires ) or pickup or any towing device. It is slow but [moving the steam engine] can be done."

    There is a process to certify boilers--no need to ask the Agricultural and/or Mechanical Engineers to perform a special project.

    "Boiler failure is not a problem. The boiler must be inspected every year with pressure testing and sonogram testing. The test is conducted by the insurance Company insuring the University for ALL the pressure vessels used on Campus. That report is submitted to the State of California Pressure Vessel Division. If passed a permit is issued which must be available on the boiler. Sounds complex but only requires setting a date with the Inspector. Testing usually takes about 3 hours."

    Finally, opposing teams had considerable input into the decision to ban the steam engine.

    "Way back when it was banned by the Division Managers due to opposing team complaints. It was speculated that the enthusiasm developed in the crowd that it brought an extra touchdown for the Aggies."

    To which I can only say, "why would you give up an extra touchdown?"
  • movielover
    Exactly. The Fargodome and Montana have clear home field advantages... why remove ours?
  • 72Aggie
    Get rid of the steam engine because it bothered visiting teams? I say bring it back and put a second one in the opposite corner! No more worrying what opponents think. From now on it's Davis first! Davis first! Make the Aggies Great Again!
  • Riveraggie
    Do you know what administrative body made the decision?
    Who owns the engine? The antique mechanics club?
  • Bige70
    @Aggiescribe, since you're in touch with Dunning, can you also ask him about Cowbell-gate? My mother is still irate that they were banned! Ask Dunning to lead the charge with some investigative journalism and let's get our home field advantage back.
  • agalum
    Ask Dunning to lead the charge with some investigative journalism and let's get our home field advantage back.

  • movielover
    Same ones who reduced seating at Rec Hall, and put chain link fence infrastructure area right in FRONT of the entrances to noth Rec Hall and ARC?
  • movielover
    Well, we're at 88% approval and only 8% no.
  • fugawe09
    I’m pretty sure the steam engine was gone by early 90s or earlier. Remember that we basically became D2 independent around 1993, so maybe there was some loss of leverage there since nobody was obligated to play us. But in the current state of the Big Sky, if other schools can have a howitzer canon we should be able to blast a whistle. Cowbells persisted into the 2000s if I recall. They started hassling people about them around the time they contracted security out to the Raley Field jerks, IIRC.
  • agalum
    Talk about unruly noise, at the EW game they were playing loud music over the stadium loud speakers when Jake was trying to get the snap. Not every down, but they got away with it when they did it.
  • movielover
    We should bring the whole Aggie band back to Cheney.
  • Aggiescribe
    To answer the "who owns the steam engine question?", Lorry Dunning did not say the Antique Mechanics club does not own the engine, so it is reasonable to assume the engine is, indeed, under the control of the club and University. As for the club itself, again according to Lorry:

    "The student Club, Antique Mechanics which I founded is no longer functioning. The collection is housed at University Airport with access by appointment. ... Students are no longer allowed due to a student accident at UC Berkeley 3 or 4 years ago."

    Too bad, too bad.

    I have never heard the term "division managers" before so I do not know what particular organization this refers to. However, let me make an obvious point: Competitive sports reflect directly on the reputation of the University, and therefore decisions about what can, or cannot be in the stadium during games are probably made at high levels in the Athletic Department, with possible inputs from the Chancellor's Office. Therefore without buy-in from at least the AD office, the steam engine will not be allowed back at the stadium. And since neither Kevin Blue nor Gary May have ever seen the steam engine in action, they are unlikely to be predisposed to allowing its return.

    Which implies that the only way to get the steam engine back is to specifically lobby for its return. Petitions, anyone?
  • movielover
    So a student had an accident at another campus under unknown circumstances with unknown item, and that has a major impact on what we do?

    Dunning often communicates the importance of our traditions. Drs Blue and May are new. Toomey was torn down with no notice, not a small item. Just a few years ago we had a plaque for Will Lotter and volunteers fall into disrepair.

    WHERE the steam engine would go is also an issue. They probably wouldn't want to damage the stadium turf. Bottom end zone, or near scoreboard??

    Coach Hawkins and Bob Dunning could make it a possibility. A stretch at such late date. But cow bells and the steam engine helped give Toomey CHARACTER and ENERGY.
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