• BlueGoldAg
    Davis Enterprise: UCD’s Freeborn Hall will be demolished

    After four years of sitting in limbo, the decision to demolish the historic Freeborn Hall at UC Davis has finally been made.

    Interim vice chancellor of Student Affairs Emily Galindo told The Enterprise on Monday, “We are absolutely committed to all of the student programs that are currently housed there, as well as the staff. We want to work with them to find the best and most suitable places to relocate to.”

    The student programs Galindo is referring to — things like the California Aggie newspaper, KDVS radio station and The Pantry — have been occupying space in the 12,000 square foot basement of Freeborn, which w

    “While the overall project cost for the renovation and seismic corrections of the entire existing (Freeborn Hall) facility was approaching $37 million,” Carroll said, “the $10-12 million cost was the budgeted amount to complete a smaller renovation for the relocation of those current occupants in the lower level of Freeborn only.”

    Carroll continued, “As a direct comparison, the average new office or classroom space on campus will have a project cost approximately 30 percent to 50 percent more than a renovation, depending greatly on the quality and age of the building being renovated, the existing deferred maintenance requirements and the cost to temporarily relocate the current occupants.” Thus, if the ultimate decision to replace Freeborn with a brand new version that was comparable in size and function, the cost would be between $48-$55.5

    Freeborn Hall was dedicated in 1962 but was closed in 2014 due to seismic safety concerns.

    Buffalo Springfield was just one of many famous bands and musicians who played at Freeborn Hall over the years.

  • agalum
    It would be nice if they maintained the original look in the new building, but if they did I guess it would be beating some architects out of their commission.
  • OC Aggie
    Kind of a bummer for KDVS to have to move to a new place, but I guess there's no sense in having wrecking crew sounds making their way into the broadcasting studios. I hope wherever the station moves to, they'll have enough space for their huge record collection. I was a DJ for a couple years while I was a student...fond memories of descending underground into the tunnels of Lower Freeborn, sometimes at three in the morning...perusing the maze of shelves housing what I was told was either the second or third-largest record collection in the state (our competitors being Stanford's KZSU, with thee largest collection owned by Dr. Demento)...finding albums I never thought I'd see in my life...catnapping on that big nasty couch while waiting for my turn to man the turntables...decades of posters covering the walls... Okay, I'll stop reminiscing but I still think how lucky I was that I got to experience radio first-hand at this station, and I don't see how other college stations could offer aspiring DJs a better experience.
  • BlueGoldAg
    Great story, OC Aggie.
  • OC Aggie
    Thanks, BlueGoldAg. As you might be able to tell, I kind of miss it.
  • BlueGoldAg
    I know. Those years we had at UCD were formative and special in many ways. I can barely find my way around some areas of the campus anymore because it has grown and changed so much since I was there but it always solicits memories of times long gone...
  • movielover
    The big bland concrete dorms at Tercero don't have much style.
  • Gunrock47
    I know the exact couch you're talking about. Still there. Still nasty. Go Ags!
  • OC Aggie
    Nice to know some things don't change!
  • movielover
    Is the gas pump still there, the creepy bathroom, and local townie hippy DJ ... Jerry? Good guy.
  • OC Aggie
    Ooh, now I'm really stretching my memory...I do recall the gas pump...I don't remember Jerry...do you mean the bathroom that was outside of the station and down the hall? That was the one I remember being the closest. Perhaps Gunrock47 can fill in here...?
  • movielover
    Yes, same BR... and a hair cut place.
  • fugawe09
    It's too bad. It was a good venue in a prime location that is not fully replaced by any of the other newer venues on campus. Lot of character there, if those walls could talk! I read the full architects report a couple years ago and I seem to remember that the seismic retrofit was practical, but making everything ADA compliant was not, combined with crumbling air conditioning and plumbing systems that had not been well maintained since the 90s. The fact that it took 4 years to decide what to do makes it seem like we are paying some decision-maker entirely too much money. There also seems to be a funding problem where they can build new buildings but can't seem to clean, maintain, or update any existing facilities until they fall apart.
  • movielover
    It seems like the campus keeps losing student gathering places ... old Coffee House (small bands), Freeborn (mid sized), I'm sure there are others... Rec Hall basketball (4 courts) taken over by ICA (I don't think it was supposed to be a fulltime ICA facility).
  • OC Aggie
    Ah, you just made me remember the barbershop in Lower Freeborn too. Always thought that was neat to have on campus, although the only time I went there I got a surprisingly disappointing haircut.

    And yeah, that bathroom could be a bit creepy...IIRC the automatic lighting went out at inopportune times...
  • Toke69
    Oh no! I just saw this. I practically grew up in Freeborn. I also got my haircuts there, made the only 7-10 split of my life in the bowling alley, and saw Linda Ronstadt, the Eagles, and Gordon Lightfoot there among others. I was sad when they tore down Stonehenge (what we called the Pierce/Thille complex back in the day.) where I dormed for two years and RAed for one. This makes me just as sad. Now that I think of it, I never knew who they named the building after. Anyone know?
  • 72Aggie
    Buildings at Tercero have been knocked down?!?!?!?!?

    Lord, I feel old(er) now.

    Saw BB King at Freeborn, and Tina Turner when she was still with Ike.
  • movielover
    Smaller dorms replaced with huge dorms.

    How does the newest remodel of the MU look? The last one was a miss. The drawings and pictures look great.

    But the planned new Pub didn't get done?
  • 72Aggie
    I'm thinking the Ike & Tina Turner Review might have been the first step on the road to needing seismic retrofitting.
  • Zander
    Remodel doesn't feel like a terribly big change tbh, based on the few times I've gone through it. The obvious change is just a new lounge area on the bus terminal-facing side, with a new entrance to the bookstore. All positive changes, but nothing that felt earth-shattering.

    I went into the new games area over a year ago but don't remember much of it.
  • movielover
    Did they bring back the fireplace?
  • Zander
    Can't recall seeing it; probably no
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