One of the reasons why we used this site is because it is so much more mobile friendly than yuku. I am not using an app right now and it is so much cleaner and user friendly you don't need an app!
The new AST is made for mobile phones. It's tailored to work beautifully on iOS and Android smartphones, with no compromise on performance, functionality or branding.
I just checked it out on my phone. It's a million times better than trying to deal with Yuku on mobile. This switch will do wonders for AST, in my honest opinion. Kuddos to everyone who helped develop the new site.
Very cool! Thanks for doing this. Only bummer is not having access to all those other threads that were going. Lots of great wisdom for department changes, Aggie lore, news on Ags in the pros, etc. Any chance any of that is migrating over? Or, more trouble than it's worth?
We looked into moving everything over and Yuku makes it impossible to do so.
We are not shutting down the Yuku boards, they will remain open. Think of them now as the Smithsonian Museum of material. The info is all there, you just have to do a little digging to find it.