• True Blue Aggie
    Animated and vocal USD fan in the first rows of the Team Aggie section at midfield seemed to be having a heated discussion with an Aggie faithful in the 2nd half. Anyone have a scoop on the details?
  • agalum
    I saw two groups sitting below us. There were a few younger ones, appeared very respectful, and a few older looking fellas closer to the bottom. I saw the latter group leave, before the half, and did not see them return. But i never saw any confrontation, but we are in the higher rows.
  • True Blue Aggie
    The USD fan was a woman with a small novelty cowbell. They originally sat elsewhere so it may have been a case of not knowing the sections/rows/seats, etc. And, from my vantage point, she made a point to make a racket when USD had the ball (so bad form, at least - quiet on offense, loud on defense). I had USD alums near me who were fantastic. Of course, they had virtually zero reason to cheer/gloat, etc.
  • Oldbanduhalum
    Yeah so here’s what I know. The group was two rows in front of us rooting for usd in general and for #7 specifically (he’s from Fairfield so that makes sense). One woman was very loud and bagging a cowbell against the metal benches, which made a terribly sound. Not faulting them at all for rooting for their team. But one Aggie fan asked the loud woman to stop the banging (not the cheering). She did for a while but resumed and actually moved a bit closer to the woman who complained ( this did not feel intentional, just some fluid movement during the game). Aggie fan then started to complain louder. A friend of mine went to intervene, again just asking her to stop the banging. Lots of talking and finally my friend went to get security. Security never showed but a police officer showed up about 10 mins later. He talked nice to the usd fans, who seemed to be a little upset but things cooled down. Aggie fan moved ( or left) and the usd fans left soon thereafter. It could have gotten ugly but fortunately cooler heads prevailed.
  • DrMike
    her voice was more annoying than the cow bell! There was a lot of security around, but not the normal ushers. We had students popping in and out of our section throughout the night.
  • True Blue Aggie
    Thanks for your rundown. I’ve always viewed gameday etiquette - when my team is the visitor - as an easy task. And one of the elements is never sit in the premium hometeam section. But hey…maybe thats just me. I want to watch and support my team with no potential confrontations with opposing fans.
  • BaseballAtDobbins
    What is wrong about sitting in the premium hometown section? You would think fans would feel safer there than in the nosebleeds or in regular areas (grass GA doesnt count because you can move). Can you share more about what is considered appropriate? For baseball I clap politely but I never stand and cheer (but you also can't win on walkoffs away). I've been to a few road baseball games but those are different. For football I've only been to Sac State away and on the Davis side where there are mostly UCD fans.

    The concept of away ettiquette is really interesting to me. Obviously never boo the home team. But what else? I'm attending Cal @Wazzu (although Pullman is so friendly) in two wks and UC Davis @ Idaho in Nov so I want to know more.
  • BlueGoldAg
    It's always very frustrating when you end up seated near some disruptive fans. Our section was packed last year for the Sac State game and a bunch of Hornet fans were mixed into our section. The guy right next to me was VERY loud and obnoxious and he really liked to "rub it in" when Sac was having their way with us. It was so irratating that it practically ruined the game for us.
  • True Blue Aggie
    Happy to share my thoughts. Simply put, I just error on the side of caution. On the road I always mind my manners and don't do things that will set people off, but I also avoid the areas where even polite support for the away team is unwelcome.

    Like many, I have been to Idaho. Many Idahoans hold a real distaste for all things California. And it's kinda ugly. Some folks are great . . . but many others will tell you to your face what they think of YOU and our state. I had a lady (who looked like your average suburban soccer-mom) aggressively cuss me out as I got out of my car at Albertson's because of my California plates. No provocation at all, just called us names and directed us to go back to our "s**thole of a state and die." :yikes: "DIE"! Seriously crazy.

    We've all seen way too many videos of bad behavior by fans in the stands. I just politely support my team and move on. I'm never looking for a fight. And certainly not one where I am horribly outnumbered.

    Enjoy your games! That's a nice sports-travel itinerary, for sure.
  • True Blue Aggie
    Ugh. And THAT'S the kind of BS that rubs me the wrong way. :rage:
  • BaseballAtDobbins
    Thank you. Makes perfect sense. I'm glad I live near a conference foe and a further day trip to EWU. I'm jealous of all of you in Yolo County so I'll take what I can get. My K aged son is a Cougs fan...I figure if no point in trying hard for UCD since we don't do legacies and it's crazy expensive OOS. Otherwise UCD would be on the future 10+ year plan.

    Crazy to think USD actually has passionate fans in a sport other than basketball.
  • Joey91
    The beyond belief obnoxious fan was sitting in the row in front of us, 5 seats to the left. She had a piercing, screeching and loud voice! She then added a cow bell, perfect! Not a problem though, until she started banging the cow bell against the metal seat in front of her! The sound was excruciating to the ears and just too much to bear. Numerous people asked her to stop the banging, very politely. She was rude, indignant and extremely inconsiderate! My wife talked to her, saying we have no problem with cheering, but the metal on metal banging was ear piercing and potentially damaging to our hearing. She said “I’m not gonna stop…” which was so rude to everyone around her. She also commented on my wife’s “white privilege” etc, which bothered me, because clearly this had nothing to do with race. Then, some rough around the edges guy, who was not even involved, came out of nowhere to tell us to mind our own f****ing business and then disappeared. So odd. My wife talked to security guards who did nothing about it. A Davis police agreed to say something to her but said he really can’t stop her from doing it. She toned it down a little with the banging, but we ended up moving, as many others did, away from our prime 50 yard line seats to not have to even look at this incredibly rude person. She single handedly ruined the game experience. Thank God the Ags destroyed her team and shut her up.
  • Oldbanduhalum
    Glad we won’t have to deal with her this week! Go Ags.
  • agalum

    Wow, i gladly missed that. We’re on the 40 yard line so we must have been far enough away to miss it. How do visitors get tickets in the team aggie section? Maybe she didn’t have a ticket to that area. They used to check our tickets but this year they haven't as you enter your section.
  • DrMike
    she was down a section or so to the left of us, but far enough we couldn’t mss add me out what she said. She stood with that cowbell and screeched most the game!
  • BlueGoldAg
    Damn...she sounds like she was as obnoxious and inconsiderate as they come.
  • AggieFinn2
    I think it is always important for visiting fans to know their place. Unfriendly territory can be friendly if you don't piss off the regulars.

    One thing you definitely don't do at baseball games is complain vociferously about the umpires if you're a visiting fan. That is the home team's fan privilege. You also don't say anything negative about the venue or talk about the things you're used to-that's just an invitation to get told to go back where you came from in unkind words.

    And definitely don't be "the coach" or comment on every pitch.

    And if you're a fan of For-Profit U (Grand Canyon) don't have a big purple flag made that you wave around and announce "I'm here now, y'all !!!" When you walk in, as if anyone cares.

    TrueBlueAggie- one fun thing to say to that foul woman in ID could've been, "Madam, you should welcome me, as my tourist dollars help to fund all of the social welfare programs in which you currently participate." I bet you could've put a potato on her head and watch it bake.
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