• 72Aggie
    Another idea being tossed around....
    Anymore you don't know if these are serious possibilities, or the result of sportswriters in a time with no sports (and in the case of the Bee, a struggling newspaper.)

  • DrMike
    I can’t see how you could do football in spring 2021 followed by fall 2021. Hawk alluded you that in the zoom meeting with season ticket holders.

    For high school, get rid of playoffs for this year (section to state takes about 5 or 6 weeks), and push the season start back. Maybe league games only.

    College? Big guys want games, with or without fans, to get HUGE TV money. Us? Who knows. Delays, short season....anybody’s guess.
  • movielover
    I've seen stats that claim the infection rate for the 21-40 age group is phenomenally low. Many factors to consider.

    If players were tested weekly or even bi weekly, and before games - say, temperature and or swab - the risk is possibly quite low. Very complicated considering the student funding of athletics. Do we even know of any pattern of the spread in athletics?

    Our numbers are driven by 8-10 metro areas & disastrous NYC nursing homes & potentially the subway. Yolo County, San Luis Obispo County numbers very low, same for Montana, Utah, Idaho.

    No college wants to be the first. If given the facts, could student-athletes be given an Assumption of the Risks waiver before competing?
  • DrMike
    It’s not just the players. Coaches, referees, game day personnel cover a wide age range. And there’s the question of fans.
  • Fiat Lux
    I think it’s still a bit too early to really make a call on if we have a season. Governor Newsom just announced that we will begin phase two of reopening California on Friday. This is good news. It seems we may be a little ahead of where we thought we would be. If we can continue to make good progress and increase the amount of testing that happens, maybe we get a season. I have a hard time thinking fans will even be an option.
  • DrMike
    agree. A complication to this is if schools go online only. Not sure how they would deal with some students (athletes) on campus but most off. Again, let’s let it play out and hope for the best
  • movielover
    So we have these parameters / facts - not New York.

    1. Big Sky not in a hot zone.
    2. Infection rate extremely low for youth.
    3. Medical system not overwhelmed & we're up to speed.
    4. This virus reportedly dies off in the summer.
    5. New data suggests an extremely low transmission rate outdoors.


    6. Full lockdown in Western Europe had no effect?


    We could prohibit fans over 70 from attending games...
  • AggieHex08

    Hopefully new data about transmission outdoors is verified by other research institutions. However, until epidemiologists or health experts are asserting that the virus doesn't spread outdoors, we can't count on one random graph from someone on twitter. Also citing Barnes Law on a research paper about viral spread would get me an F on that paper.

    Cherry picking points of information isn't going to be the way Universities like Davis are going decide if they are going to allow football to be played. Once again this isn't political. This is a decision based on science/safety/data.
  • BlueGoldAg
    There's a reason that Yolo County has very low numbers and I experienced it personally a couple of days ago. I went to a Home Depot that's on Power Inn Road in Sacramento and it was extremely crowded with very few parking spaces available. I was shocked when I went inside. Around 70% of the customers and 50% of the staff were not wearing masks. The store was not monitoring the number of people allowed inside so social distancing was a joke. Most of the customers could have cared less.

    Later that day I went to the Home Depot in West Sacramento. There was a line to get in and everyone was staying at least 6 feet apart. Only a couple of people in line were not wearing a mask including the guy in front of me. When he got to the entrance the Home Depot employee, who was monitoring the number of people allowed into the store, told him he could not enter without a mask and showed him a box of them. He took one and started to walk into the store and the employee told him he had to put it on first so he finally did. Inside it was orderly and uncrowded and 6 foot spaces were marked off for checkout lines.

    The difference in safety between these two stores was like night and day. The Power Inn store is in Sacramento County and the West Sacramento store is in Yolo County and there are strict safety rules in place in Yolo County. What was discouraging to me is that the majority of people who were in the Sacramento store could have cared less about being safe. In Yolo County, however, you had no choice but to be safe if you wanted to enter the store.

    This experience tells me that many, many people really aren't concerned about the virus. I could care less if they were to simply get sick themselves and not spread it to others because of their ignorance and arrogance but it doesn't work that way. Their selfishness and carelessness could make others sick which could possibly even cost someone their life. Believe me, the herd instinct is alive and well, unfortunately.
  • cmt

    Stop saying infection rate is low for young people you misinformation spreading goon. Yes, young people are less likely to get sick and/or die than older people. But that doesn't mean they can't get it and either not show symptoms at all or show very minor symptoms that would not cause them to get tested. And if you have it, even if you don't show serious symptoms, you can still pass it on to other people.

    It's far more contagious than the flu and it takes longer for symptoms to show up after you've been infected. So if someone gets it and they go about their life normally, they could spend a week spreading this thing around before they did get sick and stayed home.
  • agalum

    Great comments, but unfortunately we have plenty of people in Yolo County that are just as ignorant or cavalier about this virus. I was in the Woodland Costco just before the mandatory mask requirement. They were limiting the number of customers so the store was not crowded. I was wearing a mask and I hear some guy clearing his throat behind me then reaching in to grab an item right next to me. I told him to maintain 6’. He obviously didn't care. I am very forthright with people when shopping to insure the best i can that people show me the same respect, and distance, that I am providing for them.
  • BlueGoldAg
    I hear you, agalum, about there being people in both counties that simply don't care about their role in preventing the spread of the virus. That's why I think it's necessary to have the kind of strict rules that Yolo County has wisely implemented. It's very disappointing how many people will not practice safety for themselves and others unless they are mandated to do so and you can see that first hand in Sacramento County. If it's out of sight, it's out of mind for a significant portion of the public and, what's even more maddening, is that they profoundly believe they have the right to do as they please...the government and scientists be damned...
  • DrMike
    we were calaveras last weekend (don’t tell anyone) and I didn’t see masks. We brought up food to avoid stores. Their rate is low,

    Cabin next to us was rented with 16 or so folks in their 20-30’s....and they had a wedding!
  • DavisAggie
    One reason for low Yolo County numbers is that they haven't done a lot of testing; it's positive rate is higher than most counties, which correlates to a high case-fatality rate. (highest in state, for counties with 100+ cases)
  • BlueGoldAg
    That's very interesting to know.
  • fugawe09
    Well, while we are on the topic of way-out-there ideas to make a season work, a fan joke that the NBA should rent out Disney World resorts and sports facilities to have an isolated made-for-TV season has apparently caught Adam Silver's eye. Just saying, Disney World has 17 lit football fields with TV hookups and 30,000 hotel rooms. Could you imagine a significant portion of college football locked up together in a resort at the same time?
  • movielover
    Not political? For many it is. It is at least for the politicians & mainstream media. Nancy Pelosi has held up funding several times to load up Corona CCP Virus funding bills with unrelated Pork.

    Democrats and the media are attacking the President while they defend China!! Defend China? China: 1) hid critical information for over 4 weeks; 2) closed down travel from Wuhan, but allowed them to travel internationally - infecting the world (not Beijing or Shanghai); 3) bought up over $2 Billion worth of PPE during the gap; and 4) still has deadly wet markets.

    HCQ & Zinc is an interesting case study. It is cheap (generic), well known, and safe - with a 4-decade track record treating lupus & malaria. Now it receives odd put downs and a supposed negative critique - from a whacky study. The press jumped all over it. Why? Because the President said it may be helpful?

    Governor Cuomo has been having fancy press conferences for weeks patting himself on the back - meanwhile his Health Department mandated that released Covid-infected seniors go back to rest homes! Maybe this is just incompetence, I don't blame them for the apparent subway transmission issue. But this nursing home situation is appalling; same for not acquiring any of the 16,000 ventilators his emergency task force recommended he acquire in 2015.
  • movielover
    NPR: Coronavirus Is Contagious, But Kids Seem Less Vulnerable So Far

    "As the case count of coronavirus infections continues to rise in China, the number of reported infections among children is remarkably low.

    "We're seeing [about] 75,000 total cases at this point, but the literature is only reporting about 100 or so pediatric cases," says Terri Lynn Stillwell, a pediatric infectious disease expert at Mott Children's Hospital at the University of Michigan."


    Please save your troglodyte name calling for someone else.
  • AggieHex08

    We are all Aggies, we don't need to go down a rabbit hole of blaming one side or the other on this forum. There isn't some grand conspiracy of evil liberals keeping your football from being played, it's scientists and health experts making the best decisions to keep this very dangerous virus from spreading. The virus is here and potentially our actions in the coming weeks and month can make it possible for football to be played. However, those decisions will be based on science, data, and facts.
  • cmt

    Did you stop reading after two paragraphs or did you ignore it because it doesn't back up your claims?

    It's possible that many more kids are infected but don't get sick enough to seek medical treatment. It's also possible that some infected children may develop no symptoms at all.

    "So far, it appears that more than 80% of the [coronavirus] infections are pretty mild, no more severe than the common cold,' says Cody Meissner, an infectious disease expert and professor of pediatrics at Tufts University School of Medicine. "And children appear to have even milder infections than adults," Meissner says. This is based on preliminary data, he says.

    We're not testing everyone here. People are getting tested when they show symptoms and show symptoms for a while. If someone doesn't show symptoms or very mild symptoms, they're not going to get tested. Again, just because you have mild or no symptoms doesn't mean you can't pass this thing on to someone else.
  • movielover
    I agree, but let's not uncritically anoint any scientist or supposedly impartial agency as god.

    We were told this virus would exponentially grow every 1-2 days - wrong. The WHO and its possibly corrupt leader kept us in the dark for over a month while shielding China. Dr. Fauci said there was nothing to worry about in February and March, and now some see him as devine.

    There are some liberals who have said we need these lock down measures for months or years longer, while simultaneously wanting the Federal Government to print them more money. Jerry Brown and his administration depleted our previous emergency stockpile of ventilators, hospital beds, large mobile hospitals (3) and PPE equipment.

    Last I checked San Francisco had 19 deaths - 19 deaths - but they may lose up to 50% of their small restaurants. Will there be a cascading effect with other small businesses, commercial & residential real estate? Drug overdoses are way up.
  • cmt
    Dr. Fauci said there was nothing to worry about in February and Marchmovielover

    I think you meant to type Trump rather than Dr. Fauci.
  • AggieHex08

    If there was an event where we suddenly needed experts on the knowing all logos of FCS teams, I would be there to save the day. This not that event though and I have a very rudimentary understanding of viruses. So let's trust experts.

    The governments that seem to be handling this the best are the one's that are letting the experts on health/science/economics drive the decisions. For instance, Australia has a rather conservative PM and even though he was horridly unpopular from the wild fires, even ardent liberals are happy with his leadership right now.

    As graduates from one of the top Universities on earth, I think we can continue to use this thread to discuss if there will be an Aggie Football season citing experts/research without needing to get lost in political tit for tat.
  • movielover
    Hallowed Dr. Fauci even downplayed masks and 'silent carriers'. The CDC didn't advise us to wear masks until April 3rd.
  • CA Forever
    Guys... I don't think anyone from one side of this debate is going to convince someone from other other side to change their opinion. Everyone seems pretty entrenched on this.
  • movielover
    Define experts? Even the CDC didn't advise us on wearing masks until April 3rd.

    I believe we need more data & facts & pragmatism, not hysteria & politics. Our national numbers are being especially driven by New York and other urban areas - not Big Sky geography. But politics may push a uniform approach.

    FWIW, I don't believe we shut down the Far West Conference for the Hong Kong Flu in 1968.

    Potential large gatherings in New York, New Orleans or Detroit are another matter.
  • AggieHex08
    Experts? Let's look at our own community. UC Davis has multiple professors providing expertise. It's pretty cool actually to see how often we are cited on a variety of studies. Click here.

    If the scientific consensus is late, it doesn't mean it is wrong. If the CDC says we should wear masks, we should all agree on that. We are learning more about this virus everyday. We will know a lot more in months.
  • lucche
    Well, there is information out there that syas the masks are not as good as coffee filters. This could easily be possible. Most masks people are wearing are not going to prevent the spread of disease by stopping the virus from passing through the mask. Most will just slow the rate of transport of the virus to a shorter distance after a yawn, speaking, or a sneeze. Virus particles are way smaller than the size of a single cell. Thus, the need for much smaller holes are needed in the mask to prevent the virus from escaping and travel a great distance. This is why they want a 6' space between individuals. These masks are not able to prevent others from exposure to the virus, only to prevent groups from exposure to the virus.
  • AggieFinn
    Take the conversation to the OT Board.
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