• Sac’s Thomson to transfer?
    Ridiculous. Per NCAA stats- most “grad transfers” never finish their “graduate degree” and quit after their season ends. Pathetic NCAA on these rules. Really. Is Thompson actually going for s degree or just messing with the rules?
  • Sac’s Thomson to transfer?
    How can Thompson transfer w/o sitting a year when our new MBB transfer from San Jose st. Has to sit out? Totally confused about the new ransfer rules!
  • COVID-19
    I also find this fascinating. But who the hell checks on the retailers CEOs political position before they buy? Not me. Must be fox or whatever. In do not see this in calif.
  • News Regarding Race and Athletics from UCD and NCAA
    Can ICA sports go forward in thee Fall? It will depend on whether the virus statistics are OK per health officials AND (I believe) whether the players will sign liability waivers that hold the universities and conferences harmless should a player catch the virus. This is a requirement for attendance at the Trump Tulsa rally on Sat. Might be a precedent the president will regret making.
    If your kid was a player would you let him/her sign such a waiver? I believe UC kids have to have health insurance. Don’t think CSU kids do. Unbelievable where this is taking us!
  • COVID-19
    Need DD214 or veterans photo ID card and you are good to go. Don’t know why they don't promote this.
  • COVID-19

    In the book “Gone Girl” by Gillian Flynn (which is excellent by the way) the story includes the observation that in much of the South republicans will always go to Walmart and Home Depot as opposed to Costco and Lowes because the latter stores are owned by Democratic supporters. The former, republican. I have no idea if this is true, but it does fit the apparent additional fact that in the South mask wearers are sometimes referred to as “liberal pussies.” This sure fits your narrative. I do know that Lowes gives a 10% discount to veterans and thats why I go there. HD does not. Active service only. So we have now politicized retail. Why not a virus? Makes perfect sense to me. Next: Sex?
    Wait a minute. A friends daughter at UC Santa Barbara says that she has a republican sorority sister who absolutely will not date a non-republican. So we are close, No?
  • Uncommon Engineering - interviews hosted by Hawkins
    I did hear reference to the “Second Mountain” Concept by both Hawk and Rolf. There is a book out there by David Brooks, a conservative commentator for the NYT, of that same name and concept. In life the first mountain you climb is about the ego. Building your own ego As high as it will go. When that doesn’t work (and it is a rare person who achieves that fulfillment), comes the valley before the Second Mountain. In this valley we contemplate how we should transition from the selfish individualism of our past to focus on giving to the community. Selfish versus selfless. Then we try to climb that mountain. Again, few of us complete that climb but trying is the real purpose of the “journey of life” as both Hawk and Rolf repeatedLy mentioned. It’s not the end, it is how you conduct your journey that truly counts in life. I think that Pastor in SoCal who wrote “The Purpose Driven Life” had the same approach. I think he was Obamas favorite Pastor.
    Just here with a sick dog. Staying home in my mask. Rolf made my day. Thank you Rolf. Good to be an Ag.
  • Uncommon Engineering - interviews hosted by Hawkins
    Did Coach Sochor ever write much about his philosophy of coaching? I wish he had written a book. Amazing the positive impact he had on so so many people. The man was a saint!
  • Uncommon Engineering - interviews hosted by Hawkins
    Well folks, that just made my day. Makes you very proud to be an Aggie.
  • COVID-19
    And to make things even worse, all these states know this is happening. But the way they want to fix the problem is by hiding the statistics on the new cases. This is beyond incompetence. It is a conscious disregard for the health and safety of our country.
  • COVID-19
    No surprises. Covid still rising in all the SEC states. Texas is breaking all infection records as is Florida GA, SC and NC. Football next month? Ridiculous but true.
  • Sac’s Thomson to transfer?
    Wow. A lot of rumor, speculation and down right fear at sac over this thing. However this works out, sac will feel the impact as a team. Even if KT stays it will never be the same team. The speculation over TT also leaving is at borderline hysteria levels at sac. If TT gets an offer he will leave sac. That is a fact contract or no contract.
  • Sac’s Thomson to transfer?
    Follow: sometimes there are good Hawks and bad Hawks. Some feed their chicks and some that don' . I am very glad we have one of the former species here with us now. But I am truly sad for Troy Taylor who is by all accounts a good guy to have this happen to his team. We had it with a RB Recently and we will have it in the future. Crazy times indeed.
  • Sac’s Thomson to transfer?
    Sac picked for #4 in the FCS by Hero’s basically due to Thompson. I guess thats gone now. The guy is just amazing. If he has to wait another year does that mean he’s been a college QB for 7 years? One point: why didn’t the Hawk get him?\
  • COVID-19
    Texas started reopening the end of April and now has the highest number of Covid-19 patients it has even had: 1,935. This is very bad. I hope California avoids this outcome.
  • COVID-19
    Covid-19 ethics.
    SMU bringing back it’s football team for practices starting June 6.
    Dallas County currently showing 200+ cases and significant deaths from Covid-19 now per week and not dropping.
    NCAA: all teams will have to test all players prior to active practice or games.
    Covid test cost: $200+/-
    CDC: Covid testing not readily available for everyone due to lack of test kits
    CDC: Covid testing should be prioritized for vulnerable populations
    CDC: does not mention college football, NFL, NBA as a vulnerable population.
    Question: is this ethical??
  • News Regarding Race and Athletics from UCD and NCAA
    BSC might consider splitting into north-south divisions ala Pac12 for football.
    EWU, UI, ISU, MU, MSU and NC: North
    WSU, DSU, NAU, Poly, UCD and Sac: South
    Keeps all the rivalry games intact and could make travel cost drop significantly.
  • News Regarding Race and Athletics from UCD and NCAA
    With Dixie State moving to D1 are they a lock into the BSC. They have a full athletic program. Could be a good member.
    Also, when does UCSD begin play in the BW?