• Will UCD cut any sports ?
    Very tough choices. This is where Kevin Blue’s job went from being a dream job to a nightmare. Bet he has had many phone conversations with the Stanford AD on this subject.
  • Will UCD cut any sports ?
    Great post by Go on a topic that is unfortunate to contemplate. But I do think that creative minds can work this thing out. I agree that football for UCD is not going to be cut. Nor are MBB and WBB. Any of the rest of the sports are like Go says vulnerable. For one, I don't think that scholarships are that big a cost issue. These so-called minor or “Olympic Sports” have relatively few hard Other costs except for travel and thats where I think all the major California universities should get together and work out how these sports can just play in California and maybe Nevada (what is the matter with two games a year with Sac?) Gone will be the days where the lacrosse team goes on an extended east coast trip, or the WSB team goes to a Weekend tournament in Texas, or the equestrian team goes to Alabama. Yes, even the football team may just have to play close to home. A lot of money will be saved. I do agree that field hockey just is a bridge too far with two teams left in the entire west and may have to go. Baseball is on the bubble as Go very well says, i simply have no ideas or input on baseball. Alumni/parent support may decide the fate of these teams.
  • Big Sky Virtual Kickoff July 23-24
    The Montana, Utah, AZ and ID teams will vote to go for it. CA, WA OR, CO teams will vote no so it is very doubtful there will be BSC football this year IMHO. So, again, a virus becomes a political "football". So sad.
  • COVID-19
    Courageous new NCAA rules to confront the COVID virus announced today. “THIS WILL MAKE A REAL DIFFERENCE!”
    Both men and woman soccer players who spit on or at opponent players will now be told to sit out two games instead of the current one game sit.
    You gotta be proud of our brave and dedicated NCAA to make these very tough decisions.
    Other new anti COVID rules involve the football coin toss where now only the two team captains can attend with an official instead of four.
    Probably Totally ineffectual, but I guess they are trying to be relevant. Somewhat funny, but very sad when you think about it.
  • 2021 Football Recruiting
    It’s Groundhog Day at sac state once again. Sac Bee announced today that Kaiden Bennett QB out of Folsom HS will be transferring to sac state this fall. This will be his third transfer! He was recruited by Boise st. Then transferred to Nevada. Now to sac. Bee claims he will be immediately eligible with 4 years eligibility. Right out of the Thompson playbook. Quite surprising given that Taylor said sac was loaded with QBs after Thompson left. Guess they weren’t.
  • COVID-19
    Yes, and this was a situation with adult professional baseball players with a union that agreed to play under these conditions with full knowledge of the possible bad health consequences. And look what happened. Not good at all. I cannot imagine that any university would subject its student athletes to the known serious dangers of this virus just to play football. The liability exposure for this is just beyond anything I can imagine. Maybe the asbestus lawsuits of the 2 past decades or so would be somewhat close, but these Victims were old guys who worked at Mare Island, Sausalito etc. in the ‘40’s and ‘50’s and were then in their 70’s, 80’s and even their ‘90’s with minimal life expectancies. And still their families won millions in damages at trial. I was there and I know. They were not kids killed or disabled at age 18-22. That was WW1. WW2. Korea. We have now lost more people to the virus than we lost in Vietnam Nam. Do we want to try for WW2 numbers? I would love for football to be played in the fall or even the spring, but I just don't think we should expect this at this point.
  • Big Sky Virtual Kickoff July 23-24
    So is Friday going to be the day the “big announcement” will be made by the BSC on the upcoming football season? They cant wait much longer or can they?
  • 2021 Football Recruiting
    Impressive! DB a very hard position to recruit. Good job by coaches to get this kid.
  • Lock Down Stress Relievers
    Fire, hang in there. We are all with you. Your post helped me. Stay strong. . . .
  • 2021 Football Recruiting
    My brother-in-law knows some of the Cardinal Newman coaches which did beat MC in a playoff game last season. That said they added: “This Perez kid is just awesome- we could not do much to stop him. Great fit for UC Davis’ program.”
  • 2021 Football Recruiting
    Outstanding get for Speckman et. Al. Fast, explosive and durable. Excellent kid and good student. May be the 415 guy that Plough mentioned?
  • COVID-19
    Oh now I get it: COVID-19 is no problem at all! This is “The Big Lie” propaganda method. Tell such a colossal lie that no one would ever believe it could be anything but the truth. Coined by none other than Adolf Hitler in Mein Kampf 1925. And it works.
    Movie: one question: if this virus had hit in the last year of Obama’s presidency would Tucker Carlson and Fox all be singing the same tune to protect Obama from blame for his “mishandling the virus”? Try and be honest.
  • COVID-19
    Our nominee for NCAA Woman of the Year is an outstanding and non-binary member of our woman’s soccer team. Does movie think she should be disqualified on the basis of her sexual identification? His comment of late would certainly so. Thankfully, the NCAA does not agree.
  • 2021 Football Recruiting
    This is a hack. I never posted this.
  • 2021 Football Recruiting
    HERO Sports FCS Football Ratings for this upcoming season:

    No1. ND State
    No. 4 Sac State!

    No Poly. No Davis. EW way down the line, but at least listed.

    I am very disappointed that the Hawk did not approach Thompson to transfer to UCD
  • COVID-19
    Movie, Biden is up by 5 points in Texas! Totally unprecedented. This is not 2016. Sorry i do not feel your pain.
  • COVID-19
    Just like Mary Matalin and James Carville. How they and Conways do it is incredible. I recall that Mary came to Davis years ago and spoke. Called Carville “my husband the axe-murderer’” because of his looks. Which is quite accurate. But Carville is a very smart political strategist who said yesterday that Trump is so far behind in the polls now that “he probably will pull out of the race’” and added “its all but over for Trump, that he cannot come back from this, and has no chance to win it.” (Or words to that effect) i cant say that I agree with all he said, but interesting that he did say it.
  • Morgan Bertsch signing with Dallas wings....
    WNBA eliminated preseason camp and cut all squads to 11 or 12 players as of May 26. So Morgan had no opportunity to compete for a spot on the Wings roster. Ditto for many if not most drafted 2010 players. Very unfair to those players. They were not paid either. Gotta give Morgan a lot of credit. She has changed positions (5 to a 4 which are very different positions to play. Drafted by Wings, Gone to Russia. Now to Poland. She has grit that is for sure.
  • DIII Conference suspends fall sports
    Big Sky conference dropped tennis as a required sport last month. Northern Col. And Southern Utah have now cut the sport. 62% of all US collegiate players are foreign so expect a lot more similar cuts.
  • Ivy League scraps fall sports
    Chancellor May announced today that UCD would have enough actual classes in place to accommodate our foreign students to allow them to get around Trumps ridiculous new visa rules. Not only is Trump incompetent, he is an extremely mean and cruel racist. By all accounts, he is the worst president this nation has ever elected.