• UCD extends agreement with American East Conference for field hockey
    Cal football is now making national news and it is not good. According to the NYT Cal pulled the scholarships of a former walk on player (who played his way onto the starting lineup) because he had Covid concerns. Then Cal billed him $22,000+/- for summer school fees! Very Bad indeed. . .
  • J.T. O'Sullivan's QB School on YouTube
    Did you all see Obama make that three? Nothing but the net! Amazing indeed.
  • UCD extends agreement with American East Conference for field hockey
    Field Hockey is a very popular international Olympic sport. So, a Big investment by the America East Conference to keep field hockey on life support in the West. The conference had to be willing to either subsidize the travel costs of the eastern teams or convince them to agree to play the Ags in their homes games for the good of the sport. Frankly, I am proud that we are doing this and I am equally disappointed that Stanford did not. With all of their money Stanfords decision is a joke. Hope Cal hangs in as well!
  • Sac opts out of spring football
    Please consider the story of Trey Lance. 6’ 4” 225 very fast runner and quick. He Will be a first round NFL draft pick. How did NDSU get this guy? Why are the Niners so very interested in getting him? Answer: he is a Colin K. And the Niners love that about him. I just wonder if the Ags could ever recruit a guy like this? Just a thought. . . .
  • Interview with Coach Les About the 2020 Season
    Interesting. I could not bring it up on the UCD jobs website listed.. We need More info on this G-Man. I am some what skeptical about your post. Hopefully, You an accurate poster. We need more.
  • Admissions scandal at Berkeley, 3 more UCs
    While the bee did not exactly hide this very bad news about its beloved UC Berkeley, it put the story on page 5. If we were on the list you can bet it would be “top of the fold” front page news.
  • Non-Conference hub?
    Big 10 football. I know that lighting up FBS football makes money for the entire program, but it does not allow equal access for woman’s Fall sports. That scholarships are still being provided does not eliminate the equal need for the woman to play their sports. I think we may see some Title IX issues being raised here. That Trump has totally politicized this issue for his reelection efforts is just plain stupid. When the kids cant show up for practice or for the games (which has already happened) will he take the blame? Not likely.
  • WSJ College Rankings
    Not on the WSJ. We are good there!
  • WSJ College Rankings
    Goes to show if you pick the right methodology you can pretty much pick the outcome.
  • Will UCD cut any sports ?
    Yes, and remember that a mere coxswain at Berkeley by the name of Dean Witter (1909) who with his financial support propelled that program into the giant that it now is in US rugby. If you really want to see how a minor collegiate athletic program gets its support go to the Berkeley Rugby website. It’s alumni support is just amazing. We can do the same. We have a lot of very wealthy alums. Some have said that they were never even asked to donate. I think that is changing now. It sure better. Remember the great Jack Anderson? He should be the role model.
  • Will UCD cut any sports ?
    Aggie baseball is first class and has a great tradition. For all of its “built by volunteers” issues, Dobbins is an impressive collegiate baseball facility. As I recall, it and the nearby soccer field (also “volunteer built’) had to be built, as State financed facilities, to CalTrans Specifications which at the time were unknown to the volunteers and were really difficult and very expensive (curbs had to adhere to state highway specs!) to deal with to by the “amateurs” but they did IT! AND these “amateurs” were smart enough to put in the infrastructure for future LIGHTS! This forward thinking should be rewarded by a donor or donors who will finish this project with LIGHTS! We need a formal fundraising effort to get this done. IMHO
  • JT O'Sullivan interviewed in article in Guardian about life as a journeyman NFL QB.
    Interesting article. Josh Johnson was a very capable QB. But I remember him best for his actions at Aggie Stadium, especially when he got so upset at the student section (which was then behind the visiting team). When the students saw that they could get under his skin they just turned up their taunting until he literally tried to climb into the stands to fight the students. I believe the home team side was switched after that fiasco.
  • Will UCD cut any sports ?
    In the dystopian world envisioned by GoAgs he might be right. Somewhat more reasonable is if the NCAA (Very unlikely), the Congress (somewhat unlikely), the State Legislatures (some not unlikely at all) or the Supreme Court (very likely indeed) finally rule that scholarship student athletes are “employees” (see: “workman’s compensation coverage”) of the school or team they belong to or are otherwise deemed eligible to be paid a fair wage for their efforts on the field or court on which they play, then all bets are off for the present scheme of US college sports. This is an issue that will be accelerated in this Covid 19 crisis. If that happens US college football as we know it will be dead. But then we could adopt the UK Bucs system (and I am no expert here at all). The UK does offer athletic scholarships at it’s universities, but they are tied to whether an athlete has qualified for “international” status as an athlete. Yes, and the UK does not have US college football to deal with. Unfortunately, we do.
  • Will UCD cut any sports ?
    So if we have to cut a sport or two how do we do it? By popularity or by fitness and health? As Stanford continues to be excoriated in the press for eliminating 11 mostly “Olympic sports” what do we do if we need to cut? I would say none of the below sports which are considered to be the best for fitness and health. No surprises here:
    1- swimming
    2- tennis
    3- rowing
    4- wrestling
    5- squash
    6- basketball
    7- cycling
    8- etc.
    Notice no baseball, golf, softball, football, rugby etc. it is because these sports do not involve all the major muscle growths of the human body and/or are very intermittent (Football) and some i.e baseball and softball are even somewhat sedentary sports. See cricket which even has tea breaks. If I have infuriated anyone I am sorry, but I did have to do it. So: phase out FH and bring back Crew (if we still have the boats- which are very expensive). Oh, and by the way the FH gals could easily transition to crew because they have extremely strong leg muscles which are a key to good crew performance. Source: Fitness Magazine
  • COVID-19
    Well, as you all know, it is not turning out very promising for the schools that decided to open up early. UNC, Penn, Tenn, ND and especially Purdue (whose Prez is a former GOP Governor), all are, mostly cancelling on campus classes To remote classes after opening up for in-class instruction. (It is driving the faculty nuts). Not so for the athletes. They have to stay and be potentially exposed.
    So, yes to movie, we have politicized the game of football. But, then in these times, what is not political like the dog I saw being walked yesterday wearing a MAGA collar?
  • No Big Sky football this fall
    I made a very big mistake in my last post. It was UNC, not NC State that changed its Covid plan. And, they did not do the right thing for the athletes, only for the common student. The athletes must stay on and prepare for a game this month against Syracuse. This could be a huge mistake that could reverberates throughout FBC football and even all winter sports.
  • No Big Sky football this fall
    Movie makes a good point on mortality rates, but it is now appearing that there are many other diseases that may be a direct result of the Covid virus infection that are not technically in the category of a “mortality” i.e. the new evidence that myocarditis is being detected in many young athletes who have caught and then survived the virus. Myocarditis can be fatal for young athletes. Look what happened at NC State which did not do the right thing at first and then did the right thing. I like Hex’s use of the term “preventable tragedy” as it is right on point. WP article says it all.
  • No Big Sky football this fall
    Excellent in depth article in the washington post today regarding the potential legal liability of college and universities that go forward with football this fall. Explains the legal theories of liability against various defendants including: the football coaches, the medical staff, the university, the conference and even the NCAA. Describes the potential defenses available to the defendants including “assumption of the risk” by the players (weak) and other defenses/issues like “lack of proof of causation” (Strong), i.e very hard to prove that the player got the virus from another team mate and not at a bar? Says the NCAA has outlawed the use of signed waivers for players which I did not know. Bottom line: there will be many lawsuits if football is played this fall and players get sick. If someone could cut and paste this article it would be great.
  • WBB: Highly Touted Oregon Transfer Returns to England to Go Pro
    PAC 12 cancelled all sports to 2021, including MBB and WBB, so surely the BWC will follow suit. So she was looking at perhaps 2 years of not playing (as we do not yet know how the NCAA will rule on resulting eligibility issues). This no doubt factored in to her decision.
  • No Big Sky football this fall

    That is according to Dan Patrick on his show this morning. Big 10 vote was 12-2 with only Iowa and Nebraska voting to play. do not know the PAC 12 vote. My guess is that it was unanimous.