COVID-19 Two points: 1) I am sure you all know by now that the FBI and other law enforcement agencies are and have successfully used personal location data tracking from smart phones to ID many of the capitol rioters. To my knowledge none of the identified people located by this method is an Antifa person. I guess you could argue that since most Antifa people are smartypants lefties, that only they knew to turn off their phones while they were in Washington, and not the “dumb Trumpers”. 2) a shocking story in the NYT today about how this and similar (see facial recognition soft wear, CCTV, etc.) surveillance methods are so wide spread and potentially a very real threat to our privacy and civil rights. Do you know that right now Amazon, Goggle and countless other companies (not to mention the NSA) know where you are and where you have been in the last few days? Church? Strip Club? Laundromat? Worse? They know! Want to reread an excellent book on this subject get “God’s Eye View” by Barry Eisler. SCARY BUT INTERESTING.