Two Font Logo The current wordmark, athletic logos, and Gunrock incarnation were developed in 1999 as a committee project between athletics, students, bookstore, etc. Before that departments and teams could use a lot of different logos and fonts, including the Block CA (with and without the mustang and wheat showing next to the "A"), the horseshoe CA, water towers, cows, script Davis, among others. I think the catalyst for the branding effort was when a "Cal-Davis" banner was raised at the 1998 men's basketball national championship. I know the Band-uh continues to use some of the old Block CA logos, although there was a crackdown starting along about 2008 where the administration tried to restrict its use. The explanation at the time was that the public wouldn't know who we were without the C-horse logo. I don't think the Band-uh has ever walked into a room without it being clear who they were, but that is beside the point. Interestingly a lot of the old logos have popped back up on merchandise and teamwear the last couple of years as "vintage" has become a hot marketing item in the retail world.
The logos are now 18 years old, so they may be due for a modernization/update in the next couple of years. But at the same time, when I think about the number of signs, vehicles, business cards, websites, uniforms, etc that would need to be updated, it seems cost prohibitive to change things broadly. I mean, they are only half done changing the signs in front of buildings to the *current* typeface.