Attendance While I don’t disagree that a person or people are making way too much to deliver way too little, here are some ideas for next year—
1. Have the option to opt in to purchase potential playoff tickets at time of season ticket sales, or at least make it a one-click transaction.
2. Host a freshmen-centered tailgate, since they generally don’t have their own cars. If it can’t be free, have it accept the dining hall plan instead of just cash.
3. Bring back Aggie Fanatics / Aggie Bucks. Aggie Fanatics was a program in the late 90s where you got a membership card and scanned it at every game to get giveaways and earn Aggie Bucks, which could be redeemed for swag. Incentivized going to more games, even some of the obscure sports if you were trying to earn.
4. Meet townies where they are. Promote in local elementary schools and at the Farmers Market. Woodstock’s Pizza used to say they were the home of the “5th quarter huddle” and you’d see plenty of players there after the game. I remember walking from Toomey to the Hallmark (then Ramada) Inn that G Street would hopping after a win.
5. Low cost/no cost advertising. Examples- change the default no content projector image in the lecture from the UC logo to a game this Saturday splash screen between classes, insert a message on the Unitrans bus destination boards, put table tent cards in the coffee house and dining halls.