Sonoma State cutting entire athletics department. This is unfortunate but the current model of higher education is moving toward one where the residential on-campus experience is a luxury and due to inability or unwillingness to control student housing costs, more and more students are online, satellite campus, or hybrid. This isn’t all bad, because it opens college up to people doing career reboots or caring for children. But I think it is eroding the personal connection people have to their university and willingness for alumni and communities to remain engaged. Except at the P4 level I think it is difficult to find appreciable direct revenue. So the question becomes is the strategic value worth it? For many CSU campuses the answer may be no. Sonoma State isn’t trying to be a household name on the east coast and I think increasingly people are just seeking a teaching credential, CPA license, etc. through the most economical means they can, which for many might mean limited time on campus. And I think for that type of student, once the degree is awarded, the transaction is complete and they don’t really desire alumni engagement, athletics or otherwise.