• We're Number 40!!!
    I blew a friend's mind yesterday when I told him all UC schools were blue and gold (he thought the UCD colors looked a lot like Notre Dame). Then I found this, which made me chuckle.
  • Diversity screening limiting applicants at UC
    You think the admissions office is capable of weighing how important this kid’s dinner prep contributions are vs the other kids milking the cow?Riveraggie

    I don't know, I'm pretty sure I had to write an essay when I applied to the UC schools. So I guess my answer is yes. As for my personal story, I'm assuming my HS math teacher reached out to someone. Someone made a phone call, wrote a letter, or something. My name wasn't blindly pulled out of a hat with my grades and SAT scores (which definitely weren't outstanding for the UC system). And it wasn't a catch up math class. It was the engineering series of calculus. Had I not taken 21A-D, I wouldn't have been able to change my major to engineering a few years later. I'm always grateful that I got in to that program, and it's part of why I'm such a supporter of UC Davis.

    Oh well, we can go in circles all day on the internet, and nobody ever "wins." However, it sounds like we both agree that there aren't enough seats for kids in the UC system.
  • Diversity screening limiting applicants at UC
    I was one of two kids in my freshman calculus class that didn't take pre-calculus/calculus in HS. Dr. Kouba invited me in to the Emerging Scholars Program the summer before I moved to Davis (no longer exists, and I don't know how/why he found me). I walked in to that class (21A) very unprepared and I think I got a C that first quarter. I'd never seen a derivative before day 1. With a lot of help, I had an A- by the 3rd quarter of 21 series math. Should I not have been in that class? Sure I had A's in math in HS. But almost all of the kids in that class had taken an extra year of math, and many of them were valedictorians at more well-known schools.

    Again, you keep saying these kids aren't prepared, or that these kids don't have good grades or can't read at grade level.

    1) This discussion is about a pilot program for hiring faculty.
    2) Nobody has bothered to check if the program was actually implemented.
    3) As far as kids getting accepted, if all applicants meet the minimum requirements, then either the academic requirements need to change, or additional factors need to be considered.

    My feeling is that kids with very good grades and maybe only 1 or 2 AP classes shouldn't be passed up because some private school kid with tutors and 10 AP classes has a better academic resume. As far as SAT scores go, again, that kid that takes a few prep courses, and can afford to take the test a few times is going to do better. That does not make them a better student, or human being. Just like how Hawkins repeatedly says that his program isn't all about football, you have to consider the whole person, and how they will contribute to the good of the whole. Additionally, you have to look at someone's potential. If one kid's scores and grades aren't as great as another kids, but they have a single parent who works 12-hour days, takes a bus 2 hours to school each way, making dinner for siblings, you name it, does that mean they don't have the same potential? If anything, if you remove the additional load off of that kid's shoulders, and allow them to focus 100% on just school, I think that kid will excel, be grateful for the opportunity, and do more to give back as an adult. Just my 2 cents.
  • Diversity screening limiting applicants at UC
    We're white, upper middle class people, living in the peninsula, and sending our son to a private catholic high school. So I'm acutely aware of all the reasons why my son may not get in to Davis in 3 years. But... Is that unfair? I don't know. I definitely don't have the answers. If he gets near straight As, and has AP classes, and we can pay for tutors and SAT prep courses, is he smarter and more capable than a lower income kid at a lower performing school? I don't know.

    There is a good little video of a bunch of kids doing a running race toward a $20 bill. The guy leading the exercise asks a bunch of questions, and all the kids with more opportunities get a head start. Guess who wins the race? Right or wrong, I do think we need to reevaluate admissions. The UC schools are still public schools and should be accessible to the general public. But, what frustrates me most, is that with the exception of Merced, we haven't added more chairs in classrooms nearly fast enough to keep up with the increase in admissions. To me, that's the biggest failure. I imagine a lot of qualified kids will leave the state for college, and maybe never move back. And that is a big problem for the state if we keep rejecting qualified kids that will qualify for scholarships out of state.
  • FCS Polls Week 3
    Ags drop from 4 to 7 in the Massey Ratings, but odds of beating Weber are now even at 50%. Seems about right for being 3-0 against teams that are cumulatively 0-9.
  • Week 4: UC Davis @ Weber State
    I watched a few minutes of the Weber game. I felt like it was a lot to 3 when I turned it on, but the final score was somewhat close. How many of those 4th quarter 14 points, if any, were in garbage time?
  • The importance of non-athlete student participation in the athletics prgram
    Yep, Merced. Doh! And yes, not mutually exclusive at all, or at odds with each other. My point was that attending sporting events shouldn't be some sort of requirement. Athletic teams should be able to survive if some percentage of students never go to a game. And students who don't go to games shouldn't be looked down on for finding passion in something other than sports in college.
  • Diversity screening limiting applicants at UC
    But if the University no longer admits students by their scholastic preparationRiveraggie

    No, that's not what's happening. They did a trial to add additional criteria. If you have ten people apply for a job, and can only hire one, and they all meet the basic requirements, do you hire 10 people? No, you start adding more criteria. Also, back to my original question to Movie, this was an experiment that took place 2 years ago. What were the results, did the plan ever get implemented? Are we all talking about something for nothing?
  • Week 3: Dixie State at UC Davis
    Scott Marsh is doing the TV play by play. So DK probably has Greg Wong (?) as a side kick. He announces the women's basketball games.
  • Diversity screening limiting applicants at UC
    With the University of California’s (UC) experiments in diversity screening underwaymovielover

    the pilot programs of screening for diversity expertisemovielover

    Well, it's about two years later, what were the results of the experiment? Was the program fully implemented? Also, what specifically were the Social Justice Warrior (SJW) issues? It sounds like you inferred that from the article, and I don't see anything in these opinion pieces that references SJW.

    A candidate who describes, in the language of the rubric, “only activities that are already the expectation of Berkeley faculty (mentoring, treating all students the same regardless of background, etc.)” is deemed to have given an unacceptable answer.movielover

    This is exactly what is going on for students applying to schools. Try getting in to Davis with a 4.5, and no extracurricular activities or community involvement. How is "How did you make your community better?" a controversial question.


    "At UC Santa Barbara, which received a record 105,640 applications, faculty told admissions officers they wanted active, engaged learners who involved themselves in their school and community. Even during the pandemic, did they seek out opportunities to learn through TED Talks? Did they volunteer for online tutoring or help family members stricken with COVID-19?"
  • Keelan Doss: Falcon watch
    The Falcons have 2 wide receivers and a tight end on the practice squad. Any idea where Doss sits in the list of who would be pulled up to the active roster first?
  • The importance of non-athlete student participation in the athletics prgram
    My point earlier was that sports aren't the only outlet to drive school spirit (and down the road bring in donations) and enthusiasm around the school. How much did we spend on the Mondavi Center for the Arts? How many of us have been to a performance?

    I wear my UC Davis College of Engineering pullover very proudly. That's what makes me proud to be an Aggie, not the results of our athletic programs. I went to a lot of football games in college since we had a bunch of guys in our fraternity on the team (and other sports, too). But, do you think I could drag any of my old friends or my family to a game against Dixie St., or pretty much anybody else on our schedule besides Stanford or Cal? Nope. I'll always cheer for the Davis athletic teams, but not because they are winning. What makes me passionate about our sports programs is that they draw true student athletes. I love hearing a player's position, followed by their major. To me, that's what makes Davis so great; that we attract really smart kids. That some of them can also compete at a high level in sports is pretty awesome.

    Anyway, just my two cents. I don't have any understanding of the athletic program's budget, and how that impacts the school. Riverside, Irvine, Modesto, San Diego, Santa Cruz and Santa Barbara all don't have football teams. Are they failing universities? Probably not. Do Davis, Cal and UCLA attract more students because of football and other sports? I'd argue that Cal and UCLA probably do, but I don't think it applies to Davis. As agalum said in the other thread, "Bob Dunning seems to think poor student attendance is the result of being FCS," and I'd agree with that statement.

    For me and the friends that I have that are sending their kids to Davis right now, it has little to nothing to do with the athletics program, and most of them might only go to one football game in their 4-5 years. But, that it's an option is awesome. Just like so many other activities in college. I just think the sports programs have very little to do with attracting the majority of students that apply to Davis. But I'm glad the athletic program exists so that kids who do want to continue playing sports have the option.

    Long story short, Go Ags, and looking forward to crushing Dixie St. Saturday night!
  • Week 3: Dixie State at UC Davis
    I've been happy with ESPN+, but it was only a $1 or so per month to add it to our Disney+ account.
  • Week 3: Dixie State at UC Davis
    I work with a few Davis graduates. They never went to any sporting events while they were there in the early 2000s. You don't have to support athletics to have school spirit, especially in an academic-first school. They laugh at me regularly for knowing sports scores and knowing the names of female basketball players. But, they are proud of their engineering degrees. Davis isn't TX or any other school where the kids grow up with HS football being religion. Plenty of students at Davis probably didn't even play a sport in HS, and, I'd argue that a lot of the kids that go to Davis probably didn't get along with the "jocks" in HS. I don't think school spirit should be linked to attendance of football games. There are a ton of clubs and activities that allow kids to be a part of the UC Davis community.

    When I was there in the late 90s, I had plenty of classmates that never attended a sporting event. Mostly, they were studying much more than I was.
  • UC Davis Baseball Team and Coaching Staff Suspended
    It's not about a difference in political thoughts. It's the "people are saying," "I heard," "I'm told" sort of comments. It's meaningless without any background info. I've also heard the earth is flat. It doesn't make it true. I'm sure faculty applicants are asked how they support their community, philanthropy, etc. But Movie's implication is that the university is trying to hire Black Lives Matter protesters, or something along those lines I assume.
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    Not sure what that means, I just thought it was an interesting story how he partnered with Sidney Garfield to offer healthcare for the shipyard workers.
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    Or the significance of modern day health care, and how Henry J. Kaiser was involved with the manufacturing process of those liberty ships.
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    I spent the night on the Hornet with my son when he was doing cub scouts. Maybe the next time they play Cal, they can visit the Hornet. An even better overnight trip was the SS Jeremiah O'Brien liberty ship in SF. That was my favorite event with the cub scouts.
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    Hawkins mentioned this week in a press conference the importance of being an academic institution first and foremost, and that the team will be taking a trip on the USS Midway while they're down in San Diego.
  • Former Sac State QB Greg Knapp Critically Injured in a Bike Accident
    No way! I grew up on Warm Springs Road (just north of Bennet Valley Rd) and my parents still live there. I regularly ride my MTB to Annadel. Even though my dad use to ride, he still gets grumpy about the cyclists, but always does the right thing.