
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    EWU beats UNLV in 2OT.
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    I'd be surprised if that quarterback starts next week.
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    Venable was outstanding tonight. Can't wait to see more of him.
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    agreed. But that was a long time ago. Regardless, YEEESSSSS!!!!! Nice "W!"
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    I like how the announcers keep talking about how Davis beat Stanford 16 years ago, like Tulsa is somehow like Stanford.
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    Clearly the news is getting out there how good the Aggies are. Last week, ESPN's Matchup Predictor gave Davis a 6.0% chance of winning. Today, 6.1% ;-)
  • Keelan Doss: Raider Watch
    Colby Wadman was a punter for the Broncos from 2018-2019.
  • Former Sac State QB Greg Knapp Critically Injured in a Bike Accident

    "As an aside, for years I've seen cyclists blow through stop signs. It doesn't seem legal or safe, I just shake my head."

    Thanks for proving my point. Your observations have nothing to do with Knapp's death.

    "Cyclist gets hit by car -> people share stories about how cyclists behave badly. That's all, that's the source of my anger/frustration."

    How do we educate people on why rules that are written for cars might not be what's safe for cyclists? When people who follow the rules get ran over, you start to wonder if following the rules is what's most safe. For your specific experience, some times being in the middle of the lane is what makes you most visible, and I've heard/read, "Oh my God, I didn't see them!!!" And it's labeled a bike accident. Anyway, I apologize for reacting so strongly. I'm just tired of reading stories of cyclists getting killed by distracted drivers. It's salt in the wound when the response is, "Well, cyclists run stop signs all the time." That fact is completely irrelevant compared to distracted motorists causing accidents (and completely ignores the fact that motorists also regularly blow stop signs).
  • Former Sac State QB Greg Knapp Critically Injured in a Bike Accident
    I don't know the Knapp family. But they're just one more family who has to deal with the result of the careless action of a stranger. My frustration is that this discussion is like a broken record. Cyclist gets hit by car -> people share stories about how cyclists behave badly. That's all, that's the source of my anger/frustration.
  • Former Sac State QB Greg Knapp Critically Injured in a Bike Accident
    I'll also let the Knapp family know that even though their dad/husband is dead, it bothers you and others that "some" cyclists break the rules. Even though a distracted motorist, breaking the law, killed their family member. Why are we talking about cyclists who get in your way on the road, and not motorists who text and drive and kill people?
  • Former Sac State QB Greg Knapp Critically Injured in a Bike Accident
    Also, specifically, what road are you on where the speed limit is 55, and cyclists are in the road (99% of cyclists can't ride at 25 mph)? That sounds like poor city planning, and another major issue. Why would any cyclist be on a road where the speed limit is 55?
  • Former Sac State QB Greg Knapp Critically Injured in a Bike Accident
    The white line isn't necessarily a bike lane. That is a line for motorists to know where the edge of the road is, not for a place for cyclists to ride their bikes. Especially when it's filled with dirt, debris, glass and other objects that may cause accidents for cyclists. I hear you regarding cyclists not pulling over like tractors. But, we've all been stuck behind school busses, tractors, RVs etc. It doesn't mean we physically want to kill those people.

    If you want to have the courteous and legal argument with me, please come ride bikes with me and see how courteous, predictable and law abiding motorists are.

    The driver in the car behind you is the problem, not the tractor, RV, cyclist, horse, pedestrian, you name it in front of you.
  • Former Sac State QB Greg Knapp Critically Injured in a Bike Accident
    You are the problem. The fact that you say there are entitled cyclists is the exact problem. You are why people don't care about a entire group of human beings. That you think entitlement is specific to cyclists is the problem. Entitlement is a people problem. But you see it as a problem with people who you deem to be "entitled" to be on your roads.

    Don't ever honk at a cyclist. It isn't polite. Let me blow an air horn in your ear and see how you like it. Pass when it's safe. It isn't the job of the person in front of you to yield the road. It's your job to wait patiently and pass safely.

    Edit - sorry, but this issue is a huge trigger for me. When someone sees a cyclist who is trying to take the lane, or be seen so they don't get run over, they're seen as "entitled." If we hug the curb, motorists blow by us with no respect. How do cyclists share the road safely and not get killed?
  • Former Sac State QB Greg Knapp Critically Injured in a Bike Accident
    It all depends. I'd guess with the high profile of the person this kid killed makes it different. There are plenty of examples of slaps on the wrist.
  • Former Sac State QB Greg Knapp Critically Injured in a Bike Accident
    Terrible news. I hope the police can determine the cause of the accident. People around me wonder why I get so angry about motorists who don't follow the rules, but lose their mind when cyclists roll stop signs. It also goes back to defaulting to blaming cyclists by calling this a bike accident. (I'm not trying to pick on BGA, just irritated that every news outlet copied the same story and called this a bike/cycling accident). If a car hits a pedestrian in a crosswalk, nobody would consider that a pedestrian accident. Anyway, having friends who have been hit by cars with varying levels of injuries, it gets me pretty angry.

    "The teenage driver of the vehicle was reportedly texting at the time of the accident, CBS2’s Otis Livingston reported Thursday."

    There is no good outcome in these situations. Putting a kid in jail for life isn't appropriate, but letting a kid who made a mistake off the hook also isn't right. These situations suck, but they are easily preventable. Except as I ride my bike around town through traffic, it's mind-blowing how many people are staring at their phones.
  • Former Sac State QB Greg Knapp Critically Injured in a Bike Accident
    Urgh, this wasn't a "Bike Accident." I wish people/the news would stop using that terminology. If there is any vagueness to the story, "Well, another one of those cyclists who is always running red lights finally got in the way of a car and got hit." Rather than, "A motorist collided with a cyclist, severely injuring the cyclist." The blame is almost always placed on the cyclist, regardless of who was actually at fault.

    "Knapp was bicycling near his Danville home Saturday when he was struck by a motorist, according the to San Ramon Police Department "
  • What is ailing UCD baseball ?
    Just in regards to Item 1, when I was at Davis in the late 90s, we had a great wrestling program with very little funding. Women's field hockey was pretty outstanding, also probably very little funding and support. Men's rugby and hockey were club sports and competed pretty solidly with top teams, if I remember correctly. I'm sure there are more examples. I know those were D2 days, but wrestling competed as a D1 program, and won an individual national championship in the early 2000s (Derek Moore).

    Baseball's lack of success can't be due to a lack of funding or interest. I'm curious if Davis is too tough of an academic school for kids who have aspirations to play in the minor leagues after college. You can probably talk a kid in to playing football with the understanding that they will never play again after college, but they'll walk out the door with a very respectable degree. If a JC kid wants to continue playing baseball after college, and the degree isn't the primary goal, why would you go to Davis? Out of curiosity, what percentage of Big West athletes play a sport after graduation? Is there a way to quantify which sports offer the most post-college opportunities?

    Anyway, just my 2 cents as someone who only watches MLB when the Giants are in the WS and only goes to 1 Giants game a year for my dad's birthday, and barely watches any of that game...
  • Stanford cuts some sports
    It probably helps that the kid from Stanford won the national tournament, and wore an all black singlet in protest. Good news for those kids.
  • UC to stop using SAT & ACT scores for admissions
    Just another data point, I was above average at my public HS. I had about a 3.7, maybe a 1250 on my SATs, nothing spectacular to get in to Davis in 1995. I was recruited by Dr. Kouba for some special calculus program (which I still don't know how he found me, or why). The first two quarters of the 21 series math I think I got maybe a C+ or B- and maybe a B- or B, while most of the other kids got As. I was one of two kids out of 40 who hadn't taken calculus in HS. Then we took 21C in the spring. I got an A-, and many of the HS valedictorians struggled. I quickly realized that it was the first time of the year they were seeing something new. While I was busting my ass, they were all taking a refresher course for two quarters.

    I guess my point is that there is no way I'd get in to Davis today. But from my personal experience, were those kids from Lowell and other more prominent schools better than me? At some level, probably. But does that mean I shouldn't have been given a chance to compete on a level playing field? Of course not. And that's the internal struggle I have. Our son is the white kid with all of the advantages now, and unless he's the top of his class at his private HS, he probably wouldn't get in to Davis if he applies in three years, even though on paper he'll be much more prepared/qualified than I was.

    Movie is spot on about international students - between 2000 and 2020 the number system wide climbed from 3000 to 29,000. Over 25,000 of them are from mainland China. We have indeed auctioned off seats to Beijing, who is willing to pay MSRP, to balance the budget and subsidize domestic underrepresented groups.fugawe09
    Do you have an article or data to back that up? I'm always trying to find that information. The claim gets made a lot, but I can never seem to find the numbers anywhere.

    edit - This is an older article, but reiterates what I already knew. If you make the basic qualifications, you can go to UC Merced. Except only 10% of the kids that met the basic criteria and were offered a spot at Merced took the option back in 2015.