• Other Big West Games and Standings
    Not sure where that screenshot is from, but is isn't from the link Movie shared.
  • Sac State's bid for the Pac 12 Thread

    "Editor’s Note: An earlier version of this story had a headline that stated the ASI loan was approved, that is not correct. The board passed a resolution to begin conversations for the loan, the error has since been corrected"
  • Sac State's bid for the Pac 12 Thread
    Well said. As I've gotten older, I've stopped rooting against any young student athletes. I'll always root for my Aggies, but as an alumni, I no longer have any sort of rivalry. My cousin went to Sac State, coworkers, etc. I would never call them the names I used to yell from the student section at Toomey field. It makes no sense.
  • Jason Eck leaving Idaho for New Mexico
    Thomas Ford named the new HC for Idaho. Just announced during the women's bball game (Ags up by 10 with 6:30 to go in the game).

    Ford Named Idaho's 37th Head Football Coach
  • Sac State's bid for the Pac 12 Thread
    Michael Vick took the job at Norfolk St. So all of the Sac St. talk was just noise.

  • 2025 Football Recruiting
    I'm sure it has nothing to do with anything, but I'm curious if this will be the first Dartmouth transfer of a few more, and if that means Kevin Daft is moving back to Davis. Probably not, and it's just coincidence. But I'd have to imagine that the Davis coaching pool keeps in touch.
  • Looking forward to 2025
    I have high hopes for Sam Goligoski. He seemed to have good contributions when he was in during the 2nd half of the season. (Go Padres!)
  • Quarterfinals Week 16: UC Davis (11-2) @ South Dakota (10-2)
    Maybe I missed it here, but any word on Lan's ankle?
  • Model trains
    This is all late 30s/early 40s. It's amazing what engineers put in to a toy almost 100 years ago. Find me at a game and I'll talk your ear off for hours about copper oxide rectifiers and stacked plate switches.
  • Stadium Renovation hopes, fears, expectations
    "Dad, I don't know about this...." "Don't worry it will be fine..."Sailorgabe

    Solid dad move!

    Ellen Griswold: This is so dangerous, Clark. We have no business being in a neighborhood like this!
    Clark Griswald: Oh I don't know, hun. This is a part of America we never get to see.
    Ellen Griswold: [sarcastic] That's good!
    Clark Griswald: Uh... no that's bad. We can't just ignore the plight of the inner cities. See the plight kids?
    [gunshots are heard and a woman is heard screaming]
    Clark Griswald: Roll 'em up!
  • What MW stadiums, arenas, campuses are folks most excited to visit?
    I'm in San Mateo. And I'm not sure what my wife dislikes more; me talking on end for hours about Davis sports or mountain bikes. I'll be doing cyclocross races in Fairfield the first 8 Sunday mornings of the year if you ever want to give it a try. The UC Davis cycling club (team?) shows up every once in a while. Which is a real bummer for my wife, because then I get to tell her stories that combine cycling and UC Davis athletics.
  • What MW stadiums, arenas, campuses are folks most excited to visit?
    Two things:

    stop and mountain bike on the way upJdur
    The MTB in my username is because mountain biking has a been a big hobby of mine for the last 20 years. I'm all for a destination mountain bike/Davis sports road trip.

    2) My inlaws live outside of Boulder. I could see going to games at Wyoming and Air Force and making a trip out of it to visit grandma and grandpa.
  • Stadium Renovation hopes, fears, expectations
    My buddy and UC Davis Alum, Jeff Fontanella, owns and operates a winery. (His wine is fantastic, and you should all join his wine club! I had his wine open at the APP tailgate.) I texted him last night and told him that the people are demanding a wine tasting room at the stadium, and that he should get his foot in the door, for probably only a ~$5M donation. He (very jokingly) replied with, "Done!" But, Flushman has been trying to get him out to games to pour some wine.
  • Stadium Renovation hopes, fears, expectations
    Got it. But are sections 121-123 only for season ticket holders? Or are they also available to the general public? In some places those sections are called Team Aggie seating, others Premium Reserved.
  • Stadium Renovation hopes, fears, expectations
    I think what I'd like to see regardless of an upgrade is better messaging. I took my son to the EWU game a few years ago, and I just bought the most expensive tickets, which were in the Team Aggie section. We started wondering why we didn't have lanyards and name tags. Nobody cared, but it wasn't clear when we bought tickets. Same with tailgating and parking. There seem to be special perks for season ticket holders and Team Aggie members, but anybody can buy those options through the ticketing website. Also, why are there different tailgating sections that are so spread out? Last weekend, we met up with Dwight and Brock at the APP tailgate. So, there is dedicated tailgating on La Rue, Lot 56, and Lot 53. Then there was a grassy area with an alumni association setup, but I had no idea what was going on in that area.

    And, I don't think I need to beat a dead horse any more about getting the word out about the free tickets to both students and general admission.
  • Quarterfinals Week 16: UC Davis (11-2) @ South Dakota (10-2)
    John Shoemaker was a fraternity brother of mine, and we were both chemical engineers. When the team had a playoff game in 1997 against New Haven (tough loss 25-27!), one of our professors who was a complete jerk 1) refused to let him take our final early, because he thought he would tell the rest of us what was on the test and 2) also didn't trust the coaching staff to fairly proctor the exam. I think it took a lot of arguing between the dean of the school of engineering and the athletic staff to allow him to take the test on a plane. I'm glad it seems the school is more supportive of our athletic programs today. Although, I'm positive it was just that one very highly respected jerk of a professor.
  • Attendance
    I was pretty much the only person in my section making any noise. And when I did, folks were mostly nice and polite but treated me like a kid. When I tried to high five some folks after a touchdown, they looked annoyed. Maybe it was just me thoughquadshock

    Same here. We were in sect 120 in the 4th row. At one point, I high fived the entire front row. Not much of a response.

    On a side note, the young man sitting next us was quiet, but very interested in the game and also had ESPN up monitoring all of the playoff scores. Turns out in 2017, he broke the Guiness World Record for being the youngest person to visit every country! Crazy!
