2018 baseball schedule- Updated 12/3 ! So, if we figure there are 9 weeks in conference play (8 conference and 1 non- conference) and factor in that UCD regularly schedules its conference opener around the last day in March we get the following potential game layout from the schedules already released.
3/29- 3/31: @slo, @ucr, @csun
4/6- 4/8 hi
4/13- 15 uci, @slo, ucsb
4/20- 4/22 ucsb, @ucr, @csun, uci
4/27- 4/29 @lbsu
5/4- 5/6 ful
5/11- 5/13 @slo, @csun, uci
5/18- 5/20 @New Mexico
5/24- 5/26 @slo, @ucr, @csun, uci
I looked over schedules dating back to 2012 and noticed some things. UCR and CSUN have been trading week 1 and 7 going back to 2015. Week 2 has either been HI or Fullerton since 2012. Poly hasn't been week 1 since 2012. Fullerton vacated week3 to Poly in 2017. It doesn't make sense that poly would go from week 9 (2 year's in a row)to 3 then back to 9. The bye week has stayed the same since last season.
So I reason that If CSUN and UCR hold down 1 and 7 in some order then they aren't week 9 and neither is poly, leaving UCI as week 9 for the second straight year.
We know UCR isn't week 7 because they're playing Fullerton so it is probably week 1 if patterns hold true. That would make CSUN #7.
If Poly isn't 1,7, or 9 then it must be week 3 by process of elimination, the same as last season
That leaves the last available week (#4) to UCSB.
So using the patterns here is my guess at the last 9 weeks:
3/29- 3/31 @UCR
4/6- 4/8 HI
4/13- 4/15 @SLO
4/20- 4/22 UCSB
4/27- 4/29 @LBSU
5/4- 5/6 FUL
5/11- 5/13 @CSUN
5/18- 5/20 @UNM
5/24- 5/26 UCI