
  • 2018 baseball schedule- Updated 12/3 !
    So, if we figure there are 9 weeks in conference play (8 conference and 1 non- conference) and factor in that UCD regularly schedules its conference opener around the last day in March we get the following potential game layout from the schedules already released.

    3/29- 3/31: @slo, @ucr, @csun
    4/6- 4/8 hi
    4/13- 15 uci, @slo, ucsb
    4/20- 4/22 ucsb, @ucr, @csun, uci
    4/27- 4/29 @lbsu
    5/4- 5/6 ful
    5/11- 5/13 @slo, @csun, uci
    5/18- 5/20 @New Mexico
    5/24- 5/26 @slo, @ucr, @csun, uci

    I looked over schedules dating back to 2012 and noticed some things. UCR and CSUN have been trading week 1 and 7 going back to 2015. Week 2 has either been HI or Fullerton since 2012. Poly hasn't been week 1 since 2012. Fullerton vacated week3 to Poly in 2017. It doesn't make sense that poly would go from week 9 (2 year's in a row)to 3 then back to 9. The bye week has stayed the same since last season.

    So I reason that If CSUN and UCR hold down 1 and 7 in some order then they aren't week 9 and neither is poly, leaving UCI as week 9 for the second straight year.

    We know UCR isn't week 7 because they're playing Fullerton so it is probably week 1 if patterns hold true. That would make CSUN #7.

    If Poly isn't 1,7, or 9 then it must be week 3 by process of elimination, the same as last season

    That leaves the last available week (#4) to UCSB.

    So using the patterns here is my guess at the last 9 weeks:

    3/29- 3/31 @UCR
    4/6- 4/8 HI
    4/13- 4/15 @SLO
    4/20- 4/22 UCSB
    4/27- 4/29 @LBSU
    5/4- 5/6 FUL
    5/11- 5/13 @CSUN
    5/18- 5/20 @UNM
    5/24- 5/26 UCI
  • 2018 baseball schedule- Updated 12/3 !
    Washington is returning the Hornets' visit from this year. They came out to Davis in 2013 (Aggies won 3 of 4, but the season went downhill from there).
  • Descalso
    If Yu went on the teacup ride at Disneyland, would he be a whirling Darvish ? He has an interesting family background- Japanese and Iranian.

    I remember UCD recruited Descalso as a pitcher/third baseman (He was all- league as a starter), but he only made one appearance on the mound in college, and it didn't count.
  • Will the Fans Ever Really Come Back?
    To be fair, this is the only website I post on ever since I became disgruntled with the dimwits on the Giants website.

    Blogging is for old people. What's cool these days is to post two incoherent and badly spelled sentences about something trivial on twitter.
  • Will the Fans Ever Really Come Back?
    I agree. The times have just changed. Back when I was at UCD (graduated in 2001) a football game only had to compete with study time and frat parties. It didn't conflict with dating, as you could just take your date to a game. It was only during my time that I even saw the beginnings of social media. Anyone else remember ICQ and ?

    Now millennials have all these social media things to play with. The younger they are the less interested they seem to be in authentic social activities. It's just like when our parents would nag us about putting down the video games and going outside to play. Kevin Blue would qualify as an older millennial. He's young enough to see new trends but old enough to kind of understand us old fogeys. Dan Hawkins being hired- that was him reaching out to those of us who value tradition. The kids could care less.

    I've seen the 20- somethings at various sporting events. Many of them are just there to be seen and take selfies, especially holding an alcoholic beverage. Sorry, it's not the Prohibition era guys. Your beer pic is neither shocking nor interesting, and anybody can see raunchier behavior in a $2 DVD of American Pie (which also coincidentally came out during my time in Davis)

    Every now and then the youngsters get interested in retro things, but something truly terrible is going to have to happen to the internet to make it uncool. I'm trying to disconnect from it myself. I'm on this site more than Facebook.
  • Field Hockey 1-9
    Sorry to be blunt, but the field hockey program is just not very good. Looking back at previous years it seems like 8 or 9 wins a year was about as good as it got.

    One reason could be recruiting. While there are a lot fewer colleges that have field hockey it's also a smaller talent pool. They have to travel that much just to find opponents. Your big sports (football, basketball, soccer, etc.) are represented at most high schools, but not field hockey. Prospective players probably have to pay to play for private clubs, which adds a similar kind of exclusivity to golf.

    I'll check my yearbook, but I don't think even with a campus of 2,000+ that we had lacrosse or field hockey teams. With a lot fewer teams the talent pool is much smaller.

    I also believe that it's a sport UCD just doesn't support, like baseball. It was a program created to balance out student athletes lost the last time the university cut sports, like wrestling and rowing. Granted, the program did get some big money for a new field, but They didn't really have one, so that may just have been a ploy to make it look like the program was more than a placeholder. Technically couldn't they just have played at Toomey Field ? That was good enough for the lacrosse team.

    For me, it's kind of like, how many run down a field and put something in a goal sports am I supposed to care about ?
  • Descalso
    Who knows ? He might be playing for the Giants next year the way they're looking to overhaul whatever they can. Oakland could add him if they trade Jed Lowrie :D
  • Favorite university to visit for away games ?
    My cousin must not have been at the UNR game you attended. She and friends made a big poster that read,
    "@*!# Hawaii !". She was not an A student there.
  • Favorite university to visit for away games ?
    Alioto Rec Center ? Don't tell me former Aggie pitcher Joe Alioto (2000) donated a bunch of money to SMC ?! :D I'm sure lots of Aggies from the D2 era didn't care for the old Guisto Field. The Gaels would often slaughter them there, whereas the home games were usually closer during the years I followed baseball.

    I take public transit most places so BaseballatDobbins' directions were quite helpful. That trip to Moraga from Sacramento looks like this :

    Take Amtrak to Richmond (a little less than 2 hours)and board BART. Transfer somewhere (I forget where. Ashby?). Ride it to Lafayette and take the bus + I'm sure there's some walking too. Probably close to a 4hr trip depending on connection timing.

    I can see why it doesn't have hotels. While an owner would make money off all the visiting sports fans, they'd have very little business in the summer, especially now that there's no football.

    When your trip has that many moving parts it's a good idea to know where you can get overnight accommodations just in case. That's the reason for my interest in the hotels. Also it's fun to just stay somewhere different.

    By contrast here's the trip to Santa Clara :

    Anyone made it out to Eugene? Worth the trip ?

    Oh, I thought BYU was "Bring your Umbrella". >:O
  • Descalso
    I bet he would have hit 2 if I'd been there. In 2007 I went to only 4 Aggie games. He had 3 homeruns (only hit 4 the entire year) and 12 rbi in those games. Then the one game I saw him in the minors he went 4 for 5. Pretty sure he hit safely in both MLB games I've seen him (with Colorado) too.
  • Favorite university to visit for away games ?
    Haha, you went there :D.

    In the case of BYU you'd think its affiliation's practice of avoiding alcohol and stimulants would lead to lower enrollments since the would- be. parents would meet while completely sober. Ok, I went there >:O

    I'd say the tuition keeps the enrollment lower at the other WCC schools. Also it seems like they're just smaller campuses in general.

    Thanks for the tip by the way !
  • Favorite university to visit for away games ?
    Though I've been back since then I remember a much different Fresno from my childhood (lived there in the early- mid 80's.) The economic downturn must have really done a number on it.

    Back when the Fresno Grizzlies were affiliated with the Giants we used to get a lot of Fresnecks at River Cats games. Now that it's the Astros they don't care. I remember a college baseball game with two super annoying FSU fans.

    One was a woman who was chanting constantly during every pitch when the bulldogs were at bat. It was "You see the ball, bud. You see it, You see it. You hit it. You hit the ball, bud" When one batter struck out looking I glared at her and said, "He didn't see it !" Then she shut up- because it was the third out.

    There was this mid- late 20's loser who rode some rooter bus to Sacramento + had no affiliation to the team was schmoozing the student athletes' parents like he was a part of the team. I always make a point of keeping a respectful distance from the parents of student athletes. Treat them like any other fan. Talk about the game ypu're watching. If they want to tell you about their kid, listen, but only ask questions related to what they're telling you. Anything more is creepy, and this guy was creepy. Then he said something really stupid.

    He asked why Hispanic student- athletes have Spanish warm- up songs because "Irish players don't listen to Irish songs". Well, that was the slightly more PC version of what he said.

    If it were up to me I'd say no one should have warm- up/ walk- up music in college sports. There's no room for egos, and a lot of these kids pick egotistical- sounding rap songs. Plus if you're not a professional what business do you have making other people listen to your music ?

    Alost went to Boise in June. Had to cancel due to illness. It was disappointing.
  • Favorite university to visit for away games ?
    Well that just goes to further my idea that you have to be out of the way to be in the WCC. Make it tougher for the publicly educated riffraff to find them ? USF is on top of a hill, right ? I wonder if Gonzaga will have to leave now that Southwest Airlines provides regular service to Spokane ? Lol.

    Well, this has been very informative thank you. Utah sounds great, albeit not so great in March, except for skiiing.
  • Favorite university to visit for away games ?
    Wow, what an impressive list ! Is St. Mary's pretty much out in the middle of nowhere ? I did a hotel search and couldn't find anything within 5 miles ! Nothing even in the city itself. Of course there's always the possibility of small inns that don't pay to advertise on the likes of

    I thought USD had a beautiful campus when I visited. That entrance is a killer walk, but small potatoes compared to the uphill trail behind the soccer practice area/dorms. It's kind of funny their bball arena is named after Jenny Craig when I don't remember seeing any overweight students. If I had to hike around there to class everyday I'd be thin too.

    Just for fun I looked for hotels near Stanford. There's one for $895 a night. Thank you Bay Area inflation !

    Have you guys visited CSU Bakersfield, New Mexico, or University of Utah campuses ? Why ? No particular reason :D. I'm thinking Bakersfield is probably not a destination and remember someone on here saying Albuquerque isn't either. Bakersfield has a fairly new baseball field, but from photos I've seen it just kind of looks like a dressed up version of "The John" in Sacramento.
  • 2018 baseball schedule- Updated 12/3 !
    SAC released their schedule. They will apparently have to be road warriors in 2018- only 24 home games.

    The hornets' non-conference schedule looks kind of weak. There's 13 games against the Pac- 12, but very few against teams that finished well overall last season. Washington was ranked at some point, but they barely ended up with a winning record. And the early games against SJSU and Santa Clara don't look great either.

    It's a real departure from when they were playing the likes of Auburn and LSU. If I had to guess I'd say it looks like higher profile teams are avoiding them.
  • Week 5 games
    The announcers don't know what they're talking about. That's the most logical conclusion.


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