Richmond cop and former injured in line of duty Games at Hughes Stadium are like stepping back in time to the 60''s or 70's (or earlier), everything from the seats to the ticket booths to the concessions. This sort of follows since it hosted the Sacramento Solons baseball team in the 60's, and that might have been the last time major upgrades were made. The stadium is much older than that, however.
As for the game experience I remember hard, uncomfortable benches with no back support. I remember UCD had excellent student attendance, but the SAC State students mostly couldn't be bothered to show up. That was perfectly evident when people were poking fun at the SAC State band + Sac State in general, and no one objected. Don't remember even noticing the track. Of course I only attended two Causeway Classics there (2000 and 2002), so the experience may have been different other times. One thing I'll say is that the crowd for the 2000 game could've fit into Toomey, was not close to a sell- out on account of the weather.
The 2000 game was such a rainy mess that people were standing on the seats. I couldn't believe the nerve of this security guard who singled me out to ask not to stand on the seat. I said, "Look, I can't see the game if I don't. You want me to sit down, you tell all these other jerks to get off the seats. I paid to see this game, not a bunch of other people's butts." He left me alone after that. Typical security guard crowd control tactic they must teach on day one- pick someone you think is a pushover and exert control over them so you look impressive, and the rest fall in line. No way, Jose.