I heard Scott Marsh mention that Lan Larison was on track to break the Aggies single game rushing record. I was trying ti find a website with the UC Davis football statistical records, both team and individual players, but I couldn't find it. Anyone know if there is one?
Haven't there been several former UCD quarterbacks who were in the NFL for more than a cup of coffee and a handshake? Ken O'Brien, of course, JT, Mike Moroski, Scott Barry and ?
Just saw the final score. I'm disappointed, but not surprised once I read here that Larison was unable to return to the game. I saw him get hurt but hoped he'd get back. He really was the whole offense. It looks like they only netted 8 rushing yards after he left.
I was hoping that UCD would be blowing EWU out of the stadium by now because I can't watch the end of the game. Just hope they can pull it out. At least I'm stopping while we're ahead. Go Ags!
Maybe we're just lulling the Eagles into a false sense of confidence. Anyway, I never give up on my teams until the situation is totally hopeless, which it isn't even down by 15 with 2 minutes left.
No, I was leaving as Biggs threw for the first TD and then missed the 2-pt conversion, the onside kick, etc. When I got back to campus my friends first said how lucky I was and when I said “What do you mean?” They laughed at me.
I noticed that too. The defense got lax when the offense got a lead. I saw shades of Cal State Hayward in 1971 when I left the game because the Pioneers had a 15 point lead. I wonder how the defense would have done if the T-birds onside try had succeeded?
Although I missed a lot of the first half a check on the ESPN play by play tells me that our margin depended on just two plays: an interception and a punt return otherwise it would a 0-0 game. Classic defensive struggle.