What is ailing UCD baseball ? All could be well soon. We will hire for fund raising the Fresno wrestling coach who just got booted for, among other things, allowed a stripper into a party for recruits, loaned money to a player for “parking tickets” and a bunch more inane infractions. Now, we know Fresno State is not the role model for D1 sports or for any aspect of college sports, but this seems excessive for the NCAA to come down so hard on poor Fresno State just for a stripper party? At least it was a safe party, right? Last I went to a game there the guys in front of me had just been released from prison. We got the big biker glare when they found out we were not Bulldog fans. Not a fun experience. But, hey, a few strippers, a few donors, and we get the lights, right? Rocko, get creative! But, we have to hire local. Can we get local strippers in Davis? Doubtful. I have to go to Home Depot tomorrow in Santa Rosa and the Hooters is right next door. I will ask if they travel. . . Meanwhile Fresno dropped more sports, Field Hockey, Men’s Tennis and Lacrosse. Thank God for Stanford!