
  • Week 3: Dixie State at UC Davis
    Sorry old band alumni. I loved your service and talents. But I might suggest that the Aggie Band-Hh’s problems just may lay with the alumni of the band, not the current or former student AggieBand-UH. I have cousins and close friend who were members of the band. At a game maybe 8-10 years ago we were with my wife’s best friend who was a flute player with the old BandUh. And the Alumni Band was here as well. Their leader walked up her stands (Toomey) and saw my wife’s friend and said “there she is, she was so easy. . . “ she said Hi, but my wife was infuriated at this guy and said so. He backed off big time. Never came up again. BandUh had some big problems. Someone had to deal with it.
  • Week 3: Dixie State at UC Davis
    I appreciate Dimus’s post. He seems to be the only one who actually has first hand knowledge of the new band. Look, we all know many college bands have big problems with ridiculous traditions that “must be kept” and all that nonsense. Didn’t a southern college band have a homicide due to hazing? Wasn’t Stanfords band banned from games due to its raunchy behaviors? I think we should just move on from this stuff. For me, I don’t really care about having a crummy band, i care about the football team and we have a very good one.
  • Week 3: Dixie State at UC Davis
    Way too many awful Pizza Hut commercials. Thats about the only bad thing I can say about the TV game. I cannot over stress the performances of Larison and Tompkins and the great effect they bring to this team. Explosive players!
  • Week 3: Dixie State at UC Davis
    No excuses here but going against a 0-2 very weak team versus next week against a very strong Weber State I can very easily see an Aggie team looking ahead and over looking Dixie. A very messy win but I will take it.
  • Week 3: Dixie State at UC Davis
    Punt returner. One of the hardest positions to play next to DB. Why not let IT concentrate on DB and let TT take over as the No. 1 PR? I know, hard to sit a captain. I have to think after last game Hawk has to be giving it some serious thought. Frankly, I admit I did not know TT could even return punts before last game.
  • UC Davis Baseball Team and Coaching Staff Suspended
    72 and Blue. Ditto. Movie has partaken of the Trump KoolAide. No use trying to talk him out of it. Kinda feel a bit sorry for him. He has no political friends on this site. Lonely guy. . . . I suppose. His sports comment are OK however.
  • Week 2: UC Davis @ University of San Diego
    Maybe it has all been mostly said now. I know IT has been our punt returner for the past few seasons, but has he really ever done what TT did yesterday? No. Will he? Who knows. Get the ball into TT hands every time we can. Hawk knows this. Hope that he will figure out how to do it. I think he will.
  • Week 2: UC Davis @ University of San Diego
    TT is special. TV guys said it again and again. Probably he and Larison are the best athletes that were on the field today in SD. I hope the Niners saw Hawks new two point conversion system in action. It will work with Lance as it did with TT. The position players on the left are all deception. It requires an agile and versatile QB to work. TT is all that and does it for us. Trey can do it for the Niners. Great win!
  • Week 2: UC Davis @ University of San Diego
    No the Ivys do not offer “scholarships,” but they do offer very generous financial aid packages and charge no tuition at all if the students family makes under $65,000 annually. If its $180,000 annually, the student may have to pay only 10% tuition. Many of the aid packages far exceed what a normal D1 scholarship would amount to. I would doubt usd is that generous, but there are definitely ways to give financial aid to athletes without calling them “scholarships.”
  • Week 2: UC Davis @ University of San Diego
    Yep. If its like the Ivy League, they call them “leadership scholarships” and I believe usd does give them. Or something similar.
  • Week 2: UC Davis @ University of San Diego
    How do we watch this game? Or do we wait until tomorrow to find out?
  • Week 3: Dixie State at UC Davis
    Well. Let’s get it back!
  • Week 3: Dixie State at UC Davis
    The steam engine. A great tradition and one of my favorite topics from the past! I think it as been gone for over a decade. I do not recall if there ever was a real explanation given for its demise, except I recall some vague BS comments about “the insurance company would not cover it.” Sure, it might blow a gasket and let out a lot of steam, but put a 6’ construction fence around it and let no one within 100’ of the thing. Good grief, they fire cannons up at Reno and at numerous southern colleges. And they are safer? The insurance company thing is bogus as well because I know UC is self-insured up to I think 1 million bucks. I did hear that the Antiques Mechanics club is now defunct and I believe they did do the maintenance on it. But, hey we have a strong engineering program that could handle it easily. Hawk must remember the “Engine” and all the steam and loud whistle. Very fun! Hawk, can you put this on your “to do” list? Can we start a petition?
  • Week 2: UC Davis @ University of San Diego
    I think usd will be very up for this game. They apparently hold a very strong grudge against the Aggies. Why, I do not know, but maybe the Josh Johnson episode of many years gone by. Very adept Aggie Pack heckling had JJ very upset and try to go into the stands to fight all comers. Actually, it was very funny with the coach tackling him b/4 he could climb the fence. I do not think Hawk will take this game as anything but very seriously.
  • Biggest Aggie upsets
    I was at that game. Sochor called an end around to tight end Fortner that totally fooled UOP. That won the game. Fortner was a great Aggie player. Is he the AHOF? UOP fired its coach after that game.
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    It seems that teams that woefully note how many of their players did not play in a game and thats what cost “us the game.” These coaches are just trying to cover up for their own mistakes. Lack of depth? Lack of recruiting for depth? Well, whose fault is that? I think we left some players in Davis. Still won.
  • Former Sac State QB Greg Knapp Critically Injured in a Bike Accident
    I live on probably one of the most bike used roads in NorCal, Warmsprings Road between Hwy 12 in Kenwood and Glen Ellen in Sonoma County. It was part of the route of the last (California Classic?) bike races from Davis to the Coast. It is an extremely beautiful scenic two lane road that follows Sonoma Creek with all its windiness and elevation changes, but it has no shoulder at all. You go left in to a rocky hillside or right into the creek with a sizable drop off. Yet with all these problems, we have no trouble with automobile drivers. Most if not all drivers err on the side of the biker and with all the curves, it can take 5 minutes sometimes to pass a biker safely. Maybe drivers here are just more used to bikers. Anyway something positive to say for a change.
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    Lights for BB? I know a clueless joke. . . .
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    All of guys looks tighter and ripped. HR, LL,UG especially. Moms do tend to like that in their boys. Eat right or go to bed!
  • Opening Day 2021 - @ Tulsa
    Yes, Sam would know this. Tulsa was a very big and athletic team. They have to have one of the biggest offensive lines in the county. Well over 310 tackle to tackle. But size is sometimes just not enough if you play a very mobile opponent like the Aggies clearly are. HR looks quicker than he was last year.